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About Staff member
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Author:  Adamantium [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:27 am ]
Post subject:  About Staff member

Hi all lol I know obs dont have a staff can understand french =/ maybe if a gm can try find a guys talking English/French that could help and make it easier :) if someone have something to say about it
if i dont have reason or if its a good idea can u leave Reply here :arrow: well its ust an idea =D

Author:  conork [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Would be a good idea as it will enable them to say what they think more specifically instead of trying to find a word in english good idea !

Author:  Terek Molt [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 3:53 am ]
Post subject: 

I speak:
French - Really Good
English - Uber Good
Italian - Mother Thongue
Spanish - Good

Pick me! Pick me!

Author:  Padawan [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:05 am ]
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Wasn't there one in training ....Phantom?

Author:  Echo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:31 am ]
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I think if people are patient enough, a language barrier isn't really that big of a problem.

Author:  Cirius [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 5:54 am ]
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Just go learn english like the rest of us all did whos not from us or uk.

Author:  Von_Ogre [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:12 am ]
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I think if people are patient enough, a language barrier isn't really that big of a problem.

Unfortunately, many just aren't patient enough. It happens on both sides of the coin, staff members get tired of trying to figure out what some players are trying to get across and the players get tired of not being understood :?
Just go learn english like the rest of us all did whos not from us or uk.
As you can see, most people who's primary language isn't English who play Obsi have learned the language to at least a rudimentary level in order to communicate. The only problem is that sometimes one just cant 'verbalize' what their trying to get across and frustration ensues...

All in all, I think Adam is onto something, its a good idea, IMO :)

Author:  Cirius [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:17 am ]
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Ill just leave it at that before i get judgemental about those stuck up frenchies... oops

Author:  Adamantium [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:39 am ]
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ok cirius we will deal it somewhere i am sure know where find you :lol:
show me if my frenchies stuck up) will be mad or happy .

i dont have say to be an ass hole ...ooooppps O.o its a yes or a no its good or not good i dont speak for only me but for all frenchies on this game ... we are lots of french we cant explain what is our probleme Its not bc we are french we need to learn fuckign english u must try the french ( good luck) O.o You probly dont care you are never loged on so **** plz .... i want to know something always one like you come and break all O.o well ... if you wANT TO know who is french see that
Ox - Vanishment - Ereaser - Swampas - Xtremis - Roberts x2 - Bane
Alladin (banned) lol well we are more of ftrenchies some time we are just fench on the game so we need probly a gm could understand some word in french =/ its all we want and i have talk with everyone french and they want it so .. plz lol help frenchies WE dotn ask the World ! And terek i dont think u could be a good gm ... sorry O.o Because u never online and hmm well i dont want say more lol.. Phantom was a real good Gm for understand frenchies (bc he was staying with us for understand Sometime he wating hour for understand us and he get hm hm hm.... so now find a new one =/
it cost nothing to try someone . i think* and it will make french happy and we wont be angry because Of an Gm cant understand french and when we try say something true they think we are in faulth and its false =/ it will save time and ... alots of f*** happen sometime =/ :evil: well... we can post and check more and think about it (echo) or any other gm :P
Well i am done lets go peeps help Frenchies!! I KNOW YOU ALL LIKE FRENCH lol ok I Hope see more good reply :D

And for Cirius i dont have been Vulgar or Incorrect Just direct and i think have reason i dont have ask for know if you like french or no just an opinion about have a Gm can understand french .. oh well hope it will finish with good comment =/ ok im done :roll: and last thing cirius ( Where did you see we need be english to play obs? lol.. Nowhere I dont need go Learn english to play lol =P you want i teach you how train or hmm lets me think hmmm fight ? lol probly not =/ so that no point to learn english .. lol ok now i have finished my POEME lol Hope you all will cry lmao :twisted:

Author:  aimee [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 9:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Acually circus i think your wrong sayng they are stuck up because you dont call us english ppl stuck up because we dont learn french?
I think its fantastic how 99% of french ppl on this shard speak english aswell because ive tryed and tryed to learn other languages and i still suck :( hell i even done german at school for 5 years then failed :(
Everyone knows i havnt/dont get on with most of the french players but jeez i will give them the credit for the way they have learnt english and are still trying, like i said you dont see us english/american ppl learnng french just to beable to talk to ppl and sort problems out with staff do ya?
Im all for this aslong as it would be a very trustworthy person, or not even give them staff but atleast "hire" them for translation services.

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:03 am ]
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lol franglish ftw love :wink:

Author:  conork [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:03 am ]
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And what about thoose sweeden tarts.. dont talk shit about people from different nations its not nice !

Author:  Odysseus [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:14 am ]
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Im in to however, if staff need a translator dont make them staff, if staff need somthing translated they can page players who speek that language.

We all know that people who speek french dont get along with alot of players and giving a staff account to someone who speeks french (Cause we all know people who speek french have connection with restile and the little guild skirmishes) and i dont think we need another episode that we had months ago

So best way is to hire, but not make em staff or give them staff powers in any way or form

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't think a staff account should be doled out to someone just because they can speak french. If there is someone that can speak it and shows the rest of the qualifications sure, but we have seen staff accounts way too easily exploited on this shard to be handing them out soley because of a language barrier.

Author:  Adamantium [ Sun Jun 03, 2007 1:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok lets me show you something funny i have just mind to show you maybe you will understand more Ody ok ? Check it i dotn want to make you angry or so but listen to it its a great Story.

Lets Supose You are in a shard Called Ultima Frenchies ok ? and you play for about 6 mouth and you have good stuffs and you are alone english maybe 3-4 friend english and staff of this shard are French Like you said
ok? can you understand this ? ok i continue And a day a french from nowhere come and start behind a moron and a fuckign retarde ... you Page the staff ok ? You start speak and speak and the staff say you `Je ne parle pas langlais`What did you saY TO this ? O.o Can you answer me ? maybe not Because you have no idea of the word he just say . So You go on the forums of this shard and start a Topic called ( About Staff Member ) And you say Hmm We want a staff can speak french and english ( i mean a staff can listen and understand both of the langage ) and some one Named Restile come and say that...

Im in to however, if staff need a translator dont make them staff, if staff need somthing translated they can page players who speek that language.

We all know that people who speek English dont get along with alot of players and giving a staff account to someone who speeks English (Cause we all know people who speek English have connection with Odyseus and the little guild skirmishes) and i dont think we need another episode that we had months ago

So best way is to hire, but not make em staff or give them staff powers in any way or form

Good ? lol... i am sure not You are still alone and none understand your langage so what you do ? LEAVE LIKE ALL FRENCH HAVE ALREADY DO That make me sick seen you say that shit .. when its not in the conversation subject... Restile is Restile a Pker thats all Like ross - Ashes and others good pvper .. thye just know pvping Because they are old player so if restile kiled you that many time you donyt have to OPut all french in the same boat .. that not realy funny to see When you dont k now who ui am or who we are .. you realy dont have an idea of what i can be. Stop behing an colon and take it quick , i dont go at your post for speak about someone when the subject its about STAFF CAN UNDERSTAND FRENCH .. For french have half of the time to repeat for try make gm to understood you and almsot all the time the gm never understand you =/ Maybe some time Me i dotn carwe about that its others french are bored and want to Leave if you all dotn care each other leave this shard will be gone as soon he started . French or English or whatever we are Human at all not Monster to be Judged at the first speak .

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