DX Gaming

Obsidian is dieing, do your best.
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Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Obsidian is dieing, do your best.

Nothing new, as you all guys stated, obsidian is totally dieing...

So we need advises, we need help, we need anything that could fit...

IMO( and anybody can express its own opinion) I think that the first thing that should be done's bringing back races...

Races is something that it is actually basic for a shard..

I know, you can say humans are better or whatever but new players must have a variety of choises and obviously new player must be stimulated to play here...

The poof thing is cool, and the rune chamber too, but lately, few things that came by, obviously always imo have ruined the shard.

Necros were disabled, ok, they were bugged, but all the players who had a necro got a really big disadvantage and many of them quit, since theyr playing was mainly based on that char.
Well, before necros were disabled many players had one, cause of macroing necromancy, and that was because of a lack of staff online paying attention at those macroers.

After that, races were disabled, and that was a really hard-hit for the shard...as many ppl started playing and then after a while quit.

Cove protection bull-$h|t...
I remember back when I was in cove first times... Crowded as hell, and obviously bodies all over the places... Because not vets, or old players, but noobs were killing each other.. and well, if you stepped outside town, old players sometimes were there and waiting for you.. but since the first weeks u poofed, it was cool to hang out, and maybe to start finding a new spot where nobody could get you always as you were in town or just outside...

Pking was cool, those dungeons were crowded, and people all over the places running and screaming as they saw that red name coming towards them..

Lots of players obviously means lots of voting...and since obsidiano was sometimes in the top-chart, many people (As I did) noticed that name and joined the comunity...

Well, must have said something more, but I don't have much time..

But I'd like to know people's opinion, obviously by taking the thread clean and sharp...

And last thing I must say... When banners or ads of obsidian are added somewhere around in those top games sites...
You must underline that obsidian doesn't require any UO pre-installed... and that imo is a really cool thing.. cause sometimes people don't want to be bothere installing uo and patching it for about 3 hours...
And BB, please show up and bring those races back, or at-least give scripting rites to someone who actually has more time to spend on the shard, and obviously loves it!

Your words now folks.

Author:  Thorfin [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 10:53 am ]
Post subject: 

for the first time i agree with you, but hey just take a look, there are plenty of topics like this one and nothing and i repeat nothing has changed, so looks like only obsidian's players care about obsidian but IMO BB doesnt give a f*** anymore about it. my 2 cents.

Author:  conork [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:26 am ]
Post subject: 

unban all players bring some excitement back into teh game

Author:  Chaos-Mage [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:30 am ]
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More like unban certain players, not all cuz some of them destroy community with their cheating :?

Author:  druidmasters [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

i do understand that the staff dont have enough time for this and its getting really annoying for them to read posts like this

but there is one thing i dont understand: everyone, and i really mean everyone agreed: yes, unbaning some or all of the players generally could help bringing obsi back into life. but the staff is still ignoring it. i mean we arent talking here about creating some scripts or updates or whatever, when the staff really dont have enough time for that, but were talking about 1 second, maybe 1 fuking button click - ban Rmx- UNban Rmx..so whats the reason...?? i mean unbanning some players cant make obsi worse than it is atm

and no im not crying here dont worry im just wondering why are they ignoring it

Author:  Kraken [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

everyone, and i really mean everyone agreed: yes, unbaning some or all of the players generally could help bringing obsi back into life.
Not everyone. I do not agree and the last time I pointed out nothing really stops someone with a banned player account from starting a new one. If they really want to just play... they can.

Author:  aimee [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do u even play regular Kraken?
Im sorry and i know i shouldnt say stuff to staff but in all truth staff have these opinions yet they hardly play... Thass is the one who recrutes staff yet he isnt active to see who plays often to give them staff... the ppl who do get staff aint even active players so why would they be active staff? i knwo i will prolly be banned for this but im sick of the shit and ppl thinking the sun shines outta staff's asses. When in all truth the only staff that are active is Echo and Koldoon.

Author:  Odysseus [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Im doing my best to get new players, aswell as getting obsidian known. For starters the voting links dont work apart from 1, i tried the others and it said somthing about you need to renew your site or sumit...and i think the only person who can do that is bb so voting is out of the question lmfao

All i can say is ill start up my advertising campaign 8)

We can try our best but it really needs to come from the admins

Author:  aleksander [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

all good points. We need more active staff. I know of a few that would make fantastic staff, but it seems there is no one looking for them. I am offering a referral fee to all people who bring new players to obsidian.

This referral fee will be 30k for the person that brings the player into the game. The fee will be paid after the new player has played one month and has been active. The fee will be paid only to new accounts and not just new players. Please keep this honest, as that is the only way it will work.

Much to popular opinion, some people have real living friends. :O To be honest....I hated any Ultima game i have ever played. it was not my thing. BUT, my brother played it and showed me it and I was hooked. It was that easy.....I turned from hater to on for 12 hours a day. So just email the link to your friends, or talk about it a bit and get them interested.

So, the 30k is for EACH account. If you bring 5 new accounts, I will pay you 150k. So the more the better. Now, for retention. THAT IS THE KEY. I will give each new account a sum of 10k and will try to outfit them in armour and regs or at least help them find how to earn these things and help with the economy of Obs. I am personally willing to take the time and help each one of these people learn and LOVE this game.

I am very motivated to increase plaey base by 20% ACTIVE PLAYERS. I know there are a tonne of accounts....but how many are really active? So 20 % is my goal for the 1st month only. I hope to rely on staff to keep noob events coming fast and furious....if that takes training a new staff....PLEASE DO SO!

There are many really nice people.....and really not so nice people that really know what they are doing. I hope I can look to some of these people for support in this venture. I am not soing this so I can get more players in my guild. I will not offer membership to all new people, unless in time they request it. I hope that we can help these people learn for themselves where they fit. It could be with SoVer, or Order Lords or MOB or even St Martyr. It does not matter to me as long as there are more players. If this costs me 5 million dollars, it is worth it 100%. I will just have to work my butt off a little.

PLEASE DO THIS ASAP. If you have someone that is joining, get them to msn me with their info so I can track it and who has referred them so i can pay out on time, and also to try to verify if it is a new account or just new player.

For those who read this plese relay this info to everyone yu see in obs, so that we have a group effort in this. If I see someone really stand out at recruiting, I will try to come up with something REALLY SPECIAL for them as a thank you gift.

If anyone has info or advice for me or help MSN me ASAP......[email protected]

Thanks Maximus

btw someone needs to be allowed more scripting rights and a creation of new races or fixing of old races would be an ideal improvement. IMO

Author:  chips LL [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Max FTW!
being really optimistic

Author:  druidmasters [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:14 pm ]
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alex i really dont have time for so many things uve noted here, but i want u to know i respect u for what ure doing
i can tell :)

Author:  Odysseus [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I actually posted this link a few weeks ago :P


Author:  blob [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Obsidian is dieing, do your best.

Lots of players obviously means lots of voting...and since obsidiano was sometimes in the top-chart, many people (As I did) noticed that name and joined the comunity...
so you admit you had nothing to do with the creation of that smith


Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

Still crying about that candy that mean man stole off you when u were 3?
Life goes on man.

Author:  Kraken [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

Do u even play regular Kraken?
Well considering I only have a player account and this moderator account right now... that's top secret information ;) If I ever was to be given an in-game staff account I'd like to set a new trend of deleting my player account completely and you would probably see quite a bit of "Counselor Kraken".

i knwo i will prolly be banned for this but im sick of the shit and ppl thinking the sun shines outta staff's asses.
Actually I don't think that you should be banned for that statement. (as if I have any bearing on banning people) However, I don't believe that people really think that either...
When in all truth the only staff that are active is Echo and Koldoon.
There is other active staff. But, some staff are on in weird time zones and/or are invisible until needed.
the ppl who do get staff aint even active players so why would they be active staff?
Honestly, the current system that BB put into place is that you should not know who is both an active player and a staff member. So, there's no telling who is who unless someone leaks that information.

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