DX Gaming

How can WE better the shard?
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Author:  Pluto [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  How can WE better the shard?

I have been reading everyone’s posts on how we can better the shard by fixing bugs, bringing back races, necros, ect.. All of these are great ways to improve the shard. I was wondering if anyone would have some suggestions as to how WE can help the shard better itself with out the need for a change in script or codes?

Before everyone goes on a rant about how important that things that I previously mentioned are, I just want to mention that I know this and that’s not the reason for my post. I would like to see if we as players here could think of ideas and ways that we can make the play experience better our selves. Let’s face it; changes in code and script probably aren’t happening anytime soon. Advise/discuss


Author:  Odysseus [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:07 pm ]
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One thing that might work, well it started of good but i havent done much of it since :)

I could keep doing my advertising campaign, rake in some new players, get obsidian known. 1 problem is i do this via the lov guildsite, and ive done sumthing silly and ill have to take it down for a little bit but as i am telling you this im already working on it, so it should be up and running in a few days :P

Thats all i can think of that i can do to help obsidian, we cant fix bugs or anything like that. But what we can do is log on whenever we have spare time even if its for 5 minutes, But no matter how hard we try to improve obsidian the real work needs to come from the admins

thats all i have to say lol

Author:  blob [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 2:53 pm ]
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Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Jun 12, 2007 3:06 pm ]
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find a new frigging scripter!

and remove cove protecion thing outside gates and allow killing in town for noobs

Author:  regiss [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 3:30 am ]
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Author:  belgarion [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 5:33 am ]
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I understand what you are trying to do with this post Pluto but the fact is WE have done all we can to try and save this shard. Active staff and players included. But the fact is that ppl get fed up when things are not fixed and leave and there is nothing that WE can do about that. The only thing that will save this shard is an active scripter im afraid.

Author:  Pluto [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:00 am ]
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Thanks for the input. As I said in my original post, our need for script work is obvious so no need to speak of it on this thread. Let’s keep this open just in case we can get any more ideas. I realize that most of us have exhausted all ideas but you never know. Thanks again


Author:  raine2004 [ Wed Jun 13, 2007 1:26 pm ]
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You know, none of the bugs have ever bothered me so much that it makes me not want to play, now some of the other players have pissed me off so much that I wanted to quit- but the bugs are no big deal, every game has them.

Anyhow, since they are only 2 really visible staff members right now and they cant be ingame all the time to entertain I thought that I would help them out. I know that I can not keep the vets happy, but I can make things a bit more fun for the actual new players. Being a noob is boring, I am training a new char right now and it surprised me that I forgot how damn boring it is. So I am hosting a noob event soon, that will be open to any noob not just the fighters and mages. I am not sure when I will be holding the event but I will post with details.

And as for the vets- maybe you guys arent having fun because your too busy having a pissing competition with each other. All you do is sit there and bank sit- I bank sit alot but when I do I am usually training anatomy or something at the same time. Lighten up guys, go out and I dont know play the game! Besides there is only so many times you can hear someone tell you that they screwed your mom before it gets boring. :twisted:

Author:  Pluto [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 8:58 am ]
Post subject: 

You know, none of the bugs have ever bothered me so much that it makes me not want to play, now some of the other players have pissed me off so much that I wanted to quit- but the bugs are no big deal, every game has them.

Anyhow, since they are only 2 really visible staff members right now and they cant be ingame all the time to entertain I thought that I would help them out. I know that I can not keep the vets happy, but I can make things a bit more fun for the actual new players. Being a noob is boring, I am training a new char right now and it surprised me that I forgot how damn boring it is. So I am hosting a noob event soon, that will be open to any noob not just the fighters and mages. I am not sure when I will be holding the event but I will post with details.

And as for the vets- maybe you guys arent having fun because your too busy having a pissing competition with each other. All you do is sit there and bank sit- I bank sit alot but when I do I am usually training anatomy or something at the same time. Lighten up guys, go out and I dont know play the game! Besides there is only so many times you can hear someone tell you that they screwed your mom before it gets boring. :twisted:

I would have to agree with most of this. It seems to me that when new players come and see the vets and current players treating each other with total disrespect it has a negative impact on their opinion of the shard. I think that this could drive away just as many if not more new players as the bugs we currently have. Thanks raine :)


Author:  vlad [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:03 am ]
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yes... that must be the reason...

Author:  Charlie [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:36 am ]
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I have nothing meaningful to say.

Author:  Pluto [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 9:36 am ]
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yes... that must be the reason...
No not "the" reason but possibly "a" reason. To say that the shard has only one problem would be foolish.

Author:  Charlie [ Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:39 am ]
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anyway, i still think that,,, hope u will be a good one pluto =D

Author:  Koldoon [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:11 am ]
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Vote for Obsidian, and hopefully more players will come.

Author:  Punkman [ Fri Jun 15, 2007 6:17 am ]
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befor i played on this shard i visited other shard sites and noticed that they had countlists of who had voted the most that month. maybe if staff put somthing like this on the site and the top three voters or somthing for a month get special prizes

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