DX Gaming

Crohn's Disease
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Author:  CyberVic [ Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Crohn's Disease

For all those who follow my live journal (cybervic.livejournal.com), have seen my recent posts about Crohn's Disease, and have messaged me with encouraging words, I just wanted to publically post a thank you here.

The diagnosis did come as a shock and I'm still even weeks later in shell shock of having this disease. For all I know I could manage it well for the rest of my life and it could never have any serious repercusions on my life. I could also live for another 5-10 years and my body could start destroying itself. It really just is a game of chance and management now and there's nothing I can do about it.

Thanks again folks and some time soon you might see me scrubbing around on SserptalisS again continuing his quest with those who wish to help him.

Author:  Chaos-Mage [ Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:00 am ]
Post subject: 

I know you will be ok man, my prayers and other's prayers are with you. You are a strong man and a good person, and good things will come your way bro. :)

Author:  Emo [ Mon Jun 18, 2007 12:36 pm ]
Post subject: 

so we were bored and decided to find out some of the urban dictionary's definitions for Crohn's Diease... this is one of what we found..

[12:36] <Mack> !urb 3 crohn's disease
[12:37] <AL> [3/7] Someone who will have sex no matter how disgusting it is and it doesn't matter if the sex is with a boy or girl. In fact the douche pumper almost prefers sex to be nasty. They like having sex with girls on the rag and boys with full colons.

... sounds fun man.. i guess

(THE ABOVE DEFINITION IS A JOKE, FOR THOSE WHO DON'T KNOW, just tryin to lighten teh mood)

Author:  RvnScarlet [ Mon Jun 18, 2007 5:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

Damn CV that sucks, I have a friend with it and it's a tough one. I hope it's easy going for you. take care!

Author:  EMMA_GRACE_JESSY_LOGAN [ Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

f***:( I NEVER SEEN A LIVE JOURNAL??? good luck man x x x I hate shit things that happen!

Author:  Mariner [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:32 am ]
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I'll admit it I had to google it. I didn't even know what it was. But while looking thru the info I found the stats seem to be in your favor anyway man. Seems most ppl that have it go on to lead healthy lives. Good luck man.

Author:  Drizzt [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:06 am ]
Post subject: 

i am sorry to hear about your condition cv but those who know you know you are a fighter and i would bet you will own this disease and be able to live problem free.

you are in our prayers and dont let it get you down man you are going to be ok.

Author:  blob [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:45 am ]
Post subject: 

i used to have it sucks some serious balls..... talk to your doctor about Remicade think thats how its spelt... the medicine will kill your imune system so your body wont be able to kill itself.... also it will protect from the arthritis that always come with crohn's disease you may still get the arthritis but it will be much more bareable

also remember what foods they recommend to eat and not to eat... during a flare up that list will save you alot of pain.... also if you want to keep it under control new studies have showin smoking cigarettes keep it under control takes awhile for that method to work though.... but nobody has died for quite a few years from crohn's but when i first got it serious break throughs had just occurred which no longer made the disease a death sentence.... hang tough know it sucks

Author:  Thassius [ Tue Jun 19, 2007 4:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry to hear that man, I wish you all the best.

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