DX Gaming

Well voting sites are gone, torrents gone
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Author:  Kuka [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Well voting sites are gone, torrents gone

new players are gone, someone to help them is gone, one of the few people trying to help this dying shard is gone.. someone whos worst offence is abusing line of sight which is hardly abuse when you can use an orc to block the same way and somehow that even though there is no difference "technically" there is some instense emotion from staff against the idea of los in any form at all.. for any small amount of time.. Therefore my 2 weeks of work probably about 50 hours over that time or more spent training and training and training to get to 78 resist gets squashed back to the original 50%...

I spent i dunno how many hours finding and making all those toplists for you all.. I spent i dunno how many hours trying to make the new players stay even with all that is wrong with this place.. and i get something done to me which means i wasted all those hours of my life for nothing..

That is cruel sh!t right there man.

Author:  Echo [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

All the help is appreciated but no matter how much help you give the shard it doesn't make you exempt from the rules.

You were standing on top of a structure at the orc fort letting multiple orcs cast on you in order to gain magic resistance. None of these orcs were able to actually touch you, in fact they shouldn't be able to cast through the floor but it's a feature of 51a.

You've been here long enough to know what is allowed and what isn't allowed. No-one's given immunity to the rules because they've done tons of things to help the shard, if you just follow the rules there wouldn't be a problem.

It's the 3rd time you'd been in trouble in 2 days.

Author:  Kuka [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 5:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Didnt want exemption, wanted fair treatment.. Dropping to 50 prevents me from staying, and prevents me from caring. You chose that punishment for that crime then so be it.

Author:  RvnScarlet [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:29 pm ]
Post subject: 

Didnt want exemption, wanted fair treatment.. Dropping to 50 prevents me from staying, and prevents me from caring. You chose that punishment for that crime then so be it.
It's the same punishment anyone would get. Everyone know if you exploit to gain you lose it. Normally people are dropped down to 0 so you kinda got lucky there Mother Teresa.

Author:  chips LL [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:36 pm ]
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indeed, I saw you doing that a couple times my self man, not fair for other people who don't know / won't cheat.

Author:  Kuka [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

man i can use 1 orc in a corner and do same exact thing.. i wasnt afk alot.. certainly not so much as to take it all away wtf.. drop it to 0? what a retarded thing to say since when u make a new char u set the damn thing to 50 anyway.. yall can bite me..

Author:  RvnScarlet [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 7:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

i wasnt afk alot..
Wow you're dense. Did you read the rules before you started playing? I can get you a link if you managed to miss it. It's really not that difficult to follow the one about being afk.
yall can bite me..
Nah, you can bite the punishment and deal with it. It's only what...20pt difference? Gain it back.

It must suck to go to the trouble of whining about it only to have no one support your constant rule braking.

Author:  Mordred [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

making a f****** thread about voting, uploading torrent, getting new players or any shit don't make u a best player than another players... u're not a exception, u're a normal player!

rules is rules, follow the rules right and u ll be ok!

sorry about ur skills, but that happens...

Author:  raine2004 [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Kuka, your a idiot lol. The only time I saw you not afk was when you were attacking players in Cove graveyard- now damn! thats what I call helping players! I got a ss of that one if you wish to say that I am lying. Grow up! You are not the only one out there "helping" new players, so if you dont like the rules on this shard go somewhere else. You are NOT in any way above the rest of us- remember that.

Author:  Drakkar [ Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

OK lets not start a bashing war here!
He said what he wanted and got answered by a GM and a few players.
Lets just leave it at that.
I hope a few skill points dropped would not make someone quit.
But if it does I guess that just means they really didnt care to be here!

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