DX Gaming

What is the Most Important to you?
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Author:  GMBob [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  What is the Most Important to you?

Staff want to know what you want to be the highest priority, in an effort to more closely guide the intentions of staff with the priorities of those who play the game.
First, we will divide this into two sections:

1st section we want you rate these features by how much you want to see them developed. You have 100 points, so just assign them as you see fit.

The sections are:

New Features - Completely New Features, might be new uses for skills, maybe new races or new towns/creations, completely new item types. Etc. Basically completely new features that don't currently exist.

Upgrades to Skills - Such as adding new craftable items to crafting skills, maybe new fish, or new weapons for warriors. Basically upgrading existing skills without adding anything new to the scope their use, just more options.

Upgrades to the World - Maybe new npcs and new towns, or opening up closed sections of the map. New quests and world wide events, or maybe even personal quests that every character can go through.

Bug Fixes - Fixing bugs that currently exist.

Player Interactions - in-game events by staff, such as dungeon runs, trivia, pvp events, and more

Just give each section a number of points. They all need to add up to 100, if they don't, the ratios of points assigned will be used. This is merely to figure out how best to divide the time and energy of the staff currently available. If players think in-game events is more important, you'll see more staff around, if they think new features is more important, you may see less in-game staff for events and things, but bigger future patches.

The second section I want a priority on bug fixes. As everyone knows there are numerous bugs in obsidian, and 95%+ are well documented by obsidian staff. However not all of these bugs are serious, and some bugs that may be serious to some staff may not be to most players. So as a compromise, we want you to list, in your opinion, the most important bugs to YOU as a player that need to be fixed. If you have more than one, list them from highest to lowest priority.

Do NOT post a description of how it is done, or even more about it than you think you have to for staff to know what you are talking about. Assume we know of the bug in great detail, so just a basic description like "poison invulnerability bug" or "runestone trap bug" will do.

Summary for the too long/don't read crowd:
Rate which is most important out of New Features, Skill Upgrades, World Upgrades, Player Interaction, and Bug Fixes, assigning point values that add up to 100 to the different categories.

Then list in order from highest priority to lowest the bugs you personally want to see fixed. Example: for crafters, you might want a mining bug as highest, while pvp bugs don't bother you.

Things NOT TO DO:
Do NOT Respond to posts by other people
Do NOT criticize others or their priorities/ratings
Do NOT drag the post off topic, or post more than once.

This is taken just to get a general feel of what all the players feel like would be best and try to work that in line with current staff goals as much as possible. Staff may make the shard, but players make it Obsidian.

Author:  Terek Molt [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

New Features 40 pts

Upgrade to Skills 10 pts

Upgrades to the World 10 pts

Bug Fixes 30 pts

Player Interactions 10 pts


Invulnerability bug

Boats bug

Archery bug

Necromancy bug

Author:  Tax_man [ Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

(same i suppose :) )

New Features 40 pts

Upgrade to Skills 10 pts

Upgrades to the World 20 pts

Bug Fixes 20 pts

Player Interactions 10 pts


Invulnerability bug

Boats bug

Archery bug

Necromancy bug

Author:  regiss [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:43 am ]
Post subject: 

New Features: 0
Upgrade to Skills: 20
Upgrades to the World: 0
Bug Fixes: 80
Player Interactions: 0

bottle dupe

Author:  Mordred [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:01 am ]
Post subject: 

New Features: 50
Upgrade to Skills: 0
Upgrades to the World: 0
Bug Fixes: 50
Player Interactions: 0

Bottles dupe

Author:  Drizzt [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:40 am ]
Post subject: 

bugs/unintended, exploitable features - 100

Author:  gourd [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Fixorz

New Features 20 pts

Upgrade to Skills 40 pts

Upgrades to the World 10 pts

Bug Fixes 30 pts

Player Interactions 0 pts


races either (fix or remove)

small fish

Invulnerability bug

Author:  chips LL [ Mon Aug 06, 2007 7:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

bugs- 60
new features- 20
upgrade to world-10
player interaction-10 (events)
one of these things accually being done - 100
bugs to be fixed-
invul bug.
invul bug.
invul bug.
archery bug.
invul bug.
boat bug.
invul bug.
necro. bugs.
invul bug

and errrrr invul bug and anything that has to do with it

EDIT- i don't feel like re reading gmbobs passage, but I want new commerce (new craftables and fish) ALOT! because obsis economy as is, is super dead, no one fishes because no one gets enough fish doing it, no one mines because no one else buys, and it's pretty shitty the only way you can earn money is hunt:(

Author:  oldman [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 6:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

New Features 0 pts

Upgrade to Skills 10 pts

Upgrades to the World 0 pts

Bug Fixes 90 pts

Player Interactions 0 pts

Invul Bug (worry about the others AFTER this is fixed)

In terms of 'upgrade to skills' I am shooting for the 'new weapons' --> make some weapons that either hit or do damage.

You'll also need to 'upgrade' the healing skill by removing the shortened delay for Xhealing (just make it the same speed as you would heal yourself - maybe 1 second faster)

Author:  Mordred [ Wed Aug 08, 2007 7:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

well, for now i agree with oldman...

fix invul bug is the priority!

Author:  aimee [ Thu Aug 09, 2007 5:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

agree with oldman...
New Features 0 pts

Upgrade to Skills 10 pts

Upgrades to the World 0 pts

Bug Fixes 90 pts

Player Interactions 0 pts

Invul Bug (worry about the others AFTER this is fixed)

In terms of 'upgrade to skills' I am shooting for the 'new weapons' --> make some weapons that either hit or do damage and not miss as much.

You'll also need to 'upgrade' the healing skill by removing the shortened delay for Xhealing (just make it the same speed as you would heal yourself - maybe 1 second faster) also less fails

bold is just what i added to oldmans.

Author:  aleksander [ Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

new features:10pts
World upgrades:40pts
skill upgrades:15pts
bug fixes:25pts
new features:10pts


AOE through walls
reactive armour vs player
Deadly poison fixed for warriors
freezing in hythloth and other creature induced freezes
stackable cure pots etc
No forensic eval on cut body

Would like to see:

more types of ores
more types of clothing pieces
new map areas opened
Portals to inside guild keep gates, only accessible by guild members
new monster types, perhaps with new dungeon(maybe intro new creatures with world quest)

Author:  Mordred [ Tue Aug 14, 2007 6:44 am ]
Post subject: 


No forensic eval on cut body

it's most important to u alek? wow


Author:  Ambient [ Tue Aug 14, 2007 7:08 am ]
Post subject: 

Things NOT TO DO:
Do NOT Respond to posts by other people
Do NOT criticize others or their priorities/ratings
Do NOT drag the post off topic, or post more than once.
for what its worth it.
  • ▼ 30p invul/boat/necro bug fixed.
    ▼ 30p race brought back in.
    ▼ 30p new items added. (some for every type of char)
    ▼ 10p quests added.

Author:  Rocket [ Wed Aug 22, 2007 4:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Is there anything happening with this?

Sufficient time has been given for feedback - what will be put into play?

Or is this thread already past its use-by date?

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