DX Gaming

Fishing throught Bridges Works
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Author:  BobSteele [ Wed Jul 16, 2008 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Fishing throught Bridges Works

I can fish throught bridges if I use the fishing pole on myself at the paperdoll screen.

I am just assuming this is not intended to happen...

Author:  Dedo [ Wed Jul 16, 2008 9:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

so far ive noticed that I can't fish through bridges or docks anymore, makes more sense this way though

Author:  nash [ Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, they took that away too. :(

But I will have to try the paper doll. Maybe I can finish him without getting carpel tunel. Thanks for the heads up.

Author:  Dedo [ Thu Jul 17, 2008 8:35 am ]
Post subject: 

we can't fish through bridges but now you fish constantly in the tile you click for 6 seconds or until you catch something. its really not that bad guys I've been fishing for the past 2 days now. and honestly fishing through a bridge DOESN"T make sense where as in a mine you may very well find a vein of ore right under your feet.

Author:  Tax_man [ Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah fishing through the boards was tbh a little nonsensical, but i do appreciate being able to mine under ya feet still :) I don't fish much anyways tbh, it bores the hell outta me - tis why it took me so long to gm :?

Anyways bob do me a favour fella, go out and break somethin it'll help honest! Oh wait you're going away - please ignore tax's potentially criminal advice :P hehe, enjoy :)

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Jul 20, 2008 12:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wait someone who disagrees with me is making a valid point, quick delete all his posts!!!!! :roll:

Author:  Apocalypse [ Sun Jul 20, 2008 3:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

Me? If your talking about me I never said I disagreed with you, I said I agree 100%

Yeah, quit deleting everyone's post. I'm sure it's scary that players know the truth and your just trying to hide it from the rest of the shard. It's okay..I forgive you. Now PM me about how Broadband doesn't like my attitude, then delete mine and matt's posts.

Author:  corky1h [ Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  shard

Just tight and everything will be resolved in due time. lmao

Author:  GMBob [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:28 am ]
Post subject: 

Wow you both are retarded. I deleted the posts because another mod pointed out that our conversations was getting the thread offtopic. Notice i deleted both yours and my posts.

Heaven forbid staff actually apply the moderation rules to THEIR OWN posts, as well as others. :)

And you've yet to make a valid point belgarion, and i've offered you numerous times if you'd like to have an actual discussion, to either start an appropriate thread, OR to pm me. But quit dragging everyone else's threads offtopic with your bitching.

But as i've said before, you've already shown you have absolutely no interest in actually trying to hold a discussion, or even trying to look at a situation in a neutral light.

Instead you go out of your way to turn every possible situation into an OMFG staff are out to SCREW ME! scenario. This would be a great example. Instead of going, "Hrm, wonder why the post is reduced to discussion of the topic, and all of the offtopic posts are removed" You instantly go "wow staff hate me and delete everything I say because they're hiding the truth!"

It's pretty clear no matter what I or anyone say to you, you're determined to find the worse you can imagine out of any given situation, and you have no interest in actually trying to be objective. So good luck where-ever you manage to get off to in your now free time. Go make a good troll.

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 4:45 am ]
Post subject: 

So keeping ways to macro skills and actually monitoring players to see if they are AFK is not a valid point? Instead you seem to just want to get rid of anything that "could" be done AFK and those of us who follow the rules suffer for it once again. It seems to me that no matter what is said here if it is not agreeing with you to you it will be considered bitching or just "retarded" anyway. Perhaps you should check the server status lately because that is truly retarded.

Author:  GMBob [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Lets see, I already pointed out that the fishing through bridges has nothing to do with macroing, and is a broadband decision based on aesthetics, and i had 0 input on it?

If it was to destroy macroing, mining would have the "no mining under feet" restriction, which it doesn't.

As for your animal taming reference in the last page, if you'll notice nowhere in it does it say it is against the rules to macro on a tamed animal. It just says don't do it for the SOLE purpose of training the skill, while trapping the animal. The reason being is that it takes all of 1 second(out of the 6+ you have while you attempt to tame), to herd the animal away from monsters and such.

That doesn't hurt macroers. What it does hurt is the people who run UOLoop/etc and read forums/msn and claim "OMG i'm not afk!" because they have it at a glance over their other windows to avoid staff. Rules have always been pretty clear that if you aren't controlling your client, OR are not attentive at it, it's afk macroing.

I know shit is boring as hell and repetetive, not my fault. But ideally no skill should be so bad that it should make people even feel like they would want to macro it if they actually play the game. And as i said in an earlier post, i'm working on turning the more repetetive/boring skills into more amusing variants so that people don't even have a reason to really want to macro outside of blatant laziness. But that takes time, and there's a lot to do, so it's not gonna be done for awhile.

I don't dislike macroing. I just see it as something that if peopel think the game requires macroing, then obviously the game is presenting something wrong, and it needs to be fixed. However i'm not going out of my way to disable ways people macro, without providing them with alternatives first.

One example would be anatomy, which now does passive gains in combat, and once a few other ways are put in to raise it, will have it's skill gem removed. Mining/fishing/etc will eventually have area harvesting and a minigame, to make them actually fun to do. Hell, even inscription/alchemy might get some fun alternatives, I don't know yet, I haven't gotten that far.

Hope that answers your questions, and as always, I'm open to PM so this doesn't clutter up the forums OR you could open your own topic, i'd suggest in general discussion, to actually hold discussions about this, because we really do need to stop dragging everyone else's posts offtopic.

This will be moderated in 3 days, and if you want i can split it into an appropriate general discussion thread for you.

Author:  Rippa [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:20 am ]
Post subject: 

sounds good on the mining and the anatomy i like how it gains through combat makes sense..

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 10:36 am ]
Post subject: 

I think it should be gained through both combat AND healing if the gem is going to be removed. Perhaps that's one of the other ways you are referring to, GMbob.

(professional murderers and surgeons have the best knowledge of anatomy)

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 8:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

You could have dragons flying out of your chars ass and breath fire around the room everytime you smelt a dagger it eventually will be repetitive and boring. Macroing for gains is as much a part of UO as PvP or anything else. Sure you could go out and hunt for gains or PvP on a fighter char but how would you make alchemy fun and exciting?

Author:  Dario [ Mon Jul 21, 2008 11:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I agree with Belgarion on this. Cant even read forums while i macro? Thats realy retarded, training takes hours after hours, and you expect people to just sit and watch there monitor? Thats ridiculous...

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