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Not just here...
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Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Mon Nov 17, 2008 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Not just here...

Well today is the day of The Lord of the Rings - Mines of Moria expansion launch. The accounting center is down. The servers are down... until.. "sometime" tomorrow, maybe. Seeing as Turbine is now a successful mmorpg maker, and I along with thousands of others payed 39.99 to play this expansion and it still has "issues", it sort of reminded me about things here. How our admins have promised us a new shard with the things we love about Obsidian intact while adding some features and fixing some bugs and it's taking months for this to actually be implemented. It is taking a while, lord only knows how long before it is finished.

I've always been satisfied with Obsidians "customer service"... and to those who biatch, be glad you didn't give Broadband 39.99 today ;)

Author:  belgarion [ Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

He is still making money just for us logging on here for 1, all those ads on here don't get run for free and that is besides the point anyway what is happening here is something totally different because they are NOT letting us have what we liked about obs with a few minor fixes what they are trying to ram down our throats is in fact not obsidian at all.

Author:  IMissTheOldObsidian [ Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's what they think is best for us, which they do not know shit from there as.sho.le.

Author:  corky1h [ Wed Nov 19, 2008 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  shard

Yeah we have been told alote of bs for a long time. Think about how long it took to get this patch and now it looks like we were better off with the old one. And now everyone will get all pissy and tell us some bs line. But the bottom line is the ones who work on everything have to check with the ones who really doesnt care anymore. Hasnt for sometime now. I just dont see how obs will ever be like it was or better. Really sad. Reminds me of a post i read once. And in it it said everything has a life span. So maybe obs reach its life span. :(

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:02 am ]
Post subject: 

LOL Humor me for once Belgerion, sheesh. Really all the point of this was is that I don't really see the purpose for all this whining that goes on here considering the purchase price. I remember complaining myself though back when I donated years back like "Damn BB! I know it would take you like 5 seconds to change one little thing to give me donated status!" This seems a bit different though, it's a big undertaking.

And Corky man, hasn't somebody said like a ton of times most the old stuff WILL be reverted back to the way it was? I'd say maybe we will just have to wait to see what is the final product before we cry about how it's not old school anymore. I came here to play Renaissance-style myself, and can simply go to another shard if I was looking for something else. Here lately though wth the state of things, yeah.. I barely play at all. Pretty much just enough to keep my account active. There's plenty of other stuff to do in the meantime.

Ah man I came home last night hyped up to play Mines of Moria... the damn servers had been taken down for 2 and a half hours for a "hot fix". All the testing in the world didn't keep the masses from screwing up everything within a couple of hours after the launch. It did though, come back as announced at 7:30. I don't recall anyone giving any promises about when this newest patch is supposed to be fixed and running as intended. Maybe because he knows it's a promise he can't practically keep. Personally I'm more OK with that than getting hyped up for something that didn't come on the date/time it should have. Remember the big "October Patch"? Yeah, a disappointment wasn't it?

Also, as someone mentioned before about "Obsidian has seen worse times", do the rest of you not remember when the server just went completely down, without explanation, website and all most of that time... from like August until late December? Came back for a bit at one time, rolled back to August... yeah, I think that rates highest on my Obsidian gayness list.

Author:  _Iori_ [ Wed Nov 19, 2008 5:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

yhea i agree Obsidian have pass for worse issues then this, but like i say before this was a bad time to implement "new" stuff......... the problem was that they try to fix remove add stuff at the same time and for a shard that dont have a 24/7 adm, gms, and codes thats the WORSE think to make... the bst way was to change stuffs one at the time that was they fail

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