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Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema
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Author:  alexace [ Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema



The song starts a couple minutes in.. Good mind training to counter all the mainstream bullsh*t you get fed through all the mindless garbage in our age.

http://dprogram.net/2009/01/27/video-ne ... mps-in-us/

A new bill introduced in Congress authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to set up a network of FEMA camp facilities to be used to house U.S. citizens in the event of a national emergency.


Ominously, the bill also states that the camps can be used to “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,”


All we need now is the "Problem" for which these camps will enable the "Final Solution" to be carried out..

The Camps will be authorized once again in this tyrannical world history of ours.. I guarantee this bill will pass. No one cares. Just like Germany. Free until you are not.

Read the full body of the bill at the link above below the full article..

Here Azi & Thass:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaCtOIFp ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35cRCGy8 ... re=related

Author:  alexace [ Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBR-gHFf ... re=related

Author:  Thassius [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

To be honest, camps like that would be designed for Quarantine in the event of an epidemic, etc.

To even suggest that a nation would mass-imprison its citizens for no good reason is a little ridiculous.

The economy would crumble, for a start.

Author:  alexace [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

#1 That's what happens in this world. Control and power are wanted by a few, most people don't want it or to be under it, the few do something to make them want to it, then it's given to them.. Why do we need to have a massive biological attack on ourselves for? Well here's the answer... Why not just legalize weed, stop killing people around the planet who we put into power, reduce abusive & intrusive government, and create a fair global world based upon freedom of the individual and fairness in wealth and health? Because don't ya know we just got hit with another attack so sorry too bad maybe world peace next century...

#2 What would you care if you had no connection to, and complete safety through wealth from, the masses of people? You don't really need all of them.

Look at basic human behavior. Those who seek power over others end up running things and end up at the top of economic and social order because they are willing to use power over others. We see this everywhere in our world. Injustice abounds, everyone knows politics is a corrupt way of life in America, and people with real ideas are shut out. This is true everywhere really. It's about how much gets found out.

Everybody knows the fix is in. Everybody knows the bad guy wins.

You, controllers of Obsidian, even over something as small and stupid as a game still assert control as if it matters. People do the same on a larger scale in government. And the citizen to a corrupt official is as an ant to Zeus.. An official basically has to kill you or rape you before things get looked into.

I ain't saying Obama or anyone in our government plans on killin anyone in the camps anyway dude.. But if they are there and ready, if the wrong person gets in, or the right one in Eugenicists minds, or the right situation occurs, you don't know what will happen any more than Germans did with Hitler...

I know how people are. I know people are sick enough to do anything you can't even imagine. It doesn't matter whether you admit it to yourself as to it's truthfulness.

This is nothing but true stuff, I am drawing no conclusions anywhere... Just look at things for yourself instead of ignoring it all..

You can be charged as a terrorist and your rights taken away for any misdemeanor in the US. Can't you see this new thing they have made... Terrorist... We are slave owning imperialist nations, no sh*t people are angry... Peace would bring peace, yet we invest in war war war, power power power.. We pay off tyrannical leaders and keep them in power all over the world.. DO you see this going somewhere good?

Author:  Azimuth [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

I never understood why people go through such great lengths to sell the worst parts of humanity, while the best parts are left in a dark corner.

I often wonder what this world would be like if we all put half as much focus on the positive things in life.

Author:  alexace [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

It would be a ton worse.

The only reason any good exists in this world is because a ton of people have lived in misery trying to suppress all of the bad in it.

There's no reason to look at a clean spot on your window saying oh look how nice it is.. Let's all praise the clean spot forever.. Well there is an entire window and an entire world outside of that clean spot to look at..

I'm glad for the clean spot. You who try to be a good person and not one of the bad, I praise you for that. But the work is not ever done. Not until no one starves or is homeless while any place like Dubai is built or anyone sits on a golden toilet. Else in my opinion the whole thing can burn. I won't give into a completely corrupt, tyrannical, idiotic system.

Also I have spent hardly any time caring about this kinda stuff dude.. My interests change rapidly... I focus on something for a bit then move on. I see the big picture. I study religions, human social behavior, the mind, the universe and ect ect.. I grew up in a catholic family, community, and school but I questioned it logically and could pick out the nonsensical aspect of it from a very young age... I know the thoughts that are in the heads of people with the goals of the Georgia Guidestones.. As I do the ones in the heads of racists, god worshipers, Atheists, American Idol contestants, addicts, adulterers, saviors, preachers, liars, hypocrites... They are all easily understood, as we as thinking enlightened human beings have the ability with enough knowledge built before hand to place ourselves in the shoes of another human being, even one at an extreme of behavior you yourself could not imagine going through with.

Put yourself in Hitlers shoes. Determine why a human being would get to the point he did, for he wasn't born evil any more than you or I. You also cannot expect to really be against what Hitler and the Nietzsche Philosophy was if you don't even understand it and you can hardly be expected to see how it comes to be that a society of human beings born as you are come to allow what the Germans allowed.

That's why I really am saddened that people choose to argue with me and put me down for mentioning things that go on in the world we live in as if the cause of a negative thing is the fact that you mention the negative thing.

I know. Most people are nowhere near this level of thinking. It takes a Ton of suffering to get where I am. You would love me as a dictator of the world, but you will never get it because I seek no power and never have, want no money or wealth, or control and would be killed in about a half a second for various and numerous reasons.

Author:  alexace [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

Well maybe you wouldn't I don't know you and a ton of jerks would have their standard of living collapsed because of their work being worthless to a Just Humanity.

Like artists... You dun deserve a million dollars for your stupid art.

There are a million examples of this...

Getting rid of money all together is the final goal, no chips or nothing either. Until everyone is safe and fed no one makes more than they are worth to the whole community..

Of course none of this is actually possible because of religious divides, and racial divides and national divides and 50 billion other divides.. But it's an entertaining thought experiment.

And the horrors of today will make great Feature Films of tomorrow right... And people will forget again that they are no different from what we were.

Anyone see the daily show Thursday I guess it was? Dude was on talking about war and what not, he talked about speaking with a 18 or 19 year old kid who is a drone pilot. The kid tells him in all seriousness, and I understand this perfectly, that he knows this technology "will probably kill his own grandchildren some day" but that "it's just so cool".. Just a peek at how a great many perfectly normal human beings for this day and age think..

Author:  alexace [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

Take slavery. People and governments used it to build up this world you live in. It's been with us for an extremely large portion of our history.. Off and on but it is a common theme.. There may very well have been a better time for humanity as a whole than today. There is much wrong in the world you live in.

It has taken a constant struggle against slavery in humanity to get to this point, but we are far in the dark compared to what could be... Ignoring it now and sitting as a fool frog in a spotlight isn't gonna stop the gig of ignorance impaling the future..

The Bart transit police confiscated peoples cell phones and "lost" the video their cameras took the night Oscar Grant was killed in Oakland. This mans daughter deserves a Just society, not one where Gestapo tactics are the norm in what should be the freest nation in the world, where we incarcerate the biggest percentage of our population in the world.. So protests are necessary and if that isn't enough Revolution is necessary and if that isn't enough then it can all burn. All for this 1 little Girl. I have a soul Do you? And I am agnostic and don't really believe in a soul, but she is my soul and the soul of many. And those countless who have come before and died for the small sliver of ease and comfort we have during this spec of time we as whatever we are call a life.

"The United States has 5 percent of the world's population and 25 percent of the world's incarcerated population. We rank first in the world in locking up our fellow citizens," said Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance, which supports alternatives in the war on drugs. "We now imprison more people for drug law violations than all of Western Europe, with a much larger population, incarcerates for all offenses.


Author:  Azimuth [ Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy, but at some point the common sense view needs to prevail.

I know it would be great to believe that some unseen force is dictating our governments and their role in the so called "final solution". Everyone wants everything to make sense. It's the way things have been for all time. It's how we got the "flat world theory", religion, evolution, electronics, magic, and countless other theories and mythologies. Some of these proved more correct then others, but they all have the common thread of attempting to organize the world around us into terms we can grasp.

The truth is that the world is a hell of a lot less organized then we want to believe, so we come up with theories and make connections through speculation so we can add order to chaos. Human nature lends itself to expect the worst, so we end up with countless doom and gloom conspiracy theories that other people blindly follow.

People will believe that an elephant can hang off a cliff by hanging onto a blade of grass with his trunk if the evidence is presented in a convincing manor. We need to be intelligent enough to realize that not everything we read is true.

Author:  alexace [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

Except your disregarding the possibility that I am coming from that perspective before I look into anything aren't you?

You've said nothing. Congratulations. You are becoming more and more of a jerk.

People who get to the top of order and power don't stop trying to do things don't be a fool... And they have more means to get things done than most.

Again I Don't Even Care That Much. I am Not a conspiracy theorist. I would just as soon live off the land myself as have all this tech..

Things are very very complicated you are correct. You are the one simplifying them. You don't dispute actual evidence, you're only position is that someone is crazy, and if they aren't they should just shut up about it so you can enjoy your jerky life because you can't handle knowing things..

I for one can handle it. I care less than you about it actually.

Look at how vigorous the fight to stop gay people from getting married is.. Look how nonsensical and mean people are even when they have no or very little power.. They get worse as it grows.. Look at scientology.. The thing kills people, it acts like it's the CIA, it attacks and abuses people, and yet hey let's all just push every good part of scientology, and so you will get a world full of nonsense once again..

Ever see religulous?

Anyway, if you want to present any evidence on your behalf (which is impossible since you're position is only the negative of whatever reality is) than go ahead, but don't dispute me on philosophical grounds any more...

I can point you to masses of evidence present day, throughout history, and through the way people behave and think on personal levels and through mass movement that bad things have been and are going on, and that they must be revealed to be stopped. This is a constant you Cannot change with your words on this forum.

(Also.. Again... I Never Once said "There's some guys controlling our government and they're gonna kill everyone" as this would be a moronic and insanely oversimplified statement. You have come to those conclusions on your own without my help based upon the realities of the world I presented.)

That wrapped things up in a neat little package.

Oh yeah, and it's possible that an elephant can hang from a piece of grass by it's trunk. It's just very unlikely.. This is physics people...

I also hardly think you can claim I am using the part of myself that only sees gloom and doom to write this or at the time I take this stuff in (from government documents, mainstream media, experts who have spent their whole lives putting together knowledge I can learn in a few hours) as I personally don't even consider death a bad thing even though I don't believe in any afterlife or at least that anyone on earth has any knowledge of what it would be... Watching this stuff and learning this stuff is fun for me actually. Like you know, Shindler's list was an entertaining movie. Heartbreaking sure. Not worth what had to happen for it's creation, but I still see the areas of grey in the world and I still was enthralled in the story.

You are the one who sees only rainbows and sunshine or gloom and doom and it makes you fearful and causes you to lash out at anything which may tip your fine balance on that string of life.

But whatever.. Love to you and yours Azi. I wish a ton of stuff about humanity wasn't true too. We gotta stop dividing ourselves though.

Here maybe this will make you feel less down Mr. Frown..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaCtOIFp ... re=related
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35cRCGy8 ... re=related

Author:  Drizzt [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema


Author:  alexace [ Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

That made me laugh so hard :D

You always da man Drizzt... :lol:

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 7:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

I know. Most people are nowhere near this level of thinking. It takes a Ton of suffering to get where I am.
Just wait til the FEDz zero in on your brainwaves as they are being amplified by a tinfoil hat ;)

Author:  alexace [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

Yeah whatever I am so nowhere near crazy or paranoid ffs...

Go look at the Active Denial System... It isn't brainwave manipulation. But if you think military hasn't tried experimentation with everything you could think of you are diluted.

Again if anyone wants to dispute a single thing I said that wasn't pure philosophy go ahead. But quit being idiots for the sake of being idiotic..

And my "way of thinking" is just an open mind. It's not "hey tell me any stupid thing I will believe it".. It's just letting yourself hear information and not ignoring it as impossible before you have ever considered it or looked into it any further.

If you want to bash people for stupid beliefs Go Get All Religions.

Have fun with that.

Author:  Wizard_of_Gore [ Tue Feb 03, 2009 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Problem Reaction Solution - False Flags - Fear - Fema

Ease up now buddy... yr speaking to someone who doesn't believe human beings have ever much further out than the International Space Station (No manned Apollo missions), that most of the U.S. government should be mothballed, our current financial crises is due to creating money out of thin air with no gold standard, and thinks some serious world order doo-doo is about to hit the fan ;)

Just stay away the tinfoil hats man :lol:

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