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Author:  Eros [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Provocation

At the moment provocation is very buggy. Most of the systems in that skill are not working as intended. It's on the list of things to repair, but until it's fixed I'm going to have to ask that you guys stop using the skill. Hopefully it will not be long before things are working properly, but in the meantime let your friends know that using the skill is considered an exploit, and will be dealt with as such. If you see someone using the skill please let staff know.

Hopefully this will be temporary until the skill is disabled or repaired.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

what does provication even do? lol

Author:  Echo [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

For those of you thinking about trying it out - I don't recommend it. If i catch someone doing it - Don't complain if I nuke a few of your rare items or all of them, or some gold.

Stupid behaviour won't be tolerated.

Author:  Compvxkicker [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

Jeeze echo, always so angry!

Author:  _Iori_ [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

at least explain whats the problem ?

Author:  alexace [ Sun Feb 22, 2009 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

lmfao I agree no need to be so harsh for real..

Who ever uses provocation? Basically no one right? I asked for warnings about the stuff but that was taming which everyone uses..

Now Provo is like Satan's apple on the tree of knowledge.. Since no one with a life is ever going to train it enough to use it in the actual game.. So weird..

It's all suppose to be BETA so why punish us this way? why not just say all gold is void during this whole BETA and only training skills and stats matter now and inform everyone that another gold wipe will be done after BETA is totally done? That way I can have fun with provo since I'll never get to use it..

It's almost worth giving up my new newb account and starting again like I have 5 times in 5+ years just to have a little fun with this "exploit". Are there any events scheduled soon or anything? I and many other BETA Testers are a bit bored TBH...

Blade spirits let me sit around and collect cash too atm.. That's the way my mage is trained, cast BS collect gold, rinse repeat..

Author:  Kraken [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

Let's stick to the original topic.

Anyone who is curious of what provocation actually is, see here:


Now that you know what it is, you also know that you have been warned that you shouldn't be messing with it at this point. He can't tell you the EXACT reason not to mess with it because he doesn't want a lot of pointless exploitation of something that isn't right with the skill.

Author:  _Iori_ [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

i know what provocations does, what im saying is like alex say noone use provocation................... now that u told us NOT to use it BUT dont tell exactly why, well i bet that some ppl r goona try it JUST to know why, its part of the human behavior , curiosity....

and i think we deserv come kind of explanation , we play here were have been here for a long time, and still u treat us like if were NEW in this shard. i feel bad

Author:  Thassius [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

I will tell you why in brief.

Essentially, the provocation skill can currently be abused for hunting purposes. This gives an unfair advantage for which the skill is not intended.

Abusing a game mechanic for a purpose that it is not intended for is also known as an EXPLOIT.

If you do attempt to, succeed in, test, or otherwise engage in exploiting Provocation in ANY way, you will be dealt with harshly unless you have prior permission from Obsidian staff. You won't get any sympathy from me if Echo deletes your shit. And if you're daft enough to complain to Broadband about it expect to get owned.

I'm not going to tell you exactly what issues Provocation has. You do not need to know.

This is because you have been asked by staff not to use it.

It really is a very simple request. We don't ask much from you guys and all we're asking is that you leave a buggy skill alone until we can disable or fix it.

Author:  alexace [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

We're cool with that, it was the whole informing and threatening all at once really that was odd... Like, we didn't do anything so why threaten such harsh punishment? If you want us to not do something just say so and explain and if someone does mess with it then, do what you all want. Hardly anyone is going to see this warning.

I already really knew what it does too.. :lol:

Hell me and Iori are the only people that you know to punish cause you know we know.. That is hilarious.. No one is gonna go around informing people individually in game "No one use prov Now! Dun Do It Anyone!" every time they see someone.. A news post would be more obvious for people but then more know about something they can exploit so.. lol...

Whatever's clever guys.. :D

Author:  chips LL [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

muahaah they dont know i know!


,, dammit :(

Author:  GMBob [ Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

Any player, new or old, couild tell provocation working is a bug.

It allows you to kill with absolutely no threat to yourself, or evne work on your part.

Obvious bugs like this will never be warned about, and if anyone is caught abusing it they will be punished.

A simple way to tell if it's a bug, ask yourself if something is "too good to be true". If the answer is probably yes, then it is more than likely a bug and you should not do it. If you REALLY think it may not be abug, ask staff(preferably me in a pm), and they'll tell you straight up if it is. But don't assume something isn't a bug if it may be.

Also the musicianship skills are appropriately re-disabled until the bard patch comes in later this year (probably end of summer with the current timeline)

For other things, i am mildly unhappy that this happens on a weekend i was out of town, i am sorry about that, it is fixed now.
HOWEVER, i'm also mildly annoyed this wasn't caught in the past few months. I had a fix in place to prevent this when t4a started, but at some point it got rolled back. So players, staff, adn myself, we all need to try to be a tad more vigilant. Such obvious bugs should not exist. :)

Author:  Fate [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

How could we tell if it was a bug? Its a skill that makes monsters angry and thats what it was doing. I think its bull shit that my friends got punished for using but he had no idea it wasent aloud.

Author:  Dynamite [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

First off that skill should had been disabled since the first day if you did not want players to use it. Why do staff have to wait for players to find out a skill works and then just punish them right away without a warning that the skill is an exploit?
I agree the skill is kinda of an easy way to make money, but don't expect players to know at first instance that the skill is an exploit when you have it available in game to be used.

Author:  Eros [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Provocation

It's not the fact that the skill was available that was the problem, so stuff that noise right there. The problem is that people could use the skill with no line of sight, through walls and doors and anything else. Characters who were just created were were using the skill to provoke monsters that were 3 rooms away. The players who brought this to light knew of this exploit, and were going out of their way to further it. I have seen others using it, but on a smaller scale, and this thread was created for them. As for the 2 original exploiters: One of them I know for a fact knew exactly what he was doing because of his history on the shard. This player is not an idiot who would "not know" what he was doing. He's been here off and on for over 5 years and knows dam well whats acceptable and whats not. Anyone who has played this game longer then 2 days knows that a brand new 20 year old character is not supposed to be able to clear level 4 of Hythloth without getting whiten 10 tiles of a monster. If you don't know that, then you need to play a different game because it's common fricken scene.

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