Alright, so just finished a meeting with broadband.
We're going to have a more in-depth one on sunday hopefully and lay out a bunch more groundwork.
So stuff you all care the most about:
The vendor changes have been approved, we are going to go back to the old list-based system of displaying selling items. We might keep some parts of the newer system or even give people a chance to choose which one they want. More details as i take a look and see what's fesible.
The website is going to get some upgrades soon including the account center working again as well as getting some updates as well.
Bunch of other minor stuff discussed and a LOT of behind the scenes stuff done on the network/server side.
Anyway I told ya i'd keep ya updated. Expect another post on sunday, and keep checking the changelogs!
Also here's the latest traffic graphs from the update system.(Attached to post,
click here to see them).
Eventually it'll go live, but i wanna make the graphs look prettier first. But the numbers might make some people happy. The graph reads from midnight server time to the 11:00pm hour server time. For a reminder, server time is PST, so GMT-8. This should help people realize just because people aren't on when they are doesn't mean people aren't on.
As you can see, we have very few spots of 0 players online(red areas), and that big gap was the outage we had the other day. Before that it was almost entirely green
Other interesting statistics:
From january of this year, till today, Gold has gone from 6.5 million to 10.8 million.
The number of mustangs has gone from 662 to 630.
The number of oytras has gone from 114 to 138.
The number of pegasus has gone from 103 to 98.
The number of bottles has blossomed from 14k to a whopping 25k.
We've had a net gain of 20 accounts.
We've had a net loss of 14 guilds.
Memory usage has gone up a whopping 10 megs.
And a net loss of roughly 40,000 items.
Conclusion: Obviously oytras spawn way too much.