I get tired of searching the forums for the different commands.
I'm going to put up this list and and make it sticky.
I'm going to leave the thread open. Feel free to list any commands not on the list.
If any no longer work please let us know.
Any post after this one will be deleted to keep the thread clean, after the list is updated.
.toggleStatStats - controls whether one's statistics are visible on the new server status page. (Default OFF)
.toggleStatSkills - controls whether one's skills are visible on the new server status page. (Default OFF)
.options - will bring up a graphical options panel with all the current toggleable options for players.
.commands - will bring up a graphical panel listing current useful commands for players (with buttons and descriptions).
.toggleCorpseOpen - turns on and off automatically opening corpses of monsters who die within 3 steps.
.Skilltest - will turn on (for 5 minutes, or till command is used again) the skill test message,
which will alert the player if an action cannot gain skill due to low difficulty.
.CheckAge - will show the player the age of his/her account and tells one the skillcap for his/her current character.
.ghostRecall - when used while alive twice in a row, binds one's soul to a given spot.
when used while dead, returns one's ghost instantly to that spot. Usable once per hour.
.raceskills - Abilities are activated. One can use .raceskill1 through .raceskill5 for quick and easy macro use.
.healrate - will tell a player his/her current healing success rate.
.healreset - will reset the counter from the .healrate command.
.trainanatomy - when on, one will gain anatomy from uses of the healing skill and combat.
when off, one will not passively gain anatomy.
.MakersMark - allows one to switch between marking your masterwork items with either no mark
(generic master mark), your name, your guild name, or your guild abbreviation (if minimum guild membership number is met).
.underwear - No real use. Adds or removes the player's undergarments.
.afk - Puts one in AFK mode/ takes one out (will not save one from a anti-macro stone, unless Bob says different)
.help - brings up help menu for paging (free), runestone chamber (free), and Where Am I? function (costs 50 gp).
(TY Azimuth for the next 3 commands)
.bandageself -- When used will apply a bandage to oneself.
.packhouse Disabled at the moment (TY Euroman for the update)
--when used inside one's house will move all the contents of one's house into a storage pack present.
--when one double clicks the present it will unpack the contents and everything will return to where it was
--One must unpack your house into the exact same type of house it was packed up in.
-- you should unlock all your lockdowns and secures before packing your house.
.where - tells one the region name of where he/she is and the (x,y,z).
.hungry - tells one how hungry one is.
(TY Euroman for the next 3 commands)
.stopwatch - works like any normal stopwatch. Saying it starts the stopwatch. Saying it again stops the stopwatch and tell the player the amount of time that has passed.
.password - used to change your, what else, password
.sortpack - sorts the player's pack to a somewhat clean standard.
House Commands
(TY Aimee for the next 2 commands)
I wish to secure this - The targeted container will be secured or locks down objects located outside the house walls.
I wish to release this - The targeted locked-down item or secured container will be released
I wish to lock this down - The targeted item will be locked in place