DX Gaming

UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?
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Author:  drvonspawn [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

im requiring a sextant to calibrate UOAM, but the vendor that sells them on all other shards doesnt have any at all (or perhaps that vendor is actually missing because i think he sold boats too).

on top of that UOAM wont work for people who run in fullscreen AFAIK, which everyone knows you can only have gameplay window of 1024x768 so you can actually see things at a decent size (razor at least let you use a custom gameplay window resize for windowed mode and fullscreen ran like crap on OSI clients > 5.4 i believe :P)

anyone know how to get a higher resolution gameplay window in windowed mode without dropping desktop resolution? i dont think that would help anyway....

Author:  Azimuth [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 7:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

http://www.dxgaming.com/forums/viewtopi ... 31&t=12614

This will tell you how to set up UOAM without using a sextant.

Author:  drvonspawn [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

when i hit calibrate it asks for sextant codes. because i used that guide to set up uoam.

Author:  Azimuth [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 11:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

The last of the pictures was cut off from that image shack link, but to get around using a sextant you follow the steps listed in that guide, then when you hit calibrate, you use the cords on the top left corner of UOAM as your sextant cords. It should be listed in latitude and longitude format in the corner, rather then X,Y,Z format.

I updated the last picture. I hope it helps. here's the link http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/5503/29047278.jpg

Author:  drvonspawn [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

ahhh thnx, stupid mistake on my part since ive never had to manually calibrate and didnt know about that lat/long option. how about those other issues though? the gameplay window is too small when using windowed mode (which is required to see UOAM to begin with:) ). is there a way to force a higher gameplay window resolution in windowed mode? like i said....razor could do it.....so there has to be a way to do it manually.

btw: the links (pictures) in your UOAM guide show up with just code.....not pictures:(
i dunno why that happens....did you disable Bbcode?

Author:  Azimuth [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

ya, bb code is off...I just glanced at it and I can't see a way to turn it back on. I'll have to ask for some help with it.

As far as your window resolution....other then the options in the game (max 800x600 game window size, i think) your kinda out of luck. I have a 1080p monitor and I have to turn my native resolution down to 1440x900 in order to see the game clearly. Kinda sucks. If there's a way to increase the window resolution above 800x600 using this client version, I'd LOVE to know what it is.

Author:  drvonspawn [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

well azi, i found a way:) once i iron out this bug....ill share it with you but ill want some fishes and -int pots! (the problem is that its making the client crash ****AGGGGGHHHHHH****
ill see if i can figure it out.

Author:  Apocalypse [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

Would be cool if we could get a server going on UOAM.

Author:  drvonspawn [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?


Author:  Azimuth [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

The client version we have now is a bit higher then the version this was tested with.

How did you run this script with Obsidian?

Author:  GMBob [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

And here i was hoping it'd be a few months before i have to start forcing visibility limits on people who i know are using easyuo. Because you can get a LOT higher than that using the right scripts, and razor can go higher along with injection.

3rd party programs that allow you to do things that you couldn't without them are illegal.
Just use the in-game settings, It'll make life easier on you.

Yes it's a tad annoyign to use the "tiny" screen the game naturally limits you to, but do it anyway. It's how the shard's balanced and it's more fair to everyone else.

Author:  Azimuth [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

the shard is balanced to a viewing area?

Anyway...aside from that...

I'd like to ask that you add some kind of option for higher resolution. I REALLY don't like limiting my hardware to play Obsidian, but but I consider dropping my native resolution a small inconvenience compared to the time I have invested. Honestly, if I was just starting out, there's no way I would stay logged in longer then it takes for me to figure out that my resolution is hosed....and I highly doubt any new player with a large monitor (which 90% being sold are now days) would either.

Finding some way to accommodate current (and future) hardware would keep more players around....not to mention the headaches it's going to cause fighting with people who are being forced to use a 3rd party program if they want to use 1080P without a microscope.

If there's a way to add higher game play windows to the client, by all means, let us do it....as time goes on, and monitors get larger and cheaper this is going to become much more of an issue.

consider it an investment in your sanity if nothing else.

Author:  drvonspawn [ Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

then i guess ill delete uoam and easyuo. windowed mode is too small to see anything and uoam only works in windowed mode. as for that script i dont know how it works....it just does. if its illegal i wont use it. all i wanted to do was zoom in and make the gameplay window larger so that its like fullscreen...but be able to put UOAM in the place of the minimap. but i dont think that script was the solution. all the script did was make the gameplay window bigger....it didnt help visibility.....and everything was still super small.

that was the only thing i was trying to do with easyuo. so i deleted the code so whoever else wants it will have to go find it on their own.

btw, the script can force the window to be bigger, however the view distance does not change...it is replaced by black and doesnt show anything....not even players until they hit the actual original gameplay area.

Author:  GMBob [ Thu Jul 23, 2009 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

FYI, i run 1600x1050 and both the client and UOAM show up fine/usable in windows for me.
You do know you can zoom on uoam using scrollwheel right?

I will see what i can do about putting in some patcher supported variations a few months down the line if someone remidns me after we're started recruiting and whatnot. But the limits have been the same since the shard started, so i'm not in a big hurry to try to find a fix.

And yes, it's a sprite-based game, so as you scale the window up you gain a farther viewing range. With the right monitor and setup, you can see about halfway across vesper.

Author:  drvonspawn [ Fri Jul 24, 2009 3:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: UOAM/windowed mode issues/sextants?

ive never tried to see further than the game originally lets you. i run 1280x in windowed mode (ingame settings highest res) and things are smaller for me. so i just ditched the UOAM idea. im not worried about uoam zoom, i want uo to be exactly the same in windowed mode as in fullscreen.

windowed mode for me shows smaller chars, smaller items in sacks etc (my character is about 1/2 inch shorter in windowed mode at max gameplay window resolution). if 1024x768 was an option for windowed mode, it would match fullscreen and give no advantage....why didnt they do that!

it is playable but awkward nontheless. if uoam could be used in fullscreen....there would be no issue.
if there was a way to make the gameplay window larger but have it also stretch the contents (which is what i was trying to do with that script) that would be the fix. but all that script did was make the window larger and see further than you should.

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