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above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you
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Author:  nerdslayer [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

I think that healing is too much with this anat system and the old system was great as it set pvmers and pvpers apart. I think that if we had this put in again and have it so mages cant heal when poisned it would be balanced.

Author:  chips LL [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

I think there should be a way in which you can choose to heal just HP, or partial heal and cure status ailments (poison)
I think there should be anther product, available maybe to boost healing, maybe alcohol, should be consumed (poor alcohol over cuts makes it less likely for infection)
maybe to control which one you want. but the heal while poison should be nulled back a bit, not removed

later in the game, to coincide (if i spelled that correct) with this, maybe wep type specific damage ( broken bones from maces, a mix of cuts and broken bones from swords, and cuts from fencing burns or magical shock trauma or something LOL!)
to really put strategy in a warriors game.

but this is a different topic. :)

Author:  belgarion [ Fri Sep 04, 2009 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

I honestly think healing and curing should be 2 seperate things. Cure pots should cure and bandies should heal, that way you can atleast do some damage with poison in between the potion delay. As it stands poison is pretty much usless on a mage. Anat should have nothing to do with curing because there shouldn't be a drawback to gming any skill, the old way was just a bug that was never fixed and people stayed at 60 anat to compensate for that bug.

Author:  Falin [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 7:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

Its funny when magic users come on and just want it easeir to kill a warrior.

you have to think that wariors only have so many things they can do in battle..all there skills have to go to some sort of melee and healing. in battle a warior can swing or shoot at someone and maybe poison them..thats it. Mages on the other hand can cast reactive armor...which even after its lowered seems to do well against a sword...and can cast bears or deamons, can cast curse, which lowers warriors healing rate by 1 sec or so. they seem to be alot more even now than before. Mages were all powerful for a long time(forever)..then warriors had a run of like 6 months. Its funny listening to the mages complain they cant walk up and pk someone in 30 sec like they used to, becuase it was so unbalanced before.

Author:  chips LL [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

umm,, well nothing was moving in (forever) and now mages go through ups and downs as well as warriors and tanks,, its just the act of getting balanced

but as a note. i think the fizzle rate should be brought UP a bit just a bit, because the fizzles are far in between..
which ruins the point of the whole not being able to pvp with a warrior in a e wall thing

Author:  belgarion [ Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

Its funny when magic users come on and just want it easeir to kill a warrior.

you have to think that wariors only have so many things they can do in battle..all there skills have to go to some sort of melee and healing. in battle a warior can swing or shoot at someone and maybe poison them..thats it. Mages on the other hand can cast reactive armor...which even after its lowered seems to do well against a sword...and can cast bears or deamons, can cast curse, which lowers warriors healing rate by 1 sec or so. they seem to be alot more even now than before. Mages were all powerful for a long time(forever)..then warriors had a run of like 6 months. Its funny listening to the mages complain they cant walk up and pk someone in 30 sec like they used to, becuase it was so unbalanced before.

So the answer to having mages overpowered is to make them severely under powered? And actually mages were not that overpowered to begin with, there were a lot of good warriors who could hang with good mages just everyone else who sucked and got owned quickly complained that they were overpowered. Watching azimuth and Bm back in the day was an excellent example of what happened when two good pvpers with different char types battled.

Author:  Falin [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

Its funny when magic users come on and just want it easeir to kill a warrior.

you have to think that wariors only have so many things they can do in battle..all there skills have to go to some sort of melee and healing. in battle a warior can swing or shoot at someone and maybe poison them..thats it. Mages on the other hand can cast reactive armor...which even after its lowered seems to do well against a sword...and can cast bears or deamons, can cast curse, which lowers warriors healing rate by 1 sec or so. they seem to be alot more even now than before. Mages were all powerful for a long time(forever)..then warriors had a run of like 6 months. Its funny listening to the mages complain they cant walk up and pk someone in 30 sec like they used to, becuase it was so unbalanced before.

So the answer to having mages overpowered is to make them severely under powered? And actually mages were not that overpowered to begin with, there were a lot of good warriors who could hang with good mages just everyone else who sucked and got owned quickly complained that they were overpowered. Watching azimuth and Bm back in the day was an excellent example of what happened when two good pvpers with different char types battled.
Well if you want to take it back that far i have no clue. But in the 2 and a half years ive been here ACTIVELY playing, its alway been way overpowered.It is way more balanced now, read more carefully next time , i never said warriors should be more powerful just said mages were more ,then warriors, now I THINK there are very close to even. Ive seen some good mages take down p;enty of good warriors and good warriors take down plenty of mages.looked pretty even lately

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

No actually what you said was that magic users just want to make it easy to kill a warrior and i am telling you that was NEVER the case if you were ever any good with a warrior. That has always been the problem with pvp balance on this shard is noone truly wants a balanced pvp system they want an advantage for their preffered type of char. And if you think pvp is more balanced now then it ever was that just proves you have no idea what you are talking about.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Sep 27, 2009 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

actually belg compared to like a few months ago.. it really is pretty damn balanced lol
warriors and mages win.. so w,e anyone says its close...
warriors actually are probably a bit over powered.
when a good warrior comes bak to really pvp like azi or something there gonna rock some ass hard....

Author:  Falin [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

well i guess acording to you, there hasent been a good warrior on for 2 and a half years then. And yes, warrior were way overpowered since t4a started...no doubt there. The only time i saw some sweet warrior mage fight was at an event a month or two before t3a crashed, at an event. Deathdealer and dracula were in a GIANT battle with a couple of mages in team ffa. There were summonings all over, was awesome battle. Wish i could remember more but it lasted FOREVER, and i never did see end. But then again that was at event where there mages couldnt use there bugs, which probably most of my experience with mages, bugs were used alot back then still. So in hind sight, you could be right that they were balanced back then without bugs...but that was rare where they werent being used.

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

Again the bug that was used back then had nothing to do with warrior vs mage. It only worked when it was mage vs mage. And the point is the only way to get a truly balanced pvp system is to get info from only people that really know what they are talking about and ignore the whiners that want to just have it easy.

Author:  Falin [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

i was thinking of the poison invul bug...and it was mage vs 2 gm warriors....mage won ...in a wall.

well mage lasted about 5 min till his help..another mage showed up..then he won.

im just noting my expereinces here.

Author:  belgarion [ Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

the poison invul bug only made you invulnerable to spells which is why i said it only worked mage vs mage. And if a mage fought 2 warriors in a wall and 1 it is because 1. the mage was really good. 2. the warriors sucked. Or maybe even both.

Author:  Falin [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

sry all they were doing is swinging...there should havebeen no way that could have happened legit.

Author:  chips LL [ Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: above 60 anat would only cure poisen and not heal you

sorry falin but agree with belg...
2 warriors in a e wall working on the same side has been one of the best combos around for a long time....
remeber the x heal was like 1 sec for them for a while...

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