DX Gaming

Wep drop rates
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Author:  _Venom_ [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Wep drop rates

Are ridiculous. If I'm lucky i will get 1 MAYBE 2 in a long hunt. 3/4 times i get a bag its armor. I'm breaking weps faster than i can replace them or even earn enough gold to buy more. Either take out the armor drops completely, lower them significantly, or up the drop rate by a decent amount. I think others will agree with me.

Author:  chips LL [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

i concur..

umm i think that means agree... but if it doesnt i ment to say i agree!

(joking) but i really do agree

Author:  Euroman [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

Ya I am having the same problem. I have 3 full sets now of that defense armour. I go hunting and break at
least 3 BA before I actually replace it with another BA or some sort of sword weapon.

Completely agree with Venom.

Author:  blob [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

yeah... i kinda get the feeling that the loot tables for magic items is a little off....

Author:  maher [ Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

agreed.. and i think that magic weapons breaks so fast.. i had an unsed xbow of lightning.. when i first used it, it got dmged and lowered so quickly

Author:  GMBob [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

I guess the best way to answer this is just with the raw data.
So here's the current batch of statistics since the last adjustment.

The only thing that isn't performing according to spec is swords are dropping more than other weapons. But honestly, i get the feeling people prefer it that way, so i haven't bothered tracking it down.

The break rates are on a diff set of statistics that i currently don't have in an easy format, but if people really want them i can try to get them ready in a week or two.

But suffice to say the amount of weapons being created and destroyed are about what i was wanting in the system balance. No longer does everyone amass hoardes of weapons and everyone has top tier stuff. Those who want to use a specific weapon, more often than not, have to trade with others. Likewise I've seen a lot of other people hunt with previously nonstandard weapons and speak relatively good of them, so it is getting the diversity out there.

About the data itself, I'm not going to answer many questions on it. These are from my balance readouts and already have quite a bit of info cut out, but i left in what i felt would help people who need numbers to figure out a system. You all can speculate all you want about a lot of it though.

I will point out some common assumptions though:

There are a LOT more ruin weapons dropping than anything else, this is because there are a LOT more ruin dropping monsters being killed than anything else.
The %s are what you really want to care about, and keep in mind the less kills there are, the less accurate a given % is.
Chainmail + platemail %s = armor drop rates. Shields are considered platemail by the system currently I believe.
As you can see, since last reset there have been 884 new magic drops into the system, with 75% of it being weapons so at least over 600 weapons. I doubt anywhere near that many have broken.
Vanqs are purposefully not shown on this list.

Author:  Euroman [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates


Author:  belgarion [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

I don't really have much to say here because i haven't been hunting, except to say that if it was 1 or 2 players complaining i would understand but seeing that everyone is complaining i would say that something is wrong despite what the figures say.

Author:  Azimuth [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

I wonder if the problem is with how the difficulty of monsters is categorized. If monsters are being grouped into the wrong categories (too many monster types in category 1, not enough in the other 4 categories), then the data that we are getting this information from is skewed.

From what I see there, I'm making an assumption that skeletons, mongbats, and headless are in the same category as water, earth, and fire elementals. If this is true, then the % for category 1 should be much lower, and category 2 should be higher...however....even with a higher % in category 2, the amount of crappy weapons will remain the same....I believe this is where the complaints come from.

Author:  Voidd [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

aren't there vanq weps?

Author:  Euroman [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

Personally I would like more explinations without graphs or items that I personally do not understand.

I understood most of this, but the attachments I honestly cannot grasp correctly.

Author:  _Venom_ [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

Well, I just went and solo'd the Dracoliche 3 times. Guess how many weapons i got? If you guessed 0 your right.

Author:  Azimuth [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

If I read that right, you have a 1 in about 17 chance of getting a drop from a level 5 monster.....only 14 more to go and you should have something good.

But ya, level 5 should be closer to 1 in 8.

Author:  chips LL [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

ya honestly lvl 1-5 monsters means little when we don't know what those monsters are...
im guessing the only level 5 monsters, are shadow and or ice...

because the only vanq wep i got was from a shadow snow dracoliche.....
+ theres no way that 71% wep vrs 29 armor holds true...
I am not on alot any more but i haven't been off that much...
that would sound right if it was flipped. maybe you put the code that logs this or displays the info in wrong, because it sounds correct if you flip that stat around.

but like azi said.. it's not just 1 or 2 people complaining... everyone agrees.... we have no players that posted so far that disagree..

Author:  Euroman [ Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wep drop rates

Personally I see more armor drops than I see weapons. I barely even see ruin weapons now off even the
low level monsters. I actually have to sit there and hope that the monster either turn snow or shadow.

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