DX Gaming

Necro AFKers/Spammers
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Author:  nosympathy [ Wed Dec 16, 2009 10:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Necro AFKers/Spammers

Okay Im honestly getting sick and tired of entering certain areas of Obsidian and crashing because of AFK necros that are macroing there retarded Light Spell. As I speak the lag on the whole shard seems to be getting worse the more necros are created.

Raptor - Macros the shit out of it to the point where he is a) almost 50 necro and b) 90 med. He also lags the area to the point where I either crash or it takes me 5 min to get out.

Dark Arts - Is some dumbass n00b that sits at cove outside the gates and macros constantly. The second I enter the place I either crash or I lag like crazy!

Necros have become a FKING issue that Im tired of. All they do is macro and spam the shit out of light. I hate logging on and lagging because Im near a afker training his stupid skill.

This needs to be stopped. Im gonna start posting and Paging in-game with people that are macroing this skill. It shouldnt be allowed and its causing issues with the whole shard.

Why the hell did we even consider adding necros and only allowing them 10%? Should be 50 so they cant spam that ridiculous spell anymore!

Author:  chips LL [ Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

i doubt its light spell lagging you,,, that doesn't even make sense.... with one necro I dont get lag at all and i macro it...

dont blame them or waist staffs time by paging... unless there afk of course...

but like i said dont blame them, they want a necro, and thats the only way to get it.. so wtf are they gonna do? not train it because it annoys you? get real....

as far as necros starting at 10, i agree, its ridiculous seeing the limited spells to train with, but thats a different issue.

Author:  nosympathy [ Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

No its the light spell. They spam it to the point that there are 50 light spells on top of one another.

Of course I wont page unless AFK, but I want this looked into because its getting ridiculous!

Author:  aimee [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

NoSympathy, practise what you preach. Afk training magery at the bank :P Should I page? hehehe

Author:  nosympathy [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

Ya I will admit I was afk. But I wasnt training anything. I honestly cant macro magery or med because EZUO or those other macros (besides uoloop). I was afk, but wasn't training anything, honest.

When I do I have to be near the computer in order to cast the spell and start the med macro.

Author:  Diablo [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 1:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

you like to run your mouth don't you and you was accusing me of doing it lolz.
but yea bob i think you should just delete necros because nosympathy isnt happy and is lagging :roll:

Author:  Hemlock [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

Its not are fault.. We have to train that until we have to hit 25 nec and i might still use it :P and its me thats doing it outside of cove..

But Doom does in in the most stupid spot iv seen. In that little spot where that gate to vesper is in cove. It lags me when i got it around me but i always lag so ya..

Author:  nosympathy [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

you like to run your mouth don't you and you was accusing me of doing it lolz.
but yea bob i think you should just delete necros because nosympathy isnt happy and is lagging :roll:
Did I accuse you? Unless you are Dark Arts. If I remember correctly your necro is Vegeta. So no I didnt accuse you of anything.

Author:  chips LL [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

you guys connection must suck, because it doesn't lag me in the slightest...

well if its not coding side error... and its items your computer has to load or w.e..

anyway i am training light till i least atleast 30, because the other spells take to much mana to get any usefull training in with, at 25 atleast... and the other spells aren't going to be used in real in game situations because necros are useless (as pvp characters) until they GM necro IMO and or get 80 magery..

Author:  nosympathy [ Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Necro AFKers/Spammers

I dont care if they use the spell away from towns or places where a lot of people traffic.

They places where I seem to crash constantly is in Cove. They either spam it in the Cove GY near the portals and I crash when I enter them. Or they spam the spell outside Cove gates where, yet again, I crash and have to log back in.

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