DX Gaming

Feeding Pets
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Author:  dygytylace [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 5:08 am ]
Post subject:  Feeding Pets

why do my bears only eat fruits and vegetables. i girl i know says, "you dont get this big eating salads." Bears are omnivores, for you ignorant people out there, that means they eat both plants and animals, like humans. Bears are also notorious for scavenging. Why are you not supposed to leave your garbage exposed when you go camping??? Oh, thats right, cuz bears will destroy your campsite to get to that garbage. Which seems to be making my point, that if its food on obsidian, including wheat and hay, cuz yes, bears will eat those too. They are like pigs and humans and dogs and many other animals that will eat absolutely anything if they are hungry. Save for grass. Cows are unique like that with their 7 stomachs.

And what the hell good are feast fish. they dont fill you up like a roast pig, they're more like an annoyance than anything else. you cant sell em, you cant feed em to your pets, raw or cooked. and yes, you only need to eat one, but then an hour later you can (dont need to) eat another. Where as a roast pig, you cant eat again for a looooonnnnnggggg time. soooo IMO get rid of the feast fish, or make them feedable to more than just chars.

Author:  chips LL [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Feeding Pets

agreed with the make feast fish more usefull

BUT i beilieve no matter what food a character eats, it'll turn out the same amount of time to get down or w,e

i think its done by like food slots
you lose 1 food slot in x amount of time you have y amount of food slots and z amount you currently have filled on your character

so you get a percentage -
how many y out of Z = percentage, and this percentage determines your status. i.e full, stuffed, hungry ,starving

if the math equation is wrong, IDC because it wasnt displayed for the math equation, just the system i believes in.. the same effective system can be made simpler by using subtraction... so ya w.e

Author:  dygytylace [ Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Feeding Pets

I guess you haven't eaten a roast pig lately.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Feeding Pets

oh, and some take up multiple slots,,,,forgot to mention that lol

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