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 Post subject: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 4:51 am 
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I dont think its very fair on pvm mages how many monsters now cast mass dispell and how often they cast it. Mass dispel along with the mana drain they cast sucks.
Please can we have it so they dont cast mass dispel? Or even so they cast it less.
The Drac and lady succabus cast it ALOT.
Not only the mass dispeling of you as a deamon, you then run and wall yourself to get mana and repoly... and they mass dispel and bang all your walls are gone....

 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:06 am 
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I second this proposal. The slogan shall be...


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 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 3:05 pm 
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Litches keep casting it on me its annoying lol somthing such a low level shouldent cast it.

A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 5:10 pm 
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Agreed, monsters casting mass dispel sucks bigtime.

 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:08 am 
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It is part of the counterbalance to the polymorph's massive PvM abilities.
That being said, i always thouht it was a bit rediculous that one spell can dispel so much, so here's three options i've come up with.
1. Dispel takes away hitpoints from polymorphs, and when your hp is equal or less than your original form, it dispels.
2. Dispel takes away mana from polymorphs, and when mana = 0, you get dispelled.
3. Dispel strips away spells, depending on skill-level.
EX Gm mage might be able to strip away 2 level 3 buffs and a level 5 buff, or 1 level 7 buff, while a lesser mage might only be able to strip away a level 5 buff, or 2 level 2 buffs.

In each of these instances, it would take multiple dispels to bring a daemon back to human, unless they were already weakened/low on mana.

This would affect both PvM and PvP.
Which option is more liked, and for what reasons. If you have a third option, let's hear it.

 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 10:32 am 
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Well I liked ideas 1 and 3 the best. After some thinking I choose option 3 as my favourite.
I think this would balance pvp more than option 1.
If i think of any ideas of my own I will post them.

 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 8:37 pm 
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well I think PVM mages are already strong pvm wise, why make them harder PvP wise? no one was complaining about the balance before.
people complained about MONSTERS in PVM and the consistancy they cast at,, nothing to do with a normal person dispelling.

a PVM with med will be like unstoppable....
i vote stay the same

king of the run on sentence.

 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:30 am 
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well i think the dispell should take a poly out. but not mass dispell. especially with a wall around you. that is fair that a mage has to be able to target you instead of be in the same area. cant we just slow monsters casting it soooo much?

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 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 2:10 am 
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Id be happy with monsters not casting it so much. I can be hunting... get dispelled so run... then takes me ages to get mana and polly again... i walk onto the same screen as the monster and it dispell's again.
I dont mind being dispelled by players as that is part of pvp, but when u cant hunt certain places, or when you try to solo bosses which is hard enough to do, it then dispells you every 2 minutes.

 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 10:22 am 
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Maybe restrict monsters from casting mass dispel? Would that make everyone happy?

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 Post subject: Re: Mass Dispel
PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 7:00 pm 
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It is part of the counterbalance to the polymorph's massive PvM abilities.
That being said, i always thouht it was a bit rediculous that one spell can dispel so much, so here's three options i've come up with.
1. Dispel takes away hitpoints from polymorphs, and when your hp is equal or less than your original form, it dispels.
2. Dispel takes away mana from polymorphs, and when mana = 0, you get dispelled.
3. Dispel strips away spells, depending on skill-level.
EX Gm mage might be able to strip away 2 level 3 buffs and a level 5 buff, or 1 level 7 buff, while a lesser mage might only be able to strip away a level 5 buff, or 2 level 2 buffs.

In each of these instances, it would take multiple dispels to bring a daemon back to human, unless they were already weakened/low on mana.

This would affect both PvM and PvP.
Which option is more liked, and for what reasons. If you have a third option, let's hear it.

I don't find polymorph's pvm abilities all that massive anymore, in fact they are about half of what they were in t3a. Now as far as your solutions..... taking hitpoints away and then dispelling you will pretty much guarentee you die. For places like hyloth where they cast mana drain on you constanly you might as well go there unpollied because most of the time you will be with option 2. Option 3 basically takes away your buffs so your pvm will be even less effective. My option would be to just get rid of mob's casting dispel period because people who have spent countless hours perfecting their pvm maghes have suffered enough.

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