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PostPosted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 9:51 pm 
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Joined: Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:06 pm
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Many people started to insult me in my open court forum writing bull shit...

The fact is Gm bob made an open court for me to talk and to know if players, Gms and staffs things the invul area was Obvious bug and I if I should get my 100 hrs work back ...

U have to consider the fact that 95% of Ultima Online Shard allow players to play and pvp around invul area.... How could I know Obsidian called this feature a bug...

How come Thassius permanently ip banned me from my open court and how come he didnt let Gm bob say the final Word!!!Will he give my skills back!!!

Cant belive there retard that came in this forum tell me bull shit and insult while they doesnt have any pvm or pvp players or crafter in ObsidianSHard...

The worst is that I asked a simple question>>> How could I know that Gm of Obsidian think the invul shrines place should only be used to prevent a newb from a pvm rez kill.... There no rules wrotes about shrines on if there was I would had follow them 100% just like when I been told by Koldoon...

No one answered my main question...

All they did is insulting me and + Gm Thassius perm banned my ip from forum ...

Gm bob why U never answered my main question...I think u all know it would had proove I was victim of ur criminals act and accomplice....

Gm Thassius tell me how can I get Broadband Pm reply now....

GM bob what was the result of my open court...
Will u gave my 100hrs of hard work stoled back... Yes or No

PostPosted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 9:29 am 
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Joined: Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:26 pm
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The Obsidian Service has a Zero tolerance policy on Exploits, as covered under the rules. I have, along with several other members of staff, explained all this to you multiple times since you were punished.

Your attempts to claim ignorance and to find a loophole about shrines is also covered under the rules. There are no grey areas in the rules.

You received a forum suspension for being persistently abusive to others despite being warned about your behaviour many times over the years.

I explained to you that if you accepted the reason for your suspension and stopped this behaviour then that would be the end of the matter.

However, because you have proceeded in ranting and spamming the boards this has now become permanent account and IP bans, and this will continue for as long as you insist on using Proxy Servers to circumvent the ban.

There is a stark difference between us not answering your questions and you not listening until you get the answer you want - which is to get your skill points back and for us to somehow absolve you of all crimes. That is not going to happen.
There no rules wrotes about shrines on if there was I would had follow them 100% just like when I been told by Koldoon
You've just admitted that after a member of staff told you not to do something you carried on doing it anyway because you thought you knew better.

Now, please read this. Read it carefully, then read it again. Then, each time you're about to post on the forums again, read it again.
There are no GREY areas in the rules, if a staff decides you are breaking a rule, you are breaking it. You cannot use a loophole in the rules to claim innocence.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2010 4:18 pm 
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Joined: Thu Nov 02, 2006 4:07 pm
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Your open court ran it's course, and all available parties gave their verdict.
Now obey your forum ban and play the game in accordance with the rules as all players do.

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