DX Gaming

Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???
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Author:  BloOd Ripper [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Hi my player name is Raptor,

I started to play Obsidian 1 year ago and gave lots time and all my heart to Obsidian shard.

I talked about this shard to a friend called bertskull and 3 week after he started to play he got banned.

Bertskull and me always do are best to follow Obsidian rules 100%!!!
If we have broked any rules.. Plz Admin can you tell us what rules we broked!!!

--Admin will you unban us???
--What rules have we broked??
--Why Admin Deleting this post and trying to not awnser and escape the truth???

Plz admin Bertskull and raptor never ever wanted to brokes any rules and if we did we are very sorry!!!

All we wanted is to have fun into Obsidianshard!!!

Raptor (Gm Tank Mage)
BloOdRipper (Gm Warrior)
Cryptx (Gm MAge Master Necro)
Dust (GM Poly)
Baja (GM fisherman/Alchy)

more players more fun!!

Author:  LordHema [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

i Think Raptor got punished for long time Enough that make him will never ever break any rule cuz he will no have no mercy with staff cause of his Bitching history so i think its good that Bob or Echo unbann him and his friend More Player = more fun , and really Raptor is funny :) , i wish staff unbann u raptor and ur friend too

Author:  Falin [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

didnt you get forum banned for asking this same question over and over and over? even after you got your answer like 5 times or more from every staff?

Author:  _Venom_ [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

As im aware bans last 6 months. Your houses still arent decayed so that means in 6 months if you can come back you still have your chars.

Author:  BloOd Ripper [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Maybe I spammed a lil bit on forum couple months ago!!!

If there was any rules on http://www.obsidianshard.com that tell that spamming forum can get u banned from game!!! I would had never ever used this obsidian forum !!!

Forum is one thing and the game is something else!!!!

Admin ban me from forum if you are that mad!!!!
We all did are best to follow rules!!!

---What rules number have we broked to get banned from game on obsidianshard.com????---
Bertskull had 3 week game why admin banned him???

And 4 me ....Spamming forum have nothing to do with the game!!!

Wtf why I got banned 2 month+?????

Author:  Hemlock [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Staff told you countless times to stop spamming the forums and u kept spamming.

Author:  aleksander [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Staff reserve the right to interpret the rules as they see fit and even make them up as they go.

You WERE banned from forums many times only to make new accounts. Same goes for the game. You are a repeat offender. You will cheat whenever you think you won't get caught. You have broken so many rules it is sickening. I would shut up and take your medicine.

See you in September.
(Perhaps use this time to build your court case against Obsidian or peddle drugs to small children...whatever gets you going lol)

Author:  Echo [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Actually I banned you ingame for a number of reasons, one of which was because you were calling all staff cheaters even after I sat down with you for 2 hours to talk things through. You then procceeded to say you were going to destroy the shard through some hacker friends of yours (very laughable but I still take threats seriously).

And you're still going on about losing "100 hours of time for nothing"?

For the final time: Please stop complaining. You were banned ingame because you broke rules 4, 7, 9, 13, 17, 18 and 24.

I suggest you look at those rules again by going to http://www.dxgaming.com/obsidian/rules.php

Author:  Echo [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Maybe I spammed a lil bit on forum couple months ago!!!

If there was any rules on http://www.obsidianshard.com that tell that spamming forum can get u banned from game!!! I would had never ever used this obsidian forum !!!
13. The Message board is there for open discussion, GM bashing and or player bashing will not be tolerated there. If you have a complaint about a player or a GM, please use the feedback section of this web site or PM BROADBAND, JORUS, or BLINKERS. All topics found that fit the above description will be locked and the poster possibly temporarily banned from the boards.

I believe that is the main rule that you broke in regards to the forum spamming, however the following rule also covers it.

7. Do not harrass other players, if they ask you nicely to stop bugging them, please do so.

Author:  BloOd Ripper [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Ok am sorry for spamming forum Echo!!!

What about bertskull why he got banned ???
He was newb he had 3 week game!!!

Plz unban us Gm Echo!!!

Author:  mumu [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Plz unban us Gm Echo!!!

Author:  Kraken [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Why Obsidian Banned newb and veteran players like Raptor???

Ok am sorry for spamming forum Echo!!!

What about bertskull why he got banned ???
He was newb he had 3 week game!!!

Plz unban us Gm Echo!!!
My patience wears very thin with you.

** LOCKED **

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