Welcome to the 1st Festivus Feats of Strength Tournament.
This is a 1vs1 Tournament where players will fight it out to determine who is the best of the best!
So we have 20 people who entered. At 16 people it would be easy to run elimination brackets. So to compensate for the number of people who entered I am going to test out a new style. Each person fights all 19 people. Person with the best record wins. Each person will be put into a group. You will then fight everyone else in the group (3 others for a total of 3 fights). If you cannot schedule a time for the fight with an opponent then both of you need to private message me asking for more time. If you do not you both get a loss for the fight.
[*]Staff member must be present to watch fight. If staff cannot make it then both contestants must agree upon a witness and both contestants must private message me name of witness. Witness will then be responsible for reporting outcome to me
[*]3 shrunks/summons per fight
[*]Fights to be at jhelom arena (haven broken
(I blame blinkers for breaking it))
[*]No Mounts
[*]Using an exploit, bug, or ect will disqualify you from tournament
[*]Once new weeks schedules are posted you may start those
[*]Have fun
[*]Dont Bitch
A player must fight everyone in their weeks group.
So my Excell sheet got screwed up. I dont have time to recreate it so what I need all of you to do is fight everyone on the list that you have yet to fight between now and december 13 and get me the results.
List November 16 December 13
Silk Tevlev
Shadow Hunter
If you think my records are wrong for the list below please pm why you think it is wrong. My records in my binder reflect what is below as of November 16.
Current Rankings Wins - Losses
Weakest 6-1
Silk Tevlev 4-0
Hemoknight 4-1
Elektra 3-2
Devil 2-1
Falin 2-2
Shadow Hunter 0-1
Nex 1-1
Dracula 1-1
Naba 1-2
Optimus - Resigned from Tourny
Heartless 0-1
Gaffer 0-2
Psyk 0-3
Scathach 0-4
Deathwish 0-1
Sweet - Removed from tourney. all wins losses vs sweet removed from players.
Apocalypse - Resigned from tourny
Terek Molt - Resigned from tournament
Primus - Resigned from tournament
Win v Loss
Elek v Scat
Devil v Elek
Weakest v Devil
Weakest v Scat
Weakest v Elek
Silk v Falin
Hemo v Gaffer
Hemo v Naba
Naba v Gaffer
Weakest v Psyk
Weakest v Heartless
Devil v Hemo
Silk v Psyk
Falin v Psyk
Nex v Naba
Drac v Deathwish
Weakest v Drac
Silk v Scat
Silk v Gaffer
Hemo v Nex
Falin v Weakest
Elek v Falin
Hemo v Scat
Elek v Shadow