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A movie: Shutter Island
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Author:  maher [ Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:53 pm ]
Post subject:  A movie: Shutter Island

For Leonardo DiCaprio..
if anyone has watched it, is leonardo sane or not?
i really got confused.. lol

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

i dunno i got half way through then got interrupted.. ill watch the whole thing later...

but i was thinking

A) he was insane from the get go... but did the weird people and illusions start b4 he went to the island? if that question is answered then everything is answered... it might have started minorly b4.. because when the movie first starts he sees that old lady that says SHHHHH she looked like the six flags old fun guy kinda lawl that was stupid and coulda been left out.. just made me laugh and not take the part seriously

B) the island is cursed and those people went crazy because they were 1) on the island or 2) with a hole buncha other crazy people (i would go crazy there also)

and also can be

C) someone drugged him in his sleep. because the illusions and stuff and weird shit really started happening after that dream sequence.....

Author:  maher [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

i dunno i got half way through then got interrupted.. ill watch the whole thing later...

but i was thinking

A) he was insane from the get go... but did the weird people and illusions start b4 he went to the island? if that question is answered then everything is answered... it might have started minorly b4.. because when the movie first starts he sees that old lady that says SHHHHH she looked like the six flags old fun guy kinda lawl that was stupid and coulda been left out.. just made me laugh and not take the part seriously

B) the island is cursed and those people went crazy because they were 1) on the island or 2) with a hole buncha other crazy people (i would go crazy there also)

and also can be

C) someone drugged him in his sleep. because the illusions and stuff and weird shit really started happening after that dream sequence.....
Good thinking Chips,
my thinking are:
1) he was mad and he was imagining all of that.
2) in the end of the movie, he talked to his friend confidently and holding a cigarette.. so i thought he was tricking them.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

ya ill definitely watch the whole thing later today

Author:  aleksander [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

He was insane when he went there. He created delusions that he is a cop investigating things. Meanwhile they humored him as they could until he became violent...then they tried to show him the truth of it that he is crazy and help him recover. The guns were loaded with blanks even, so if he shot someone....they were not killed-but they had to let him make it to a certain breaking point b4 they could help him come to the conclusion for himself that he was indeed the guy he was hunting down....that he was indeed a murderer of his wife and he was insane. He could not continue to face reality in the long run and continued his delusion. He then thought at the end that they were trying to detain him even tho he is FBI....he thought they were tricking him with drugs etc...so if I recall correctly, he tried to grab a gun and kill someone? Anyways either he was locked away or shot in the end, I forget. either way, he is a nut job.

Note: He is crazy cus his wife drown his 3 children in a lake. He killed his wife.

Author:  Rippa [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 5:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

he went crazy because his wife drowned his kids... lol I think he was sane for like 3 mins in the movie then said f*** it he didnt have anything to live for so he wanted them to do that experiment in the brain to not live with the guilt..thats what i think happened in the end.

Anyways a very good movie.

Author:  aleksander [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

His 3 minutes of 'sanity' were not real. He was faking that part when he said he understood what they were telling him. He was delaying for time to escape or something. He knew if he pushed the matter more he would be locked away solid.

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

movie ruiners! i wanted to watch the other half :(

Author:  aleksander [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 4:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

lmfao....there was a simple alternative Chips...

Don't read a thread about someone wanting to know about a movie if you do not want it to be spoiled.

bada bing...

Author:  chips LL [ Sun Jul 04, 2010 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

true but your writing skills sucked me in :O lawl!
stop writing so clearly! jeeze

Author:  Azimuth [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

Shutter island is a real place, but it has not been a mental hospital for a long time. I think the real name of the island was Spetical island or something like that. If I remember right, one of the reasons the place was closed was because of the roomers of LSD testing on unknowing patients and elaborate searches for manchurian candidates. The stories say that failed candidates were so insane after the testing that they had to be euthanized....or lobotomized. They ALL were failed candidates.

The stories make for a great movie. If the stories are true, the military could have targeted this guy as a manchurian candidate long before anything happened to his wife and kinds.

edit, I just did a search, and I think the island name was Blackwell Island....

Author:  chips LL [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

thats crazy! a island of all lobotomized victims would be scary as f*** lawl..

i didnt know it was called lobotomized though.. i thought that was someone getting raped :/ or touched... ya know like those catholic children.....

whats up with the goverment and LCD experiments? its like there favirite test drug or something Lawl there must be something different in LCD or something that most don't know...

its a common roomer that it unlocks a different part of your brain which allows you to understand somethign better lol

wish the goverment would kidnap me and subject me to weed experiments....

Author:  Rippa [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

thats crazy! a island of all lobotomized victims would be scary as f*** lawl..

i didnt know it was called lobotomized though.. i thought that was someone getting raped :/ or touched... ya know like those catholic children.....

whats up with the goverment and LCD experiments? its like there favirite test drug or something Lawl there must be something different in LCD or something that most don't know...

its a common roomer that it unlocks a different part of your brain which allows you to understand somethign better lol

wish the goverment would kidnap me and subject me to weed experiments....
i dont think lcd experiments is that important these days...

Author:  Todd [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

call me crazy but this sounds alot like Silent Hill homecoming game
He drowns his bro, but dosent realize it cause hes crazy
he has dilusions hes a soldier, but no one tells him otherwise
his aprents lte him go on with his illness, cause they didnt know what else to say

And so on... but it sreally similar

Author:  chips LL [ Tue Jul 06, 2010 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A movie: Shutter Island

ya i know... man kind needs a new drug lawl above weed/shrooms but below LCD lawl

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