DX Gaming

Prison island
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Author:  Azimuth [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Prison island

I was thinking about a topic that we were talking about months ago...a prison island and the time it takes for reds to loose kills.

I really like the idea of prison island and I think the perfect island for it would be Ocello.

How to get to Ocello:
The gates to Yew prison let blues and grays pass without an issue, but only let reds in, not out. Blues can come and go as they wish (to allow trade and help their friends). The portal to Ocello is moved to somewhere inside the gates of the prison. If reds are guard whacked they are given a menu option. 1 ) go to normal jail and serve your time as you always have.....2 ) surrender yourself to the authority of virtue and atone for your crimes in prison. If the decision is made to go to prison the murder is teleported just inside the gates, and to get to the island they have to find the portal within the prison walls.

Once on the island:
Full complement of hunting taming and crafting....and....the warden. New inmates go to the warden to find out what they have to do to be forgiven their kills. The player can choose how many murders he wants forgiven.....1, 5, 10, or all. The warden then gives the player a contract (bulk order deed) that must be filled. Once the contract is fulfilled the amount of kills requested is removed from the players overall count and the contract turns into a keepsake. Contracts get harder biased on the amount of kills requested, age of the character (not account), achievements, and skills. The harder the contract, the better the keepsake...with the lowest level being a sheet of paper and the highest level being a statue or something.

Getting off the island:
Players can escape the island at any time if they have their contract. Yew prison has never been very secure........Note: Murders STOP decaying if a player has a contract in his/her possession and contracts are newbified.....the other way off the island is to finish your contract and just walk out the main gates.

Author:  chips LL [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

i like it!

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Sat Jul 10, 2010 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

I like it.

Author:  crimson [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island


Author:  Azimuth [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

I just thought of a way this can be abused.....if a player who has a contract escapes from prison, and they are guard whacked a second time they can just go to prison and escape again right away without any consequences.

To solve this, maybe if a red player has escaped they are not thrown in jail, but rather killed on sight from the guards. If they want to not be killed on sight they have to finish out the terms of their contract.

Reds would need be allowed to go back to being a normal red if the terms of the contract are too hard, or they are just tired of being killed by guards all the time...so, I was thinking that they could surrender their contract to the warden for a fee and be sent to normal jail when ever they wish.

Author:  Todd [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

i like it, other then the fact they can gain items from doing these bulks. Gives being a red much more benefits, they get to do a quest, get ride of there kills, and get an item in the process... Kills should be the only thing they lose if you ask me.

Author:  Dedo [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

its my understanding that they dont get to keep the objects they collect have to turn them over to fulfill the contract.

Author:  Azimuth [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

i like it, other then the fact they can gain items from doing these bulks. Gives being a red much more benefits, they get to do a quest, get ride of there kills, and get an item in the process... Kills should be the only thing they lose if you ask me.
True, but to get anything worthwhile you would have to have a LOT of kills...like 100.....and the deed would be a pain in the ass to fill...it would probably take a few weeks, if not months.
Given that kills decay faster the more you have, and in order to keep 100 kills you basically have to kill someone every 5 minutes....well...it takes a little timing and skill to get the highest level of contracts.

Some kind of system would have to be put in place to keep people from getting kills for doing dumb things like killing blue NPCs, or killing their newbie friend over and over just get 100 kills. something that only gives someone a kill if they really deserve it. Any ideas?

Aside from what I just mentioned, this is a PvP shard....so getting items for winning at PvP seams to fall right in line with what I would expect.
its my understanding that they dont get to keep the objects they collect have to turn them over to fulfill the contract.
Once the contract is fulfilled, the paper contract turns into a keepsake....nothing that would change the balance of a fight, but something to remember how many kills you once had...and maybe even something for players to collect.

Author:  GMBob [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

If we ever did something like this, i would probably make it have a lower limit of never reducing you to below 10 kills. (if you have 30 kills the most you could get rid of is 20).

But sounds interesting, keep up the discussion

Author:  Azimuth [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

If you can't be forgiven your kills in prison, then you will never be blue, so there is no way to walk out the gates......

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prison island

Can this be added? Now 3 of my 5 chars are red.. and my crafters are about to turn red, its way to easy to be red.

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