DX Gaming

My new pup!
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Author:  Terek Molt [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  My new pup!

Hey, so like way back I got this new pup, who since the 1st of April is living/travelling/partying with me...

Since I don't live anymore with my parents, he's 24/7 with me and he's prolly the best thing eva :D

Say hello to Albert H. (Hoffman inspired his name)

That's him on the left when I firt got him, with my friend's dog...


4 months old


now he's 6 months a lot bigger, i havn't got any recent photos but soon I'll take one with the same dog on the top on the same sofa so u'll see the difference between 2 and 6 months...

btw he's not a Lab! I haven't payied for it, a guy gave me for free!

Author:  aleksander [ Fri Aug 06, 2010 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: My new pup!

Well you know what is so funny?!

I have a dog too....and he is named Al as well.

I think I named mine after another Al though :S Well here are a couple pictures to show what I mean.
But I have to be careful of the full moon. He changes into his freaky alter ego!!
I like your dog better Terek :(

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