DX Gaming

Bob your Timing
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Author:  kingblacktorn [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:09 am ]
Post subject:  Bob your Timing

I know your life has been hectic so ive decided to post this here to remind you just incase you forgot.

Racestones, should be removed from rc. You said on August 10, 2010 that you will give us 1 month to try out the races before making them for people who create characters. It has been almost 3 months since they shoulda been removed.

Also the Winter stuff should be added aswell. Aka Oytras, Pegasus, Snow Monsters, etc..

Also was wondering when will House taxes be added again? I personaly dont want house taxes back, But thats what gave you motivation for wiping decayed houses. Without taxes you dont want to wipe houses, so we kinda need them to have space for newer houses in good locations.

Maybe we could have signs re-added to give people another 90 days then wipe houses after the sign decays?

Author:  Tax_man [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 10:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bob your Timing

I thought the current refreshing of houses was good, and better than a tax system.

Also are pegas & oytras not a part of the regular spawns?? (if not they should be imo...)

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bob your Timing

Oytras and Pegs only spawn during winter season bob changed it.

Also the house refresh system is perfect how it is, but bob doesnt see a reason for wiping decayed hosues since theres no house taxes atm. So its kinda pointless having a decay system without wiping em thats why i want taxes back so he will wipe em. I see nice loctions ima take if they ever do manage to get wiped.

Author:  _Nightmare_ [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bob your Timing

if someone doesn't log in and check their house for 90 days then go ahead and wipe it. But I don't see why we should be forced to play at this point of the game to pay taxes for our houses. I speak for a lot of older players when I say that when recruitment occurs and we get a larger active new player base, them and myself will be back to play, but for now it's not fun, and being forced to play now, isn't fair. I don't mind checking into my house or shortening the amount of time though for decay, but I disagree with taxes right now.

Author:  Falin [ Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bob your Timing

well alot of these houses arent decaying becuase of not refreshing..there is a bug with houses that keeps making some disappear or the sign disappears....i know a couple ppl have this prob and they refresh weekly.

but as bob has said the houses were all bb and he hasnt gotten to know the code for this yet.

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