DX Gaming

Lets get the player base up!
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Author:  Rippa [ Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:59 am ]
Post subject:  Lets get the player base up!

There should be a direct link to the download! makes it easier for people to get into the game....Get us on the Top 100's then open up donations so we can help ourselves reach towards the top of those sites. Make Obsidian shard larger doesnt have to be when third dawn came out but open up new lands with new creatures and house customization will keep some more recent UO players who decided to cut off their subscriptions etc... Sorry if this feels redundant to most of you and it probably is.

Write down your suggestions if you want!

Author:  ryanlabrie17 [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

I agree with this

Author:  Hemlock [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

yah really....

Im getting sick of having 0 players on all the time... And no staff to stop bug abusers...

I havint heard from bob in a long ass time we are getting no news updates or anything

Please open recutiment!

Author:  502Dude [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

lol you f***** dumbshits quit complaining and do your own recruitment.. if you want the player base on this shard up so bad, man up and do your part. tell your buddies, have them tell their buddies. Spread the word amirite. This f***** shard is nothing but "oh gawd, staff aint doing shit way to go ruining this and that." ffs its easy. Burn of copy of the installer on a disk with the website written down on a piece of paper or even on the f***** cd itself. Things can happen if you make it happen.

Author:  Padawan [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

I'm trying, as I posted a link on my facebook, always trying to get ppl to play.

Author:  Letholdus [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

As a new user (and someone who works in marketing) to Obsidian I think I have an interesting perspective on the shard.  I found the shard via the torrent site thepiratebay.org.  I sought out a shard because I missed the nostalgia of Ultima Online.  I tried two other shards before settling in on Obsidian.  The other shards didn't have the great setup and initial help for a newbie like me.  Also, none of the users spoke English—which really isn't a problem, but language does unify people.  I don't know what the past issues with players and staff have been, but for new users none of that matters.  A problem does present itself in the lack of involvement from the staff.  New users will want events, want answers to questions, etc.  I understand that life gets in the way of tedious scripting (I had my own shard years ago) and other issues related to the shard.  I propose a few ideas:

1.  Staff needs to get active —if they can't then get some people who can.  Doesn't necessarily have to be GM's or scripters, but people who can host events and deal with the day-to-day issues.

2.  Get the name Obsidian out there.  Make a Facebook page, direct download link, seed the Obsidian torrent on thepiratebay.org or other torrent sites.  Advertise it on the top 100, get it in link sections on UO sites.  

3.  Don't complain that no one is on or there are no new users, when you yourself hardly log on—that just cyclical.  

We need staff and old players active before we make an attempt to get new users.  From what I've seen people are more active on this forum complaining than actually playing the game.  If my opinion if you have time to post on here 10 times a day you should have time to log on and play for a bit.  And when people get back on and play, don't abuse bugs—that's just gonna piss people off and sabotage the whole process of getting this shard back on top.  

Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

Some of us should gather and discuss about the advertise policy, since staff doesn't want to be bothered with it atm, we might have to do it ourselves...at least we'll have players to stick with, even if the shard needs more implementing...at least staff will work for someone...

Author:  Dracula [ Sun Apr 17, 2011 10:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

Like I posted in my own topic I have done this before.

Everyone remember when I posted the torrent to tons of sites and gave a long ass description describing how cool the shard was and shit?

Remember we built it up again with newbs in cove where I was helping them start out and shit.

We got the player base up pretty high.. like 30 on at a time.

I even spent my time getting us on all the toplists at that time to, when I was Kuka..

It ain't hard for real..

Especially with cool videos and shit to advertise.. The main thing is having people in cove to have fun while they learn the game and getting them to actually stick with it, we didn't have any Mod presence at all really when I did that so..

We should be fine..

((!!!#1THING, ACCEPT MACROING AFK1#!!!)) We All f****** KNOW The Best PLayers On The Shard All Do It Anyway With BETTER PROGRAMS. So f*** that shit.. THAT ENDLESS CYCLE IS WHAT KILLS THE SHARD..

((!!The skills should raise on a check of age every so often, that way we don't have to spend so much goddamned time doing shit which for the most part we get left alone or is boring even when not alone anyway!!)) {Keep the shit we have of course and don't let new players get 100skill with afk all the time the afk macro timer should be at like 10-30 minutes with no jail just disconnect} {The system could check the persons age like if they are 6mnths old in game they can have max 60skill in x skill}

Author:  Dracula [ Sun Apr 17, 2011 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

Rippa just found the installer link for the game for direct download. The Mods must have put it out while few people were playing the game.


Author:  Kuka [ Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

{Here's what we had going on before}

Vote for Obsidian - UPDATED
http://www.dxgaming.com/forums/viewtopi ... 11&t=17504

http://www.dxgaming.com/forums/viewtopi ... =2&t=17499

There are tons of places to network online now. We could fill this fucker up in no time.

If the staff rape us of all fun in hopes of some miracle of saintly origin instead of just hosting events and leaving people basically alone, and end up crushing people spirits again, giving into some random cheats or whatever, getting frustrated, not keeping up with things, then nothing will ever save the damned shard.

Everyone think the shard is basically fine and we should just add fun things to do and fix things here and there and just put in a few new rules about relieving the BORING aspects of the game. Like crafting, fishing, alchemy, meditation, mining/bs all suck ass and are not fun, you end up building characters just for most people to get pissed off, because either you have no life and end up Killing yourself over the hours of your life wasted on fishing or some shit (I know I've GMed more shit than anyone, just on like 5 diff accounts over time), or else you give up trying because you know others are using cheats to get ahead anyway.. Plus the game starts you off so low on the food-chain and playing alone is hard as hell with the social structures that get built up, and the learning curve is pretty large for new players..

I remember how it was starting off here. (()\/3&8l00dInCfOLiF3

Author:  Kuka [ Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

Some of us should gather and discuss about the advertise policy, since staff doesn't want to be bothered with it atm, we might have to do it ourselves...at least we'll have players to stick with, even if the shard needs more implementing...at least staff will work for someone...

Yeah the old "Stuff this fkin thing and see what happens" approach.


Worked last time!

Author:  alexace [ Mon Apr 18, 2011 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

:roll: I concur with Kuka and Dracula :roll:

Author:  502Dude [ Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

Yeah mang I remember when you got a good number of people checking the shard out. Do what you can and if you throw up a torrent i'll help seed it.

Author:  Todd [ Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

Yeah mang I remember when you got a good number of people checking the shard out. Do what you can and if you throw up a torrent i'll help seed it.
Same, I spent to much of my life on this shard. I wanna see it in its prime again.

Ill do anything I can to help, just pm me or drop a line here telling me what you need.

Author:  Kuka [ Wed Apr 20, 2011 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lets get the player base up!

Other people can do that. If we have 5 people working on it, (which I believe we already are planning on here) I won't have to spend like 100 hours myself on it. I really don't have the time now. I'm just throwing ideas out there, run with them.

or don't =p

whatevz yo

That direct link is fast, a torrent will get many people if you repost the torrent to all the different torrent search engines and give a good description that really engages people in what the game can be.

A good thing to do would be spam your facebook friends with that new FB page for obsidian, and friend random people and send it to them as well.

Someone needs to find a really good video of the gameplay like I requested and throw that video up on the main page of the website and on the facebook page, and in the torrent as a preview maybe..

The type of video I used to make with fights and music are much more engaging than those slideshow preview ones.. I think anyway.

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