DX Gaming

New Weapon System
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Author:  502Dude [ Mon May 30, 2011 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  New Weapon System

I propose the idea of dropping the + rated weapons from drops and leaving it up to blacksmiths to create weapons based on skill. The rarer ore, the higher the + rating would be. Here's the catch. Instead of wep drops, have different rarity items that smiths can use to enhance weapons such as: lightning, heal, stam leach etc that monsters or bosses could drop. Or even combination's of different element *lets say gems* that could give different properties but only the best of the best smiths along with maybe other skills in conjunction could make.

I bring this up because as it is you can craft colored weps but it serves no purpose at the moment unless there is a master plan in the works. Until then, this is my idea of something that is in my mind cool and could really benefit the smithing trade and! could be fun for pvm at the same time.

Author:  Falin [ Mon May 30, 2011 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

ive never been a fan of losing our wep drops, they are very unique and i like them, but this is a good start for a conversation anyway, if the detail work out i could be interested, but i like the hunting to get the better things also so they would have to tie together pretty well.

Author:  Rippa [ Mon May 30, 2011 5:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

I propose give gm blacksmiths with *gm arms lore* the ability to create magical weapons depending on the ore used. Like say use of silver ore and myth ore will create a frost Longsword or Exe Axe etc....Bloodrock and Gold ores will create a Viking sword of Fire etc.....

With my idea the weapon created will have a element power to it..the rarer the ore used and the higher the quantity the more power it is.. Like with the fire formula .. If you wanted a Vanquishing Viking Sword of fire...You have to multiply 9 to what would be used to create one of ruin.... Like say all you needed to make a ruin fire wep was :

5 bloodrock and 10 gold ore
For Vanq it will be 45 Bloodrock and 90 gold ore....

Making it rare but not extremely rare....
Might would be 3x ruin requirements
Force would be 5x and Power would be 7x.....

...It will make smiths valuable to warriors again. Create a brand new economy.
Elements can be voted upon and then implemented I guess....
Frost and Fire
Wind and Lightning
Water and Earth
Poison and Oil (makes a person lose speed if possible aka -dex) many possibilities...might be time consuming to patch though.

Author:  crimson [ Mon May 30, 2011 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

I dont want to see weapon drops disapear, makes warriors to dependant to smiths with the element drops or wtv. But i do like the fact that smiths can create special weapons with special ores, that have their own set of abilities.

Author:  Falin [ Mon May 30, 2011 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

yeah you would have to have some element of it that you would have to hunt for so hunting wouldnt suffer, and the drops would have to be there,.

maybee that you would still have to get the weps but before you id them you could add a certain amount of a certain ore to give a better chance to get colored weps or some variation of that

Author:  belgarion [ Mon May 30, 2011 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

I propose give gm blacksmiths with *gm arms lore* the ability to create magical weapons depending on the ore used. Like say use of silver ore and myth ore will create a frost Longsword or Exe Axe etc....Bloodrock and Gold ores will create a Viking sword of Fire etc.....

With my idea the weapon created will have a element power to it..the rarer the ore used and the higher the quantity the more power it is.. Like with the fire formula .. If you wanted a Vanquishing Viking Sword of fire...You have to multiply 9 to what would be used to create one of ruin.... Like say all you needed to make a ruin fire wep was :

5 bloodrock and 10 gold ore
For Vanq it will be 45 Bloodrock and 90 gold ore....

Making it rare but not extremely rare....
Might would be 3x ruin requirements
Force would be 5x and Power would be 7x.....

...It will make smiths valuable to warriors again. Create a brand new economy.
Elements can be voted upon and then implemented I guess....
Frost and Fire
Wind and Lightning
Water and Earth
Poison and Oil (makes a person lose speed if possible aka -dex) many possibilities...might be time consuming to patch though.
This would pretty much be the only way i would agree with this as apposed to losing magical properties on weapons totally

Author:  nosympathy [ Mon May 30, 2011 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

I propose give gm blacksmiths with *gm arms lore* the ability to create magical weapons depending on the ore used. Like say use of silver ore and myth ore will create a frost Longsword or Exe Axe etc....Bloodrock and Gold ores will create a Viking sword of Fire etc.....

With my idea the weapon created will have a element power to it..the rarer the ore used and the higher the quantity the more power it is.. Like with the fire formula .. If you wanted a Vanquishing Viking Sword of fire...You have to multiply 9 to what would be used to create one of ruin.... Like say all you needed to make a ruin fire wep was :

5 bloodrock and 10 gold ore
For Vanq it will be 45 Bloodrock and 90 gold ore....

Making it rare but not extremely rare....
Might would be 3x ruin requirements
Force would be 5x and Power would be 7x.....

...It will make smiths valuable to warriors again. Create a brand new economy.
Elements can be voted upon and then implemented I guess....
Frost and Fire
Wind and Lightning
Water and Earth
Poison and Oil (makes a person lose speed if possible aka -dex) many possibilities...might be time consuming to patch though.
Agree. I actually already proposed the same idea (elements) as Rippa mentioned here.

Author:  502Dude [ Tue May 31, 2011 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

All of your ideas are really great, thanks for contributing.

After reading all of your responses it looks like the majority wants to keep wep drops. Thinking about it now, that seems like the best route. Maybe if the wep drops stay the same but take away the magical properties that luck brings with item ID and leave that up to smiths to forge into the already existing drops?

For instance:

Shadow=stam leach
Myth=Mana leach
Verite=total leach

etc etc, those are just off the top of my head.

and like I said, this is only a suggestion for craftable weapons which can now be made with colored ore, but show no advantage at the moment besides looking cool :)

Author:  nosympathy [ Tue May 31, 2011 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

I still think that hunting weapons will be more worthwhile if we can add some new magics to the weapons choices. I would love to see weapons with Ice properties, Wind, Lightning, and the other ones that Rippa (& I as well) mentioned before in this and other threads.

Although I really like the Oil property for weapons. Never thought of that one!

Author:  crimson [ Tue May 31, 2011 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

I think the ores should simply affect the + factor, not the element, or maybe increase the odds of getting a certain element to the weapon

Author:  Rippa [ Tue May 31, 2011 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

I'll be happy with any changes as long as smiths get the ability to create cool weapons and we still keep weapon drops. A new type of loot can be added that can be used to create weapons making it worthwhile to hunt or other loot can be added to help promote hunting.

Author:  nosympathy [ Tue May 31, 2011 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

Or how about we do this.

The old magical weapons we have now, can be moved to being crafted by smiths.
While we create new magical weapons to replace the old ones?


Switch Fire for Frost
Switch Poison for Oil
Switch "x" for Wind

Just a suggestion. That way we can try some new types of elements for weapon drops.

Author:  belgarion [ Tue May 31, 2011 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

Bring back enchants!!!!!!!!! It could even be a type of char build. If a gm smith has x amount of magery he can enchant the weapons he makes or something.

Author:  chips LL [ Tue May 31, 2011 4:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

i r liked enchants even ttho they would be hella too good if they were like b4 in this new system ( i think they were like + 10 or +15?)

Author:  Apocalypse [ Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Weapon System

Let's work on this when we actually have players... don't give him any new ideas to slow the recruitment..

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