DX Gaming

Rp'ing, continued.
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Author:  Urza Magnus [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Rp'ing, continued.

Ok, i remember duos idea, and believe me.. there aren't many people that TOTALLY suck at rp, everyones got a lil rp in them if they can play a game like ultima online for so long. From now on, i think i might go for some RP'ing as well, or maybe try some, and when people get used to it, blah blah blah. Actually i think it would be a betterplace if everyone did rp. Pking, everything else based on RP. I believe duo is making a rp town, or so im told. Welp, i think i might just put some time and money into an evil town, chaos place sorta thing.. ibelieve all the chaos guilds should be united, in a sense.. not as in all for one, one for all.. but as in chaos as a whole, hmm chaos is not an organized group of people, killers kill killers every day. Chaos is just.. CHAOS. In cooperation with a few other players i plan on getting this town up soon, and maybe from some higher staff can get things added for me as well. What do you guys think..? Urza King of evil things!? IT would be nice, im a nice guy..

Author:  Ikarial [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds awesome, ill have to practice my RP i guess.
To bad im such a poor guy heh, i might still have some cast for it

Author:  Frost [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Urza king of mexican, gay, evil things?


That is SOOOOOOOOO YOU! totally..

Author:  Lakini [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

I allrady RP a bit... I mean, I never use LOL or any other dumb accronimes... and I have 2 chars that I play quite differently (Some people that learned who was my other char and knew both char did not even belived it at first)
Anyway, I'm all for implanting RP elements... I'm not saying that everybody need and should RP, rememeber that RP'ers and Non-RP'er can coexesit.

Anyway.. I fully support the idea... if you need help, come and ask me

Author:  blob [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

f***** hate rping thats y i love obsidian i can kill and not have to f***** rp a god damn thing and u king of all evil? AAHHEEEMMMM what about me? i mean shit im satan and all I MADE CHARLES MANSON FOR CHRIST SAKE! so how can urza "the pink mage" be urza "king of all evil" (or some shit like that) take me to ur leader damnit i want to know who wrote this crap

ps. ima skull f*** ur wife to deaht

Author:  Urza Magnus [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:59 pm ]
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hey impe, see me in game. i gotta "talk" to you

Author:  blob [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 4:14 pm ]
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hey urza see me in real life? i gotta "have big gay sex with u"

Author:  Valor [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 5:05 pm ]
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i RP all the time...

im a black Ju

Author:  RatKing [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 5:12 pm ]
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RP? Be fair, Blob can just about manage to speak![/i]

Author:  Tyger [ Tue Apr 06, 2004 6:27 pm ]
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lol, wow ratking... expect to have a bigger butthole at the end of the day..

Author:  Dai [ Wed Apr 07, 2004 7:02 am ]
Post subject: 

ya that's RPing valor but your RP is as relevant as a guy who RPs being an astronaut who landed on another planet and has to set up his radio communicating system back up to get back to earth and leave that fantasy world :P

Sounds good for RPing, Lister's slowly but surely setting up a player-ran inn, perhaps you could give him a hand? he sure would need RPing staff for it

Author:  Lister [ Wed Apr 07, 2004 7:36 am ]
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Yeah....I also need someone to decorate the inn...I'm setting up another post for that.

Author:  Valor [ Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:02 am ]
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it was a joke u gaf...

Author:  mosfet [ Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:05 am ]
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What art thou speaking of, this "RP"
Me thinks I am not learned enough!

Author:  Dai [ Wed Apr 07, 2004 8:14 am ]
Post subject: 

there's a rolepalying guide on the miners diary

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