DX Gaming

Most People Hate Pks?
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Author:  Prime [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Most People Hate Pks?

What ive seen,i dont like.
U kill somone and loot him(who ever it is)
He will start hatin and start Pulling out lies
well most of u dont even know the meaning of Pkying,u should go read muslemans report on miners diary,maybe that will refresh ur memorie.
Without evil pks,This game wouldent exist,and it if does without em ,well i dont consider it as a game.Thank god looting is permited in obsi,Cause if it wasent allot of people wouldent be here now.but thats not the point im trying to bring out.
Everyone has a different point of view,
well mine is that theres too mutch hattin among pks,after they loot,kill watevah,nowone really abused the runestonechamber,i was just sitting there asking for str fish,didint follow anywone to any destination
there the ones who follow me to gank lol
And if ever somone follows somone to a destination,well the victim just has to be carefull not to be followed or die.
(anyways bb ur the boss,i dont think runestone chamber should be banned to evil)everyone should have acess to it.but thats still my Advice.
PS:I dont want Lame users hattin in this Topic :evil:
Post what u think.eventually i will hear the same chit,but here goes

Author:  Valor [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:38 am ]
Post subject: 

dont flatter yourself buddy, you are far from being a PK.

not many hate PK's. in fact i remember back when Rahbdul was PK'ing, everyone used to respect him. all you do is run around killing crafters.

Author:  Dragonar [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Rahbdul even fought against the odds, true PKing :wink:

Author:  Prime [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Valor plz ,this is what i didint want people to do,
first of all i dont kill crafters and dont bring the message on me,
Well now im Far cause i lost so many stats cause of stupid bounty system
and no im not far from beying a pk

Author:  Prime [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:41 am ]
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by the way i killed rahbdul once 8)
but that doesent mean im good,i was prolly lucky lol

Author:  Prime [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:44 am ]
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And thats ur way of seeying it,lets see what other pks think about this poll,should be 50/50 again

Author:  Cetrocet [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:49 am ]
Post subject: 

You know I always support people's right to PK, but I don't see what this poll will accomplish besides get people upset. I can already see a flame war coming.

Whether intentional or not, creating this poll makes you sound whiney: if you want to be a PK, then PK. You don't need to be validated by everyone else.

Anyways, Primal has done a lot of expoitative things in his time here, but he doesn't kill craftsmen (at least he doesn't go out of his way to).

Author:  grimme [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 10:00 am ]
Post subject: 

/dons flame retardant suit

i don't mind PKs in general but the ones who kill first and ask questions later, and the ones who kill newbies and loot them dry, or kill people multiple times in the same day and loot them each time (generally the ones with no manners/etiquette etc, people who don't give a shit about the shard and that they're driving players away who may have only been playing a week or so)

to be fair though there are a lot of people who whine/bitch/use bad language/loot others in game who could use a good beating.

i don't hate PKers btw and i voted accordingly, they're a necessary part of the world that we play in. we may aswell go play "sim tickle each other with feathers" and get GM tickling/giggle like a little girl skills if all the PKers quit.

Author:  Valor [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

prime, do you have to make 1 post for every freaking sentence?

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:13 am ]
Post subject: 

I dont mind PK's infact i quite like them...some of them have a great character about them such as Prime, Slug and CoKaine

Author:  daffy duck [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 11:16 am ]
Post subject: 

Am I the only one who dosen't understand the poll..?

I mean - Is it supposed to read 'Do you hate PK's: Yes or no'


'Do I think other people hate PK's: Yes or no'

Primal, if you'd clarify, I'd be happy to vote...

Author:  viktor666 [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 12:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Don't hate on Primal! PKing is a right. Killing anyone besides fighters is just plain stupid. Primal hasn't mastered the art of knowing what a warrior looks like compared to a worker yet so cut him some slack.
PS: ninja gaiden rules Prime!

Author:  CyberVic [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 2:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

You have several types
1. People who truely hate any kind of PK (these people need to grow up)
2. People who are PK's
3. People who aren't PK's but like them
4. People who just don't care

I think I'm a #3 with one exception. I think it is rude to PK someone in events, at quest sites, or simply looting in a similar situation. I think that PK's who use lame tactics also should burn in hell. For example I heard of this one person who gated someone to Tanner's Isle. Which is an isle of about 10 evil NPCS and 5 scorpions. The person died and while they were running around trying to find a way to rez, the person came by, cut up the body and stole all the guys stuff. Which was nothing more than bone armour. This kind of PK'ing makes people hate pk's. I have been PK'ed by Primal and Cokane. I hold no animostity toward Primal, but I did get very upset at Cokane at the time because it was during the Drow quest event when we were organizing for our second assault on the fort/maze.

I think that PK's should kill adventurers who are already looking for danger. Someone who goes to a graveyard shouldn't expect complete saftey. Someone who goes to Hyloth shouldn't expect saftey. Some miner who is mining or a lumberjack chopping wood. Those people don't diserve to be PK'ed. Those people who are doing quests don't diserve to be PK'ed. On the other hand please do PK people who are AFK macroing (but please do let me know where you find them so I can make that location part of my AFK rounds at a later date).

Author:  Dragonar [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I like PK too, some people think I'm crazy to withstand PKing while I'm beside :P
The pk's are what make my business go round, lol :P

Author:  Valor [ Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

i used to kill people all the time, hahaha(valor is mean)

not many hated me though...i think.

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