Echo say Gm bob wont awnser me if I ask him to
Anyone can try to log Xcemen account with any password and read the error message I get, it say account temporary blocked ect... its not fair
Xcemen account I made it at 14 yr old and I was playing from 2 houses, my mom and also my dad house. Cuz I play from 2 Ip adress I got my account blocked and I was accused of multi players on 1 account 
Now I want justice and my real age back.
My player name was the same Spiner.
Its easy to say that asking for justice will get me banned or jailed but what you are not thinking when you are saying so non sence things like that is that on the 3-4 players that log a day to play obsidian there is my friend and me who keep this shard alive.
Jailing or banning me will kill the players online status and shard that is already almost dead.
All I want is justice and I been very polite I asked it very kindly and saying that asking for justice will get me banned is completly non sence and you have to understand that its way more gona kill this shard then hurt me.
All I ask its being fair with the few players left that keep this shard alive.
Wake up