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Pvp Suggestions
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Author:  Echo [ Sun Jun 07, 2015 4:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Pvp Suggestions

Lay em all out here.
If you have an idea/suggestion, post away!

Author:  Zyon [ Sun Jun 07, 2015 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

Lay em all out here.
If you have an idea/suggestion, post away!
It will help me alot with my researchers

Author:  Terek Molt [ Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

Fix melee. I'm pretty sure there's hundreds of posts explaining how they are broke.

Author:  Falin [ Mon Jun 08, 2015 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

This is a bit of a stretch for this thread...but I think it ties in.

I think if we increase the rewards for hunting it will make more PPL hunt, therefore more PPL out to pk them.

Right now it's more lucrative to craft or fish or mine for goods and resell them than it is to take a team out in a dungeon and hunt resources to sell. I think if we made it more worth it to hunt...we would have kind of a trickle down effect for everything else. We would also be adding more gold to our economy. I personally think if we revamped the drop system to get more exciting items, that would get ppl out hunting more. More hunting= more pvp!


Author:  Terek Molt [ Mon Jun 08, 2015 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

This is a bit of a stretch for this thread...but I think it ties in.

I think if we increase the rewards for hunting it will make more PPL hunt, therefore more PPL out to pk them.

Right now it's more lucrative to craft or fish or mine for goods and resell them than it is to take a team out in a dungeon and hunt resources to sell. I think if we made it more worth it to hunt...we would have kind of a trickle down effect for everything else. We would also be adding more gold to our economy. I personally think if we revamped the drop system to get more exciting items, that would get ppl out hunting more. More hunting= more pvp!

Word, but let's also think about that some classes like the macer is not used at all and not worth using at the moment, perhaps increase the damage and piercing of those weapons and make them slower or something like that, or at least make them usable.

Instead of doing the stamina thing maybe enforce certain armors to their classes?

There's no balance between a pitchfork and a war hammer. If you know what I mean.

Also using any kind of weapon with a shield does not make sense right now. Shields don't parry magical attacks anymore apparently, and all the weps we use right now with shields basically are not strong enough to Pierce armor.

Which brings us to blacksmithing. Which is now worthless because armors never break. Last forever and as long as you cast ra and prot unless someone has a pitchfork or Halbert they can't do stuff.

Author:  Apocalypse [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

This is a bit of a stretch for this thread...but I think it ties in.

I think if we increase the rewards for hunting it will make more PPL hunt, therefore more PPL out to pk them.

Right now it's more lucrative to craft or fish or mine for goods and resell them than it is to take a team out in a dungeon and hunt resources to sell. I think if we made it more worth it to hunt...we would have kind of a trickle down effect for everything else. We would also be adding more gold to our economy. I personally think if we revamped the drop system to get more exciting items, that would get ppl out hunting more. More hunting= more pvp!


I agree with falin, BUT, if there are more items added to monsters, DO NOT drop the amount of gold they drop. The amount they drop now is fine.

I rarely get any good weapon drops anymore. The armor drops need to go away, I personally hate those.

But anyways, back to pvp:

Right now I think necromancers need to have reagents for spells. I don't like how a necro can go outside naked, with maybe 5 dex pots and kill a fully geared GM mage. They need something to lose.

Firewhip needs to be fixed, IMO the damage is wayy to high, I have been killed with 1 firewhip on my 120 str mage. There shouldnt even be a chance for that to happen. I've heard people say "well blah blah he used the secret skill to get that high damage", it shouldn't be possible.

They have GM poison without having to train it, if that's not stupid then I don't know what stupid is. The rest of us had to spend 60k+ to train poison.

Stealth needs tweaked, necros can sneak around, throw a spell at someone, and 2 seconds later their stealth again, making it hard to even pull their healthbar up.

Also, training a necromancer takes "0" resources, they literally sit there for hours and hours and train losing nothing but time. Mages on the other hand have to use everything, ns to train poison, reagents to train magery. It just doesn't make since how people think they're fine right now.

I think warriors need something more, their fights are extremely boring, it all comes down to who failed to heal and who didnt.

Dispelling needs to be replaced to how it use to be, this new dispel is stupid. And if for some reason you see it fine the way it is, warriors need a way to dispel daemons, maybe dispel potions.

Other than all that, I think it's pretty good. Unless I have forgotten something.

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 8:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

Firewhip has already been changed on necros like a month or so ago lol as for gm mages dieing to necros with no items on them, idk what to say besides they must suck. Lol 1 summoned animal should be enough to kill a gm necro if they are naked and have no loot as long as your still casting on them.

Every type has a weakness mage > warrior > necro

As for the stealth i agree it should be changed, maybe have it rebalanced to how its suppose to be (no stealth steps mounted) that way people have to be on their feet and therefore can be walled in.

Author:  Apocalypse [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

Of course if a necro is walled in they will most likely die. I'm talking about the stealth and firewhip crap, comes out of nowhere.

But I didn't know firewhip was changed. So hopefully it's better.

Author:  Terek Molt [ Tue Jun 09, 2015 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

Of course if a necro is walled in they will most likely die. I'm talking about the stealth and firewhip crap, comes out of nowhere.

But I didn't know firewhip was changed. So hopefully it's better.

Author:  kingblacktorn [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 3:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

but ya stealth also needs a delay from last time you used it like 8-10 second delay.

Author:  maher [ Thu Jun 11, 2015 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

maybe dispel potions
That would be very nice

Author:  _Venom_ [ Mon Jun 15, 2015 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pvp Suggestions

-Mages should fizzle LESS. Or not lose mana when they fizzle, something. Fizzling too much of a problem
-Flamestrike should be resisted less.
-One option for stealth would be to make a torch/lantern make you unable to hide, it works that way when you hold it yourself. another is just increase the time it takes from attempt to stealth, it only takes like 2 seconds now I can pop a fire whip, heal and med and be stealthed again really fast.
-Poison potions are sometimes resisted, as ereaser pointed out they aren't a magic spell. Should be parryable over resist and still dodge able.
-Weapons crafted with higher end ingots should be more powerful. Bowcraft gets it so should blacksmithy.
-Necros could use something to lose outside. Maybe they have to stay dead extra long, or are handicapped for a while after rez.
-Completely remove armor drops or make them better in some way(weightless, magic properties)

Another test event or something like that a lot of people complaining PvP not balanced but they hardly PvP at all. I think overall its pretty close to even.

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