DX Gaming

Do u like to PK?...will u play a shard that all u do is PK?
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Author:  Pyro_Flame Lord [ Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Do u like to PK?...will u play a shard that all u do is PK?

Ive seen that alot of ppl in this shard like to pk well iwas wondering how many ppl would rather play a pvp shard (player vs player) rather than a pvm or pve shard (player vs monster or player vs environment)....i rather play a bit a both jus like OBSIDIAN!!!!!

I love this shard....

Author:  Exation [ Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

I have played many shard. It takes a balance of both to make a shard work i believe. I would hate to have been at a shard with no nice people like rich or hep or all the other people that are nice and help new people out.

Author:  Pyro_Flame Lord [ Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

well its that if u play on a shard on the public server list, they r all pvp basically and wen i say that i meen strickly pvp if ur not a mage u basicly cant play the shard cuz u will die every second and theres no guards and if u go red theres no consequense and theres no jail and i simply hate those shards, which is y i went into playing more kinda private shards that like obsidian...and wen i say private i meen that is not on the public server list...

Author:  bruhaha [ Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:17 pm ]
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god pking is hilarios especialy when they harrass u afterwards

Author:  Zureese [ Wed Aug 11, 2004 10:33 pm ]
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I've played this shard for atleast 3 years and yes, its a great shard, no matter how many ppl leave or quit, obsidian is one of a kind, and just for that...not everyone is a pk, and not everyone just fights monsters...i myself chose the pvp on this poll and simply cuz that is basically all i do now....but that's alright, without ppl like me on this shard, it would not be fun, and most of u can agree....I won't pvp to a point where i get annoying or i get hated tho, and i rarely loot, depends on who it is...I pk for the simple reason that i have nothing else to do, I myself as a person, get bored of stuff very easily, so I guess u can say i got bored of crafting/hunting/everything else that uo involves....so i pk, that is what makes me happy on here, and i am still strong at it :D I hope u all enjoy my reply here..... :D

Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:39 am ]
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Yea...Pure PvP shards suck cos people expect to be PK'd...its more fun on this shard cos people moan about it :D

Author:  silencesg [ Thu Aug 12, 2004 9:53 am ]
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pvp can be fun=)
but i still suck at it

Author:  Scorture [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:08 pm ]
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Author:  Scorture [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:09 pm ]
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Author:  viktorlucian [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:10 pm ]
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This shard frowns on pks, its obvious. But atleast u don't get banned for it here. Need a bit more pvp on this shard for a nice balance and more newbs bitching on forums. HEHEHEHE :lol:

Author:  Excalibur [ Tue Aug 17, 2004 4:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Obs has a good balance, gains aren't easy so u need to stay a while, this scares people but it pays off.atm mages have the upper hand and I think this will be sorted in the next patch, besides that its a great shard. No shard is perfect but I'd rather spend a month gming something than 2 hours on some other shards.You have goals and aims here u have pk's anti pk's chaos and order pvp, pvm, u need to be weary of every one and every thing keeps me on my toes.Also I have made a lot of friends here and enemies lol but thats the mix I like.

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