DX Gaming

Player Numbers!!!
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Author:  Barney [Reapers] [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 9:29 am ]
Post subject: 

:( poor valor...so unfair

Author:  Drizzt [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

he was begging for it sorry but he was.

Author:  Lord Freeze [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 1:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ok guys. I have heard about enough of this. I am kind of what you would call a vet-noob. I have GM'ed accounts on obsidian 2 times and left (not because I don't like the shard but either because of internet connection issues or a need to devote more of my life to other things, but when I play UO, ever since I've found obsidian its been the only shard for me. There are a few facts that you should know. A. I have a 5 day old char, I don't macro, and I haven't afk macro'd. That being said, I have no trouble paying the taxes on my house, I have 90 str, and no trouble hunting. I can kill drakes with 1 other player at about my level to help. What is all this fuss from you so called "vets" about it being too hard? If it was made any easier it wouldn't be any fun. The problem isn't the game..... its the players. You gotta take a look at things from a staff member angle. Imagine you spent hours and hours not playing, but writing a patch to make everyone else happy. Then when you implement it, you don't get a little bit of constructive criticism, you get people swearing at you, harassing you on AIM, or just plain complaining. Try pointing out the things you DO like when you point out the things you don't like..... it might make you more headway, it might make you get in better with the staff, but all that doesn't matter. The point is it will make u not seem like whiny bitches. That isn't pointed at all of you, bit those of you who act that way probably can tell who u are in your posts. Think about it. Great work staff btw. I love the new features. Wish there were still npc stable guys, but I can live without them when I get all these cool new weaps, and rides. Thanx guys.


Author:  Drizzt [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

good job freeze. btw if you need anything just lemme know.

Author:  spawn28 [ Wed Jan 12, 2005 2:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

i joined when the numbers where around 80-90 and it quickly dropped to like 30-40 in a week, then in the next week it was 10-30 almost all the time for a few months, then for about 2 months it went from aroun an avrg of 40-60 people on at once and i thought people where coming back, but now where low again!!!!?!!!!

But hey, Its still fun even with a low population!

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