DX Gaming

Is Zordani still in obs?
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Author:  belgarion [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Is Zordani still in obs?

When i started back in december I met a char in cove who went by the name of Zordani. Him, Death, Thunderbunny and I used to hunt alot together. Zordani taught me alot about the game and some of the best times i've had on obs was when the four of us used to hunt together. I know that bunny is gone,(some of the vets might remember him as Thad) but i have not seen Zordani or Death since i was not allowed in cove. I just wonder if they are still playing and would love to talk to them again. Has anyone seen either of them recently?

Author:  Kinetic [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I remember Death got a lot of stick for having the same name as one of out best mages. I also saw Zordani a while ago too, but as you said not in a fair amount of time.

Belgarion are you the same Beor who was once a GM smith here?

Author:  belgarion [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:00 am ]
Post subject: 

No i just started obs back in december and that is the first time i have ever been on. The name comes from Lord of the rings though Beor the old an ancester of Aragorn.

Author:  Barahir [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 7:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I am Beor the GM smith, and im still here :P

Author:  Kinetic [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 10:03 am ]
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Aight I shoulda known that.

But wOOt, Fiskern is still alive !!!! About 6 months ago when CV made you that special horse, or what we now know as a Pegasus, you said you'd make me some shrinks, I never got them :(

Author:  Barahir [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:50 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well thats not very nice of me. Did you bring regs for me to grind, or was i supposed to get regs myself. If so i just have to say, Bah! Im lazy. :P

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:05 pm ]
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umm thunder quit to go to the the army .....zord is oigen and he is currently working on a miner :)

Author:  Crepti [ Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:10 am ]
Post subject: 

Belgarion is a better name than Beor... Hurrah for the Belgariad!
I got my character name Belmat from there :D Think about it and you'll know why :wink:

P.S. If everyone else has no idea what I'm talking about, then look up a series of books named the Belgariad by David Eddings... In my opinion, the best series ever written, and that's including LotR.

Author:  bruiser [ Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:17 am ]
Post subject: 

Belgarion is a better name than Beor... Hurrah for the Belgariad!
I got my character name Belmat from there :D Think about it and you'll know why :wink:

P.S. If everyone else has no idea what I'm talking about, then look up a series of books named the Belgariad by David Eddings... In my opinion, the best series ever written, and that's including LotR.
The Conan series of books owned all.

Author:  Crepti [ Fri Mar 11, 2005 5:53 am ]
Post subject: 

There are two authors in this world who are god-like in my opinion. David Eddings and David Gemmel. Both write kick-arse fantasy books. All of their books have amazing characters, storylines, and content. Their scope is amazing, too... They have all the good points. Some parts make you sad, some make you lust for blood, some make you laugh out loud, and some of their philosophical views hit you right there, you know?

I recommend both of them with as much force as I can.

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Fri Mar 11, 2005 6:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

ahh none of those books have anything on the lost years of merlin.....altho i havnt read the books your talking about :P.....anyways if you like fantasy books Lost Years of Merlin is the best i ever read

Author:  belgarion [ Sat Mar 12, 2005 5:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Belgariad was awesome I read all the books in that one and all the books in the mallorean. I also read I cant remember the name of the series, but the one with Sparhawk. So Oigen is Zordani? Cool thanx!

Author:  Drizzt [ Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:56 pm ]
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some of my other friends have told me about eddings as well. thats it ive decided to start reading his work and see for myself. R.A Salvatore is my fave. i guess thats kinda obvious though :P

Author:  Crepti [ Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:51 am ]
Post subject: 

The Belgariad was awesome I read all the books in that one and all the books in the mallorean. I also read I cant remember the name of the series, but the one with Sparhawk. So Oigen is Zordani? Cool thanx!
The two series with Sparhawk are the Elenium and the Tamuli. The two with Belgarion are the Belgariad and the Malloreon.

If you haven't already, then read one of his 'stand-alone' novels, called The Redemption of Althalus. It's a very, very good fantsy book about a thief who gets mixed up with gods.

Author:  Oigen [ Sun Mar 13, 2005 7:48 am ]
Post subject: 

I'm still here. Zordani is blocked at the moment. Anyone that is new to the game and want some help look for my smitty in the cove mines, i'll be happy to answer questions, help you setup the basic macros and so on.

those are some cool books you guys talk about. unfortunately the fantasy genre isn't very popular in my country so i have to search the internet for some (and then read them in english).

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