DX Gaming

Another Damn Cheater
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Author:  Dave [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Another Damn Cheater


First we have henn who was due to be banned for this shit (as well as other things) before he messed around with other peoples accounts.

Now, we have primal who is a player I have always respected in pvp since I was a noob. However, it now seems that he has to resort to CHEATING in order to try and PK me.

Those that know me realise that I have a very strong sense of honour, so if I get killed fair and square then thats it. However, NOTHING pisses me off more than someone cheating by exploiting a bug in an attempt to kill someone because they are *incapable* of doing it fairly.

Rest assured I want to see this guy punished.

I'm sorry primal, but I'm very dissapointed you resorted to INTENTIONALLY poison stacking me in order to pk - as in you used nothing *but* poison in the the entire fight.

As you can see by the screenshot, even after managing to resist/parry/fizz several of the poisons I was still triple stacked!!!

Fortunately, I got away with a miraculously low amount of hp after this bullsh*t.


Author:  Carling [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

i think pision stacking should be aloud untill its fixed.

just my 2 cents

Author:  Kinetic [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

If they allow people to poison stack you should bring back the posion strike weapons that kill in 1 hit.......doesnt sound so good when the odds are evened aye?

Author:  Thassius [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

If poison stacking were allowed then pvp would be ruined across the shard because the toughest fighters in game can be dispactched with relative ease via a bug that takes a colossal amount of damage every few seconds and prevents healing via bandage.

The poison stacking bug is just that, a *bug*, and every experienced pker on this shard knows the staff stance on it.

Going by CV's reaction when I first reported Hennessy for exploiting this bug to PK, I can tell you most definitely that those exploiting this bug will be frowned upon by staff and severely punished if it persists.

There are no excuses, and no seconds chances - if it happens by accident then this is one thing, which is why I let Volde off with 1h jail for repeatedly stacking multiple deadly poisons.

However, when there is a screenshot showing three stacked deadlies and more attempted (where the player has spammed poison several times in a row) - this is clearly intentional bug abuse and the punishment must fit the crime.

Author:  Drizzt [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

hmmm is it legal to wall over a moongate like that?

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Pshhhhhh make necros work and stack or not there ain no gay mage thats gonna get away from my webs. I cant wait to rape Primal again with my necro. He can stack all he wants with my necro :)

No Drizzt is aint (the screw the shard wall bug :? )

Author:  TheRealLoki [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

it'll only be fixed when somebody decides to constantly "abuse" it. the best way to get rid of the people who abuse the 'bug' (which is still arguable since its only casting A spell... which isnt against the rules) is to get rid of the 'bug'... or to make punishment much more severe.

when you get a slapped wrist for stealing, all it does is maybe embarass you and make you try harder to not get caught NEXT time...
but when your hand gets cut off... it makes stealing a bit more complicated.

Author:  NatureWarrior [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

Uhm Loki, lemme remind you that Obsidian's player numbers went down like crazy there last couple of months and therefore I dont think ur suggestion fits. At this point it would be bad for the shard to lose anyone... even Restile himself *sigh* (i hate saying that). Point is at this point the best and safest was to get rid of a bug is FIXING THAT DAMN THING. No free gms, how long will the shard live :(

Author:  Thassius [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:27 pm ]
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The last thing I want to do is to get someone banned, but the onus is on the players not to take advantage of this fact and to conduct themselves as directed by the rules whilst ingame.

And yes I do not see how bug-abusers constitute something that we want to keep on this shard.

Of course, I would *much* rather see these players stay - but only if they not going to cheat or exploit with a blatant disregard to the rules.

I would prefer to see a few core good players left than have the shard full of cheaters and a$$holes that bring it down for everyone else. Sorry if you lot disagree...

Author:  TheRealLoki [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:27 pm ]
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1 honest player < 10 cheaters? interesting...

edit: and i never said anything about getting rid of anyone, but you have to keep in mind that a factor that goes into 'cheating" or 'abusing" is risk vs reward.
what will happen to me if i am caught? what are my chances of getting caught?
if you have to go out of your way to cheat, you should be punished harshly... because you opted to cheat. if you dont want to get the punishment... then dont cheat. simple enough?

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:26 pm ]
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i say we beat him with a stick and damn him to hell

Author:  Dario [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:02 am ]
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i agree with Loki with this one, BB i know its not so easy as it said, but you gota cut off Primals hand.. :roll:

Author:  -Nimph- [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:26 am ]
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Well in my modest opinion i think tht is very dificult for a mage to avoid poison stacking when fighting a warrior because u must poison him frecuently to stop him cure... its imposible without poison. i know tht it can be made on purpose and i think tht primal might did it on purpose, we all know primal, but vlad thinks tht when hes stacked mages are bugg abusers but no... not sometimes at least.

{EDITED: 'Vlad' does not jail anyone, I do, so please refrain from talking such rubbish. The only three players I have jailed for poison stacking are Voldemort, Hennessy and (soon to be) Primal, and these have all been warned for it at least once before being punished. Other mages on this shard can manage to use poison without stacking the way that they do. IF I JAIL SOMEONE FOR THIS BEHAVIOUR IT IS AS OUTLINED IN THE RULES AND THROUGH PERSONAL DISCUSSION WITH CYBERVIC.Counselor Thassius}

pvp is a disaster atm, its not the only bugg there... u can stop all spells tht a mage cast on u wihout any damage just using another bugg and tht bugg is quite easy to do.

well its just my opinion.

Author:  Dario [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 5:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Well in my modest opinion i think tht is very dificult for a mage to avoid poison stacking when fighting a warrior because u must poison him frecuently to stop him cure... its imposible without poison. i know tht it can be made on purpose and i think tht primal might did it on purpose, we all know primal, but vlad thinks tht when hes stacked mages are bugg abusers but no... not sometimes at least.

this problem dont only affects warrior because vlad is jailing everyone who is stacking even if its not on purpose, and as i said its very DIFICULT TO AVOID IT.

pvp is a disaster atm, its not the only bugg there... u can stop all spells tht a mage cast on u wihout any damage just using another bugg and tht bugg is quite easy to do.

well its just my opinion.

Author:  Kinetic [ Mon Mar 21, 2005 6:22 am ]
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