DX Gaming

Killing of Stangs in Houses
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Author:  ducksternator [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Killing of Stangs in Houses

I was about to log out - but decided to tame a few horses instead. I head off to pk bridge to see what's there and as I get there I find that BK is walking around and two stangs are dead in Ashes's house. I asked BK if he killed the stangs (Ashes had killed BK awhile back and gated his stang)

Bk said no he didn't kill them. I was a confused who killed them so I jumped on my forensic expert and low and behold:


If a gm or someone could contact ashes or I. We'd like to get the stangs back. It was an illegal killing and we'd like the stangs back please.

Author:  Abib [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:34 am ]
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Author:  ducksternator [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:47 am ]
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The part that really got me - was that he lied about the whole thing. And was rude about it all.

Author:  Abib [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 8:49 am ]
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were the stangs tamed or wild??

Author:  Guest [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:17 am ]
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stang kilers... i hate that.

Author:  Kinetic [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 9:23 am ]
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Yeah if they were wild I dont mind, ppl shouldnt lock up spawns, it stops future stang spawns from occurring. But if they were tame its a different matter, I will jail people I see killing tame stangs/rides in houses.

Author:  Carling [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 10:20 am ]
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The stangs were tamed the 1 with the name is the 1 ashes rides and i tamed the other 1 last night for him.

Author:  Kinetic [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 11:16 am ]
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K, I'll get on the jailing of BK when I'm ingame.

Author:  Thassius [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 1:49 pm ]
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If I see him I will jail him, and seeing as you have screenshot evidence to prove this I will replace the stangs.

Seer Thassius

Author:  TheRealLoki [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 2:45 pm ]
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what happens to people if they try to kill you with AOE spells when you're in your house (and they suck and fail) ?

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 3:04 pm ]
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Dr Boobers the apprentice detective.... :roll:

Author:  ducksternator [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:18 pm ]
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Dr Boobers the apprentice detective.... :roll:
soon to be gm detective. :P

Author:  Thassius [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:32 pm ]
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Just to inform that I jailed BK after repeated reports, screenshots and first-hand observations of his behaviour in terms of reskilling, bug abuse, abuse of AoE spells, cheating in events, and being rude to myself.

After sentencing him to 24h and getting repeated rudeness from him and the apparent consensus from the similarly immature friends with him that I was bad at my job and being unfair (despite the list of above offenses), I told them exactly what I thought of them and increased the sentence to 48h.

Most of you idiots who think this kind of behaviour is acceptable on the shard would have been .killed or banned back in the days when I started here and BB and CV were often in-game.

We are there representatives onshard and thus you are about to suddenly find the leniency has stopped and this crap will be cracked down on for the sake of the good players here.

Author:  Dracula [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:43 pm ]
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so can u kill people in tehre house or not and if they lose there ride from it can u kill it...

Author:  Dracula [ Wed Apr 06, 2005 4:45 pm ]
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it sux sure but is bk suppose to check to see if its tame. so no killin animals in houses period right. the rudeness i cant defend and dont agree with.

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