DX Gaming

Guild Wars
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Author:  shadow_tamer [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Guild Wars

Anyone get a chance to play it yet?

I would pick up a copy, but I got no clue if my PC will even run it.

Seems pretty awsome though, a nice PvP mmorpg. No monthly fee at all.

Might be worth it to check out, and every 6 months or so they release a new expansion pack this is optional to pick up.

Seems so much better than that World of Warcraft too. Because of the no monthly fee, better graphics, and a lot more. So much cheaper to play GW than WoW

Author:  Thassius [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dont advertise other games here, its rude and quite frankly a waste of our time.

Author:  Drizzt [ Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

but we still love ya shadow tamer!!!

Author:  orgis [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 1:38 am ]
Post subject: 

this hasnt been a problem before has it
wats wrong thassuis no sex for you?
you even put a shitty repremand on nervous exhaust(http://www.dxgaming.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=9461) about flaming when he didnt
wats your problem these days your going from kool to unreal[Ya Fanny]
advertising another shard , now thats bad but not another game for crying out loud, whats wrong obsidian getting desperate to keep players?
do i see another ban coming up for speaking my mind?

these days Thassius = Assius the way he going

Author:  Simple_Green [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 1:52 am ]
Post subject: 

but we still love ya shadow tamer!!!

Author:  Abib [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 1:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Orchid Valley is like soooooooooooooooooooo lame tho ... :roll: The admin is likee a total qyeer doode.

besides its not like hes talkin about another shard, hes talkini about a different game and its been done a few timees on this OFFTOPIC forum...i'd think theres a difference...

Unless its like u cant talk about anything else cuz it takes ppl away from obs, cuz then everything on the offtopic would be useless and the whole offtopic thing in general also.

unless im totally confizzled and Guild wars is an ultima online shard thingy...then...i take everything back...but if not..!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEN I DONT HAHAHAHAHA ..yeah okay.

why do i have a feelin theres gonna be lockdown?

teh beer maks meh apppppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Author:  orgis [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 2:37 am ]
Post subject: 

guild wars is seperate from uo its an mmorpg so whats wrong about talking about it in off topic thats wat off topic is for

Author:  Narcom [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Guild Wars

Anyone get a chance to play it yet?

I would pick up a copy, but I got no clue if my PC will even run it.

Seems pretty awsome though, a nice PvP mmorpg. No monthly fee at all.

Might be worth it to check out, and every 6 months or so they release a new expansion pack this is optional to pick up.

Seems so much better than that World of Warcraft too. Because of the no monthly fee, better graphics, and a lot more. So much cheaper to play GW than WoW
not played it but looked into it a bit... wow looks like the better game imo.

yup true no subscription but there will be more expansions, maybe upto 3-4 a year at hmm prolly 29.99 or there abouts to make up for the no subscription. the expansions will probably also include lots of content that would make the game not worth playing if your didnt upgrade, if you see what i mean.

Author:  Nervous Exaust [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 3:48 am ]
Post subject: 

bound to be what heppens they'll bring out expansion add items to it people without the expansion cant use and so cant compete with other players, it'll probably work out cheaper to pay monthly subscriptions.

Author:  Narcom [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 3:52 am ]
Post subject: 

one thing i do not like is regular expansions as its almost like release day all over :? the bugs are just being ironed out when bam a new expansion 100 new exploits/bugs.

Author:  shadow_tamer [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:21 am ]
Post subject: 

But once an expansion is out, and if they don't release an CD keys and crap, I'm sure you could easily find an expansion downloadable on the internet.

Edit: Read this on the main page:

Am I required to buy the expansion packs to continue to play Guild Wars?

No. Every purchase you make in the continuation of the Guild Wars saga will be your choice. If you purchase expansion packs you will gain access to new regions of the world, new skills and abilities, new items, new professions, and much more. If you choose to not purchase a chapter, you will still be able to play the chapters of Guild Wars that you own, and you will have common areas in which you will be able to play with and against your friends who have purchased the other chapter(s).

Will I remain competitive if I do not buy the expansion packs? Will I be able to compete with and against others if I have only some of the Guild Wars chapters?

Yes. Purchasing the newer chapters of Guild Wars will not make you strictly more powerful. You will have access to many more strategic options, due to the expanding nature of the skills, abilities, items and professions that you enjoy with each chapter. It would be similar to building a deck in Magic: The Gatheringâ„¢: The more cards you own, the more different playing decks that you can choose from to use in the game. When you buy the chapters of Guild Wars, you will acquire a larger collection of skills and abilities from which to build your skill set, but you will not gain more power. So if you purchase a chapter and your friend does not, you will still be able to play competitively against and with one another.

But Im sure that only the rich little kids will be getting every single expansion, getting their parents to buy every expansion as its released.

Author:  Nervous Exaust [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 5:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Am I required to buy the expansion packs to continue to play Guild Wars?

No. Every purchase you make in the continuation of the Guild Wars saga will be your choice. If you purchase expansion packs you will gain access to new regions of the world, new skills and abilities, new items, new professions, and much more. If you choose to not purchase a chapter, you will still be able to play the chapters of Guild Wars that you own, and you will have common areas in which you will be able to play with and against your friends who have purchased the other chapter(s).
as i said before this last comment means yes you'll be able to play but your charactor will be serverely gimped without expansions your dealing with a commercial company, the bottom line is they want you to buy their shit and they will use any means possible to make as much cash out of it as they can.

Author:  shadow_tamer [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 7:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Meh, I won't be playing it anyway. My computer isnt nearly good enough.

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 9:44 am ]
Post subject: 

i actually have the game but my computer wont play it... plus obsidian = l33t

Author:  Thassius [ Sat Apr 30, 2005 10:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Merely saying that is is considered rude everywhere to advertise another MMORPG on game forums - I know this because I did it across the net for obs and got lots of players here but got in a little trouble :)

Of course I'm gonna point this out because im head moderator, so there is no need for personal attacks Orgis.

As for my comments about Nervous, it is fact that he has made many unneccessary and inflammatory remarks on this forum before, so I stand by this and there is no need for sacked staff members to question my judgement.

I'm just trying to get these forums back on track again because you have no idea how close BB came to closing them altogether last time - that is why I am here.

The sooner you guys realise that the forums are a privelege not a right the better. They take time and effort on behalf of myself, the other moderators and the higher staff to maintain; and the rules are there for a reason.

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