DX Gaming

Magical weapons
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Author:  thomaska [ Mon May 09, 2005 1:34 am ]
Post subject:  Magical weapons


i think it's time to make a list of which magical weapons are available and what they do. Not only for myself :oops: , but also for any new players around.

Here are the weapons i remember, and what they do:

Auto-Armor: ??? Currently disabled.
Auto-Cure: Casts cure on yourself at random intervals or when poisoned? Currently disabled.
Auto-Heal: Casts heal on yourself at random intervals. Currently disabled.
Auto-Med: ??? Currently disabled.
Auto-Sight: ??? Currently disabled.
Durable: Means that the weapon is more durable than a normal weapon.
Fire: Will cause extra damage upon hit.
Gate Travel: Double-click on weapon to cast gate travel. (Fixed number of charges)
Greater Heal: Double-click on weapon to use. Heal yourself or other player. (Fixed number of charges)
Heal: Double-click on weapon to use. Heal yourself or other player. (Fixed number of charges)
Life Leech: Upon hit there is a change of draining life from opponent.
Lightning: Upon hit there is a chance of casting Lightning for extra damage.
Magic Arrow: Upon hit there is a chance of casting Magic Arrow for extra damage.
Mana Leech: Upon hit there is a chance of draining mana from opponent.
Pain: Upon hit there is a chance of casting Harm for extra damage.
Poison Strike: Upon hit there is a chance of poisoning your opponent.
Resurrection: Double-click on weapon to use. Ressurects dead player. (Fixed number of charges)
Silver: Does extra damage to undead.
Stamina Leech: Upon hit there is a chance of draining stamina.
Total Leech: Upon hit there is a chance of draining life, stamina and mana. Currently disabled.
Total Protection: Double-click on weapon to use. Casts Protection, Cure, Nightsight and Magic Reflection. Does not work on bows or xbows. (Fixed number of charges)

Post edited after input from blob, Kinetic and Drizzt. Please give me more input.

Author:  blob [ Mon May 09, 2005 1:52 am ]
Post subject: 

none of the auto weapons work....
uhm the fire weapons just do more dmg per hit no fire dmg... just more dmg per hit...
pain casts harm randomly upon striking them... and lightning casts lightning randomly upon hit....
the leech weapons do what they say... but total leech doesnt work....
uhm theres a few more but most dont work... only ones that work are pain, the leech ones (minus total), lightning, fire (doesnt do fire dmg like FS or Fireball), Magic Arrow, Total Protection (casts RA and Prot), and the spell ones... bout it i cant remember ne more

Author:  Kinetic [ Mon May 09, 2005 3:51 am ]
Post subject: 

Pretty much it yeah. The Silver hurt undead more, and you can gain resist from being hit by a fire weapon, so i guess it does do some kind of magical attack. Gate travel, self explanatory, resurection.....heal.......G-heal......

Author:  regiss [ Mon May 09, 2005 4:19 am ]
Post subject: 

Auto- ones work. The problem is they cast only when You auto-unequip
with the message "You're not in a battle and therefore decide to unequip"
(or smth). At least, I've never heard or managed to make it cast in any
other case.

And wasn't Total Leech fixed?.. (someone go whack few times with one)

And I've never tried Total Protection, but isn't it like necro total prot? With
protection, cure, nightsight, magic reflection, but without reactive?

Author:  Mezmoron [ Mon May 09, 2005 6:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Need to know anything about magic weapons? Just ask me.


Author:  Drizzt [ Mon May 09, 2005 6:58 am ]
Post subject: 

total protection doesnt work on bows or xbows or heavy xbows only the rest of weapons. and its limited charges not random yeah.

and yeah it gives reflect and the works not just the two.

another thing that doesnt work are the orbs that recharge the charged weapons. or if it does, i dunno how. be nice to see list of what orb does what cause im not 100% sure so i wont say at all.

how bout it duo?

also am i blind or did you leave out life leech?
and how much more durable is a durable wep? it seems to make the wep crappier in terms of accuracy and damage for some reason.
and what about the elemental weps?

Author:  thomaska [ Mon May 09, 2005 7:08 am ]
Post subject: 

another thing that doesnt work are the orbs that recharge the charged weapons. or if it does, i dunno how. be nice to see list of what orb does what cause im not 100% sure so i wont say at all.
I have never hear of these orbs. Can anyone give some input on this?

and what about the elemental weps?
I have never hear of these either. What are they?

Author:  Mezmoron [ Mon May 09, 2005 7:43 am ]
Post subject: 

There used to be "Water Elemental" weapons. They are no more.

Also, the orbs were used to recharge any weapon that had charges associated with it. (Heal, Greater Heal, Total Protection, Gate, Rez, etc.)

I'm not quite sure if they work anymore. They did about 8 months ago.

To get the orbs, you need to clear one of the elemental shrines (Earth, Fire, Ice, Wind, and Water). Then you need to figure out the 3 code combination with the tiles surrounding the particular shrine.


Author:  Drizzt [ Mon May 09, 2005 7:49 am ]
Post subject: 

every shrine has a puzzle that gives a different orb when solved ie ice shrine= ice orb.

fire earth water umm errrr air/wind short term i forget which.

im kinda guessin its like ice recharges ruin earth = might water= force wind = power fire = vanq but tbh i dont fng know for sure. anyways what you do i think is when say your gheal sword is out of charges youd dble click the correct orb and it says which wep you wanna recharge and so you click your gheal sword and wham recharged/orb gone. i guess :)

and there used to be like elemental weapons i only have one and its a xbow of power of pain of water elemental. i guess before it was disable it would randomly summon a water ele? not sure.

Author:  regiss [ Mon May 09, 2005 8:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Ice - ruin; water - might; wind - force; earth - power; fire - vanq.

Author:  Drizzt [ Mon May 09, 2005 8:16 am ]
Post subject: 

thx reg. you sexy beast :P

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