DX Gaming

Time warps
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Author:  shadow_tamer [ Sat May 21, 2005 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Time warps

two time warps last night? Both times I end up in the exact same place fighting exact same orcs...

Author:  Azimuth [ Sat May 21, 2005 6:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I get 2 str fish...I cook them...time warp...I cook them again...another time warp...I cook them a 3rd time...THEY BOTH BURN...no more time warps.

It sucks, but what ya gonna do?

Author:  shadow_tamer [ Sat May 21, 2005 7:04 am ]
Post subject: 

Server down now!!!!! and watch theres going to be another f****** time warp, just when i f****** reached 40 healing and 60 swords...

Author:  belgarion [ Sat May 21, 2005 8:27 am ]
Post subject: 

I just hope it's not down all weekend it is a long weekend where I'm from and I thought I was going to have lots of time to play for a change :cry:

Author:  Azimuth [ Sat May 21, 2005 8:31 am ]
Post subject: 

If it's not up by this afternoon (central time) then I would not expect it to be up until sometime midday monday.

Author:  Oigen [ Sat May 21, 2005 9:05 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't get it. Why does the server crash only on weekends? Why isn't there a way for it to get restarted during the weekends? Isn't there anything that can be done? It's frustrating to get warps every week.

Author:  shadow_tamer [ Sat May 21, 2005 9:22 am ]
Post subject: 

And its a long weekend too!!!!!! Damn server down for long weekend

Author:  Oigen [ Sat May 21, 2005 9:39 am ]
Post subject: 

you sure? this could be easily exploited by peeps with bugged chars. something must be done.

Author:  Emo [ Sat May 21, 2005 9:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Nemo, if you know it's someone with a bugged char, why don't you PM a GM so they can do something about it? instead of sitting here watching teh shard keep crashing.

Author:  LegendaryProdigy [ Sat May 21, 2005 10:12 am ]
Post subject: 

the reason it goes down on the weekend is becasue bb has it at his office which he is not at on the weekends

Author:  shadow_tamer [ Sat May 21, 2005 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

It should still be running shouldn't it? It always has been running on weekends.

Author:  Emo [ Sat May 21, 2005 10:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Then how do you know thats what causing it?

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