DX Gaming

need help registering to game server plz help
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Author:  Gohag [ Sat May 21, 2005 11:17 am ]
Post subject:  need help registering to game server plz help

hello there my dear online fella's.
just a lil noobish way of saying hello...
well i got this site link from a fraind of mine so i ran home started typing fast when i get this fraightening error... :/
Invalid charcter - found in email address

IP that was logged: ***.***.***.***"
i used 3 ip's yet no one works... i tried 2 e-mails yet none worked and i tried 1 billion usernames yet none worked... :cry:
i honestly dont know if it is just my comp, or maybe the game just hates me... :(
I beg you admins\anyone who knows what my prob is... help me enjoy this game plz
*keep refreshing the browser in hope to find any new posts, yet geting disapointed*

btw- i dont know if that matters but i use Firefox 1.0.3 and IE 6.0.2900.2180. I used both of them yet no one works

Author:  Emo [ Sat May 21, 2005 11:27 am ]
Post subject: 

The shard is down right now, and as far as I can remember that means players can't register. (I may be way off, so people who know, correct me if I'm wrong) Try again after the shards back up, which should be around Tuesday.

Author:  regiss [ Sat May 21, 2005 11:28 am ]
Post subject: 

You can't use characters like "_" in the e-mail with which You're registering.
Just use one with only letters/numbers in it, again. And again You'll have
to do it from a new IP address.

OTOH, You could just PM CyberVic with the desired username and e-mail
address and he'd sort it out. But You'd have to wait some..

Author:  shadow_tamer [ Sat May 21, 2005 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Its so gay that you cant use _ I registered my e-mail (a year ago) with _ and _ and _ and _ and _ (i think it had about 4-5 _ in it)

Author:  Emo [ Sat May 21, 2005 11:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, thats pretty gay shadow, indeed. Not being able to use _ really makes me want to make love to other men.


Author:  Gohag [ Sat May 21, 2005 1:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

hmmm nice comunety here i see... well ill just wait untill Tuesday so i wont go throgh alot of troble...
thnx alot guys :wink:

Author:  Thassius [ Sun May 22, 2005 1:17 am ]
Post subject: 

lol yeh its a nice community, a select few people are sometimes at each other's throats but there is always some funny stuff going on and its all <3 in the end!

Welcome by the way :)

I'm a Seer ingame and Head Forum Moderator here - if you have any questions then feel free to send me a PM.

Author:  Gohag [ Sun May 22, 2005 10:06 am ]
Post subject: 

You can't use characters like "_" in the e-mail with which You're registering.
Just use one with only letters/numbers in it, again. And again You'll have
to do it from a new IP address.

OTOH, You could just PM CyberVic with the desired username and e-mail
address and he'd sort it out. But You'd have to wait some..
I guess I was the stupid one in the end.
You were right yet not precisly... not only you cant write "_" but you cant also write "-" which is preety "gay" (quoting shadow_tamer =P)
well I now have another 1 hour before i can get my account working.
thank you all for youre help and see ya in game later on today.

btw- sorry cybervic for my stupidety for just sending a PM to you and then after a second to be able to create my own account alone... anyhow im sorry all :?

Author:  shadow_tamer [ Sun May 22, 2005 11:47 am ]
Post subject: 

Hope to see you In game!

Author:  regiss [ Sun May 22, 2005 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

If You still see Your PM in Outbox, means whoever it was meant to hasn't
read it yet, so You can edit or delete it.

And I said "characters like", not strictly only "_"s. :p

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