DX Gaming

Recruiting For Britannia's Militia
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Author:  ducksternator [ Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Recruiting For Britannia's Militia

This is a new guild. It's a force of people who will be called upon to aid Britannia in the case of a war.

Uniforms, armour, weapons and training will be supplied all that is required is a 500gp sign up fee and your name for the book of recruits.

We will need captains, squad leaders and last but not least common soldiers. If you're up for the job pm me.

I'll be posting the time and date of the first parade of the Britannia Militia so keep checking back here

Edit: I'm also calling upon all crafters to assist in the establishment of such a force. We'll need good blacksmith's, fletcher's and fishers.

Author:  Emo [ Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

I hope these guys are trained good.. I'm comin for ya :wink:

Author:  bruhaha [ Thu Jun 09, 2005 10:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

o o if i get to fight ashes, sign me up, its hella fun to try and stay alive

Author:  RmX [ Fri Jun 10, 2005 5:08 am ]
Post subject: 

count RmX in
tho i got a pk'r to... but fighting ashes is always fun :) lol

Author:  ducksternator [ Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Ok the guild is now called Royal Guards and we have a total of 6 members with another 2 to be recruited. Nice one guys

Author:  Dario [ Fri Jun 10, 2005 6:43 am ]
Post subject: 

just my thought that royal guards sounds too much...well just too much, Millitia was way better, i think royal guard should be higher rank in guild. well its your guild mate, just my sugestion.

Author:  ducksternator [ Fri Jun 10, 2005 7:02 am ]
Post subject: 

Lol - you're too good man. I was just wondering that. Thanks :) I'll go change it now

Author:  phoenixhunter [ Fri Jun 10, 2005 2:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

lol...this might just make me more active on the shard...i wanna see whats gonna come out of this...

Author:  Guest [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

How is this coming along Duck? Get a good turn out?

Author:  bruhaha [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

ditto what happened with nos

Author:  ducksternator [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sorry guys - I decided to scrap the guild thing. I might re-make it later when I have better funds and stuff. Plus I'm taking a break from playing for awhile. Sorry again :(

Author:  Emo [ Sun Jun 12, 2005 6:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

Duck, get on msn, we gotta talk! lol.

Author:  ducksternator [ Fri Jun 17, 2005 1:54 am ]
Post subject: 

I think I managed to tell everyone who joined the guild but for everyone else - The militia disbanned before it got off the ground :(

Author:  belgarion [ Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

You had a really good thing going there duck. I'm sure you could find lots of people to help out with the funding. I for 1 could give you whatever i can spare. Maybe post a list for things you need and we could donate them.

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