umm excuse me if its already answered,, but ive been on forums and didnt feel like reading the 2 pages worth,, so to answer ashes's question on the first page he was in Sons of Flame aka. SoF i remeber some of the ppl in that guild(hey ice U forgot to mention me u poop head

-askey was leader-barly knew english and now speaks it fluidly (unlike me:() (to- Wiz O gore- just so u know ariel is still active in shard he just dont play as much as b4)he gave us flasks b4 he went inactive to take care of business in real and is just returning and lookin fly in real, seeing that when he left the comp life he had no place to stay and worked at a hotel where he parked cars
icesmasher(remebered him cuz he wanted to suit the whole guild in BR and almost got to suit the whole guild in val. b4 the guild broke up)he just got married (GOOD JOB BRE)(his coolness level soon dropped with extreme furry b/c he didnt list me on a certain list:O with certain guild mates

Sparta- unfortanatly left obsid a month or 2 b4 roll bak as where he gave his account to my freind,, which i forgot the name to,
and theres more but i dont feel like typing that much
OOOOOOO i forgot to mention ,, I (the greatest SoF member to live) was ounce in,,, u guessed it SoF.. me(darkpheonix)-the most pimpin player ever to live
in Infernal touch aka. IT's franchise where
gandalf the white- he was the leader of the whole shat
sir pheonix- afa -sir askey cool 160 str warrior that helped alot
ariel-also sir askey he was a gm mage super cool
theres more which i cant remeber the name to but there were alot more,, *sniff*
Selling +7 BA been used couple times so start bid of at 12k min crease 1k
Is this the one that I JUST gave you?
I didn’t give you this to sell, I gave you this because I wanted to help you hunt, gain skills, and hopefully some day you would be getting your own You begged me for this, and then you turn around and sell it?
woops wrong number its a +5 and no the one u gave me im keeping
sub zero- The SnowMan
interceptor- frost warrior
DK- pvm in training
chips- Lord of the Sea