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PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:31 am 
No f****** way, shit me and Mathurin were good mates from when I first started. He gave me his account before he quit coz he asked me to keep taming for him coz he loved it. shit sorry to hear RIP

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 4:16 pm 
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I knew mathurin, he was cool. It's too bad that he felt that this was the way to deal with whatever was going on with him. On another note i don't ever remember anyone scared of destiny except maybe that they were going to abuse a bug and loot their house. :lol:

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:47 pm 

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Make the best of your lives and don't go down the wrong path in life hanging around scum like Ashes Relandi the ever QQing cock riding emo. You have only 1 life and no resurrection stone can save you once you screwed it up.

MOD EDIT: Bob: Don't flame others in a solemn thread. Seriously.

On another note I did go to see his family and they all gathered and took a week off to cope with the pain. His mother has always been a very strong woman though and they will get through it in time. Although I can't begin to imagine the pain there going through.

As for Destiny at the time I had my rigged Necromancer and Voldemort was top PKer we specialised in ganks and murdered all the fools bold enough to talk shit about us and wander out of towns including the eldest players in this community. LoV was not spared I remember even pking Drizzt once because he messed with me. And everyone knows Drizzt was the nicest guy. As I said Destiny owned this shard and no hater in denial can change that fact.

Anyways Mathurin was a very intelligent guy, maybe too intelligent for his own good. I've known him for years and we did a lot of shit together. This whole story shook me but not as much as it did his family. I hope they get through it fast.

I'm out for good now. I've got other gaming business to take care of and I am leaving for Mexico for 2 weeks tomorrow on vacation. Good luck Obsidian. As for the old players I knew who posted here: Nice to see you guys again and get a life.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 7:31 pm 

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You get a life man... Jeez, posting in the forum of a game that you don't play or have no friends in.

And never come back here again!


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PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 9:41 pm 
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wow shamino....
1) ur a douche
2) you seem to have no respect for your dead friend, dispite what you say
3) you couldn't come back and own shit.. and as far as im concerned. destiny was good.. but own the shard? ur shitting me right? lol..
4) No one wants you to come back, due to a combination of 1 and 3
5) no one gives a shit about you or mexico...


king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:17 pm 
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Lets keep this thread solemn. It's job is to let people know about a friend who passed away. This is not the time or place to trash talk.

Thank you for letting us know about Mathurin, now please take your smugness to another part of the forums...or another website altogether.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:46 pm 
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Oh wow, i feel bad for him.

PS Necrowarrior i think ive played with you on some Bhop servers. My name is [mrpanda.NET] ElemenT i think i saw you in my server. Also i remember destiny you guys challenged me for bucs den.

A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:43 am 
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2) you seem to have no respect for your dead friend, dispite what you say
Sad but very true.

Mathurin was a little different as most who knew him can attest to. Some got along with him very well and others thought he enjoyed his taming far too much. In the end though it's sad that anyone (especially someone who shared any part of their life with him no matter how brief) feels the need to end their life by their own hands. Sad for his family, anyone he ever dealt with and for his friends. Show him a little bit of respect necrowarrior (aka shamino/aladdin/whatever you call yourself) and don't resort to inserting insults in between news about him.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 10:28 am 
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Shamino you are a douche in the hugest way. Only you would use the news of a guy we all know dying as an excuse to come on here and talk shit and tell us how great you thought you were. And don't try to tell us that that is not what you were doing because otherwise you would have just said what needed to be said and that was that. Why don't you crawl back under whatever rock you come out from and leave this forum once again free from your supreme bullshit.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 2:18 am 
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what belg said.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 3:29 am 
maybe locking this topic as this is a topic about someone dying and people are jsut fighting and arguing

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:44 am 

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salut jme rapelle de lui dsl dapprende cela :(

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 10:55 am 
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This is very sad news indeed. I did have concerns about Mathurin some time ago (I remember him well), he did make some very odd comments at times and we just put it down to eccentricity - Echo and Hydro will remember this in particular.

I see now this was perhaps indicative of some underlying issues, and I am extremely sorry to hear that this has happened to him. For the most part he was a pleasant player and a nice guy.

My thoughts and wishes go out to his family and friends at this time.

I would like to add, however, that I am am extremely bemused that someone could manage to fill a post of solemn news with egoistical comments about their guild and pking... to the extent of making derogatory comments about the shard and its players. Have you no shame?

I do not expect to see any more posts in this thread about pking, other players, or indeed anything else epenis-related. Due to the sensitive nature of this thread I will not hesitate to suspend your forum access if this continues AT ALL.

***Imagine if his family were to view this forum to look for kind words about Mathurin and instead see fighting and arguments***

Let's not forget the family who are grieving at this point, and any more comments should reflect this news and nothing more.

Mathurin RIP.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 1:34 pm 
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:shock: church

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:44 pm 
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i was in destiny before you were man and the only time u ever killed me was with cherry in two vs one cuz i was cocky enough to go into a wall with both of you even though i could have held back with ashes and you guys would have gotten destroyed. even then you guys had to use stack poison no one could beat me back then but you guys were the first to discover how to cheat with bb's poison bug he created by trying to change shit up too much and then he wasnt active enough or just didnt give a damn to fix it for years. m

an pple like to make shit up nemo started destiny and you and voldemort are noobs i helped vold when he was noob by asking primal to stop raping him everytime he went out of town and gave him int fish he even had an lov char for a while man pple like to make shit up rofl.

and again i dunno if someones deleting posts or what but i say again i am truly sorry the guy died but how the hell could u not see he had issues the guy was weird as hell anyone could see that.


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