i was in destiny before you were man and the only time u ever killed me was with cherry in two vs one cuz i was cocky enough to go into a wall with both of you even though i could have held back with ashes and you guys would have gotten destroyed. even then you guys had to use stack poison no one could beat me back then but you guys were the first to discover how to cheat with bb's poison bug he created by trying to change shit up too much and then he wasnt active enough or just didnt give a damn to fix it for years. m
an pple like to make shit up nemo started destiny and you and voldemort are noobs i helped vold when he was noob by asking primal to stop raping him everytime he went out of town and gave him int fish he even had an lov char for a while man pple like to make shit up rofl.
and again i dunno if someones deleting posts or what but i say again i am truly sorry the guy died but how the hell could u not see he had issues the guy was weird as hell anyone could see that.
Really now Drizzt. I guess you are one of the few who got dumber with age instead of getting wiser. You speak of me and the Destiny clan like you owned it and then go on calling us bug abusers? You think you didn't abuse bugs and glitches? You trying to make it look likeyou or Ashes never glitch abused? Don't make me laugh. I remember quite well your glitched swords and how Ashes liked to get around with a GM given undroppable pouch carrying all his regs and items which gave him the balls to come out of town and face us knowing he wouldn't drop his stuff. What you though you were a saint? Pathetic
Deny all you want I wtfpwnd you 1 on 1 after you tried to stop me from PKing another LoV member (forgot who). I got both of you back. Even with rigged equipment you were never a match for most Destiny PKers. Truth is you sucked in PVP. Only few players who were truly good at PVP were Thassius's warrior Vlad, Ashes, Nemo, Volde, myself and more I'm forgetting about. Those were true PVPers. You on the other hand Drizzt were more like a hill billy type. All you did was farm and work while saying *Howdy Hoo* to people passing by with your 14 year old cousin and kids waving smiles on their faces. Don't hate ok?
As for those who say I didn't or don't respect Mathurin AKA Francois, you are completely wrong. It's all of this community I don't respect. None of you are worth any I have to give. Get your facts right. I wouldn't have gone to see his family if I didn't give a f***. Nor would I have come searching endlessly for this pathetic website looking to inform those who knew him as I did of the news of his passing.
One of my RL friends wanted to join this failling UO community once so he connected on IRC saying he was a friend of mine. Within seconds he was banned from IRC without reason solely because he mentionned me. Don't get me wrong, I never gave a f*** nor will I ever of what the scum who play here think of me. But as you can see this community isn't worth respect from me or anyone else. Where I'm from we earn our respect, we don't ask for it.
I'm finally back from Mexico and I see the activity on these forums is as puny as the servers activity. I had a great time did 13 scuba dives exploring the worlds second biggest reef wall. I'm leaving again soon to Cuba for another week under the sun. Much preperations await. But before I go I must say this: Echo you're a maggot babe. As for you Thassius don't you have girls to spend time with?? Wtf are you still doing on this shard lol. Peace nubs.