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PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:11 pm 
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For those who haven't kept up with the news from the post two before this one, on my "i'm not dead yet, but if i miss a deadline you get an alpaca", i'd like to repost my last post in that thread because i feel it's pretty important even to those not involved in that debacle.

The setup was simple, in that post i gave instructions for what to do to get a free alpaca, and then in a later post i asked everyone to voice an opinion (1-5) on how harsh i should be in grading whether people followed directions. 1 was the most strict, while 5 was the most lenient.

The majority voted for three, and then when i did a final post on who got one and who didn't, they proceeded to get upset that the outcome. The following post is my reply:

Most of you voted #3.
That means that you all willingly chose to screw your fellow players over, because you thought it would benefit you.

I almost gave the person who voted 5 a free pass to an alpaca just because they are the only non greedy person here.

I did this entire alpaca thing to illustrate a point, and it worked out a bit better than i expected due to the temper some people have displayed after the fact.

I put that post up knowing full well i would probably miss the deadline, but i was shocked at the number of people who don't post to forums regularly, or play regularly, that somehow lept on this small duration offer.

Suddenly you see a lot of people posting for free stuff, but otherwise not contributing useful content to the game or playing to keep the numbers up.

This shard is a a community. Like any community, it will fall apart and be torn to shreds if most of the members are parasites. I would have hoped the recent fiasco with houses would have re-enforced the concept that you all should think of the entire shard, not just your own personal benefit.

Apparently not, as it was demonstrated a second time.
Instead each person decided on their own, to voluntarily screw some other person out of an alpaca, in hopes it will increase the value of their own. If you had all just put 5, we woulda had alpacas for everyone.

And now that the votes are in, and i have rendered my verdict, we instantly have people claiming "unfair" and "evil staff" just because i kept my word. Some of you got them, some of you didn't, and i posted the method i used to grade it. Suddenly all the 3s want to be 5s because THEY were the ones without the alpacas.


Greed begets greed, and you all will live with the situation you chose yourself, democratically.

PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:22 pm 
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are the 5 people you said where getting them, still getting them?


PostPosted: Sun May 01, 2011 7:29 pm 
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What about the people who didn't give a flying f*** about the Alpaca or the deadline figuring things will get done when they get done. :P

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 12:36 am 
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well i voted 3 for this reason:

i am very current on forums and on playing, and when you posted that, i assumed that the ppl that would not get one were the ppl that posted after the deadline and those ppl were not active enough to see it...tough. but, oh well. no biggie, because i am active, i will get another some day. even though ive been looking since they were put in and not one

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PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 3:29 am 
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I just posted three because I thought it was ment for people who are playing the game ultima alot, now I probably misread something, I mean I just started playing so I never thought the alpaca would be for me anyway, I thought it would be for the hardcore players, So in other words it was an unselfish act from my side anyway's!

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:10 am 
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Most of you voted #3.
That means that you all willingly chose to screw your fellow players over, because you thought it would benefit you.
orrr b/c it was in the middle and seemed fair.... either or... :roll:
people who put 1 or 2 i could see you saying that but... as 3 is in the middle i dun see how it's trying to screw others out of a alpaca.. MAYBE people saw 3 as fair.. and people who put 5 were either just late or thought they weren't going to get one...

but no matter just an alpaca.. idc about the alpaca but Don't try insulting other peoples character when you don't know there true intentions. and only rely on your pre-thought out assumptions

i say that with respect tho... chips :)

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 8:27 am 

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Don't try insulting other peoples character when you don't know there true intentions. and only rely on your pre-thought out assumptions

i say that with respect tho... chips :)
Or in other words... Don't Judge my based on your ignorance!

Thank you chips

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 11:02 am 
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I'm ok with this.

yes i made a generalized statement, because I did not feel like calling out the numerous people by name who are specifically greedy. And yes i made a generalized statement that doesn't fit everyone. IF it doesn't fit you, move on, accept the message it sent, and go on with your day. There will always be a few good samaratins on this shard, just as there will always be a few asshats whose goal is to cause as much grief as they can legally get away with. I am pissed because the general population is shifting way too much towards the grief end than it normally should be, and i want to nip that in the bud before it causes me a LOT MORE wasted coding time.

Yes there are exceptions, but for the most part a lot of the people around still have a "it benefits me so it's fair" mentality. I'm fine with a few people having it, but when most of the shard has it when we bring in new people, it spreads.

i've had to waste over 13(i stopped keeping track at that point) effective hours of coding time solving the most latest bout of greed, from the housing thefts, and it's still not entirely solved. plus the only time this shard is united is when it's backlash against me. :P So if i have to pull a stunt like this to get you guys united and self-interested in the shard, i'll take the bad karma.

I am not here to make the entire shard care-bear. But i DO NOT want to spend most of my coding time tracking down bug exploiters, people breaking rules for personal game, and other such shenanigans. If I have to break a few heads to remind you all that yeah, you are a community, then i'll do it and get the evil gm title that jorus used to have.

I'd rather spend it fixing minor bugs and giving you all new features, new npcs, and new quests.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:45 pm 
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"But i DO NOT want to spend most of my coding time tracking down bug exploiters, people breaking rules for personal game, and other such shenanigans"

that has nothing to do with what happened above,, but ok.... smh

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 2:47 pm 
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You dont have a evil gm title. Just a Deciever one.

However we appreciate you returning peoples stolen items from there houses (even tho i didnt have a house).

But chips is right, It has nothing to do with what was going on above.

A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 5:03 pm 
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Are the 5 people still getting there alpacas?


PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:00 pm 
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You dont have a evil gm title. Just a Deciever one.

However we appreciate you returning peoples stolen items from there houses (even tho i didnt have a house).

But chips is right, It has nothing to do with what was going on above.
People being greedy enough that they screw over thier fellow players is PRECISELY what causes people to go on house looting sprees when bugs allow it. The whole concept of "fair" in ultima online is whatever the game lets you do, it's fair, in some peoples minds.

Now as with the house looting, we had a few people who looted without thinking that it coudla been a bug and upon realizing it tried to make their amends (Just liike we had a few people vote 3 becuase they thought it a fair medium). On the other hand, we also had a few people vote 3 because they wanted their own alpaca to be more valuable(as we also had people vote 1 and 2).

Was there other ways i could have made this point without pissing people off? Sure.
But it wouldn't have had the same affect nor last as long as this one probably will.

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:23 pm 

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Are houses that were not refreshed with your mass house refresh part of the whole bug you mention? If not, how do I resolve my currently decayed houses that remained decayed even after the refresh?

PostPosted: Mon May 02, 2011 6:51 pm 
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The 5 people you said are getting alpacas.... are they still gettimg them?


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