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PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2011 4:06 pm 
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Hey all,

Just been putting together a plan to re-introduce obsidian to the gaming world and the world at large. The project is going to be called Obsidian RELAUNCH.

I'm looking to put together a team of around 6 who will work together to develop strategies for getting more players onto the shard.

The duties of these 6 people would include:
Regularly posting and responding in the marketing forums.
Developing strategies.
Assisting in the implementation of strategies.
Organising large groups of people when work needs to be delegated.

I do however have a few requirements for these 6:
You must be willing to take part in every strategy that the group puts together.
You must have a postive outlook.
You should have some knowledge of social media.

If you think you meet these requirements, and more importantly, want to be apart of a change to Obsidian: Then please send me a PM titled "Marketing Team" and give me an idea of:
A) Why you want to be on the team
B)What you think you can bring to the team.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:14 am 
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Good to see you echo, good to see this thread!

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:33 am 
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A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:58 am 

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echo is the man :D



Cult of the damned

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:59 am 
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I would love to help in anyway I can however I cannot promise to be available at all times baby girl takes precedence sorry :)

[email protected]

Dedo Serenity
Ruby Estella

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:50 am 

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u need french guys because of this

1, we are inteligent
2, we are polit
3, we are always good at people
4, we got the right langage to make peeps wanna kill us and this its the best way to get peeps to come and get ass kicked , and call friends to gank us and this gang call more back up because we are in team ,[ Team Of Franglish .inc ] this isnt beautifull :) i am sure u will recrut alot of future ashes with MY Team discovery :twisted:

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 12:20 pm 

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u need french guys because of this

1, we are inteligent
2, we are polit
3, we are always good at people
4, we got the right langage to make peeps wanna kill us and this its the best way to get peeps to come and get ass kicked , and call friends to gank us and this gang call more back up because we are in team ,[ Team Of Franglish .inc ] this isnt beautifull :) i am sure u will recrut alot of future ashes with MY Team discovery :twisted:

Restile-------------GOD HATES US ALL------------

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:28 pm 
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hmmm i would like to help :)

king of the run on sentence.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 2:12 pm 
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This sounds cool. I'm not on Facebook (never will be) but I do use Twitter and it would be awesome to see a general Obsidian twitter or perhaps staff members could create their own?

That way anyone who is "following" them can see a tweet like:

@EchoObs: I am starting an event on blah blah date @ blah blah time.

Ultima avatar: The Famed JIZABOZ,GWAR Guildmeister

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:37 pm 

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u need french guys because of this

1, we are inteligent
2, we are polit
3, we are always good at people
4, we got the right langage to make peeps wanna kill us and this its the best way to get peeps to come and get ass kicked , and call friends to gank us and this gang call more back up because we are in team ,[ Team Of Franglish .inc ] this isnt beautifull :) i am sure u will recrut alot of future ashes with MY Team discovery :twisted:

Well, next to anything Raptor posts ;)

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:08 pm 
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This sounds cool. I'm not on Facebook (never will be) but I do use Twitter and it would be awesome to see a general Obsidian twitter or perhaps staff members could create their own?

That way anyone who is "following" them can see a tweet like:

@EchoObs: I am starting an event on blah blah date @ blah blah time.
yup good thinking 8) I would help out whenever I can.

Scathach of Skye - Pure Ranger

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:03 am 
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Wonderful to see so many willing hands :)

The way I'm planning to go ahead with this all is to get the marketing team to brainstorm the ideas and debate the merits of each idea. When it comes time to the "doing" part we'll need all hands on deck. I'll just be using the marketing team as a go-to person to help delegate the work load.


PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:10 am 
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I'll happily support on the forums as ever and act as the typical "Community Manager" etc.

I run two businesses in telecommunications / IT so customer support is what I do really.

My first suggestion:

Add marketing list permission to both the forum and Obsidian registration T&C's, and then we can use that to build a MailChimp list with which to keep players updated with HTML emails for ongoing Obsidian developments and events etc.

That will bring us much more into line with every other MMO out there. I'm constantly getting email newsletters from different MMOs I've played in the past.

It's all about keeping a closer ongoing relationship with players, and it's something that I can manage for you.

Second suggestion:

I also think that we should introduce a referral incentive scheme so that people are more inclined to virally encourage their friends to start playing as per the 'social media' direction you have referenced. I'm sure it would be quite easy for Bob to code a referral link system for players to post which would identify which account has done the referring at point of registration and enter that information into a suitable database.

We could then either give players a fixed incentive 'per referral' on a monthly basis, or award a tiered prize (say... 1st, 2nd, 3rd) for the most referring players for that month.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 3:20 pm 
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No one will play with the lag like it is.
I logged in for the first time in a long time, and one thing that I noticed right away is how unresponsive the game is. It just felt.....slow....but not in that nice tropical island leisurely pace slow....more like being late for work and stuck behind some guy on the freeway going 15 mph under the speed limit kind of slow.

There is a lot of regular lag that freezes for a second or 2, but there was an underlying lag that can be felt all the time. It felt almost like a really high ping time, but I don't think I have that.....every action seams to be delayed by at least 1/4 of a second.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:50 pm 

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No one will play with the lag like it is.
I logged in for the first time in a long time, and one thing that I noticed right away is how unresponsive the game is. It just felt.....slow....but not in that nice tropical island leisurely pace slow....more like being late for work and stuck behind some guy on the freeway going 15 mph under the speed limit kind of slow.

There is a lot of regular lag that freezes for a second or 2, but there was an underlying lag that can be felt all the time. It felt almost like a really high ping time, but I don't think I have that.....every action seams to be delayed by at least 1/4 of a second.
I gotta agree. I'm lumberjacking, which doesn't require a whole lot of thinking or manipulation of a char. The problem is, sometimes i'll wait 5 seconds or more for my target reticle to appear when i try to chop something. 5 seconds in a pvp battle is basically a lifetime, being my life would be over (in game) and my body looted. The lag is not on my end.

With this game being almost 20 years old, and with technology as advanced as it is since the introduction of this game, there shouldn't be ANY lag what-so-ever. I'm getting extremely frustrated with the lag while chopping wood. Like i'm gonna get into a pvp fight with the server acting like it is, cuz whatever skill i have, is nullified by the lag.

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