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 Post subject: Uh oh
PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:20 pm 
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Why's obsidian dying off again?!?! Don't let it happen!

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:58 am 
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I've noticed it too :( Come on peeps play!

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:31 am 

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The more I play the more I feel like things are just poorly scripted. No offense to anyone, the fact that staff do this for free is admirable. I think PVM and PVP are incredibly far from balanced and there seems to be broken things in almost every facet of the game.

Way too much content has been added instead of that time just being spent balancing and fixing bugs. Ultima Online's charm is in it's nostalgia and simplicity. Balance and diversity are way more important than new flashy things.

In my opinion new stuff just takes away from nostalgia which is likely the reason people still play this game. I'm not saying everything was better in T3A, but there are a ton more issues now than there used to be. It's just a case of reckless design to keep adding new stuff without fixing bugs first.

It would take Echo a year straight no sleep to get close to fixing everything. I think it would take a few weeks to balance the client 12 years ago. Just my educated guess though.


Giorgio Armani

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:03 am 

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Way too much content has been added instead of that time just being spent balancing and fixing bugs. Ultima Online's charm is in it's nostalgia and simplicity. Balance and diversity are way more important than new flashy things.
I must +1 this

lol I see now... we don't change monster spawns to suit pkers who get owned by them, sorry.

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 11:54 am 
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Agreed. Help as been offered to them, but they act like it's such a top secret file that whoever sees the scripts will be killed.

The ONLY thing that is needed right now, is fixing the scripts. Not in-game decoration. And if they are too stubborn to add more staff to help script then all well, obsidian had a good run.

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:38 pm 

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Way too much content has been added instead of that time just being spent balancing and fixing bugs. Ultima Online's charm is in it's nostalgia and simplicity. Balance and diversity are way more important than new flashy things.

yeah brother, I agree

Murderer Mephisto [Cult]
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 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:55 am 

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Within the foreseeable future, each and every skill will be gone over with a fine toothed comb to weed out any bugs and or imbalances. Pvm seems to be fine, I haven't heard a complaint until I read this thread. Pvp on the other hand is always a tricky one. A lot of people want the t3a pvp and that's fine and grand but what made up that pvp? Just saying: "things are unbalanced" doesn't mean nothing without any kind of back up to it.

Easiest route to take is to explain what is out of whack and post a solution to it.

Example: I have gm poisoning on my warrior and when I throw a P pot, my enemy can cure it instantly when he heals with bandages. It makes me feel like i'm wasting my time making those deadly poison pots.

Solution: Make it so you can't instantly cure poisoning with bandages by making it essential to have cure potions on you or lower the reagent costs to make the potions.

That is only an example. I encourage you guys to at least follow that kind of formula when trying to break down bugs/imbalances.

With that, what are your guy's thoughts on Pvm? What is imbalanced about it?

Obsidian Staff - GM

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:17 pm 

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With that, what are your guy's thoughts on Pvm? What is imbalanced about it?
I have limited knowledge on the subject since I just started playing again recently and I don't have all characters to test things. From what I see all monsters are too strong and the intervals they hit for are far too random. Monsters seem to be balanced to poly mages, which makes any character without 300 STR a big problem. Can anything other than poly mages fight the top monsters in the game, can pure warriors even fight mid level monsters?

When I fight drakes, I can get hit for 50, 60, or 10. I can get hit for 200 HP in about 3 seconds, or I can go 15 seconds losing 100 hp. Some randomness is good, but it seems like everything is like 1-max completely random.

Monsters that poison are twice as good as their similar str counterparts, it's incredibly annoying to get poisoned on hit attacking poison elementals or w.e they are called. It would be fine if they were worth killing relative to easier elementals though.

The chances of lower monsters dropping ruin weapons appears to be about 10 times as likely as getting a force or better weapon. There is no point in making good weapons hard to find, warriors are already bad enough. On the note of rare drops, it's just boring only being able to get weapons and bad armor. It's useless for mages who are the only people hunting anyways. If you want to make PVM exciting completely overhaul the rare drop table. Get rid of the armor, and add some stuff that would make things exciting.

Some examples of potential rare drops (replacing typical weapon drops that would scale on a similar)- Bag of regs, shrunk mounts, large amount of gold (10,000 for ruin, 50,000 for force etc.) and you could even get crazy to have like a 1-500 chance of getting super rare items. I'm sure people could expand on this, but only having rare drops for warriors makes no sense to me.

I just think poly mages need to be nerfed, and therefore every monster in the game. I don't have a pure warrior, but from what I can tell healing with bandages fails about 20% of the time and the amount healed is less than a single hit from any real monster. Weapon damage needs to be increased across the board, watch two warriors fight right now and they are dealing absolutely no damage to each other. Archery does just as much damage on hit as any melee weapon, attacks faster, and at a range. Weapon damage just like everything else in the game is on a far too random interval, which on average greatly decreases the damage. 1-30 on hit is a hell of a lot worse than 15-30.

Does anyone hunt with anything other than poly mages?


Giorgio Armani

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:34 pm 

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With that, what are your guy's thoughts on Pvm? What is imbalanced about it?
I have limited knowledge on the subject since I just started playing again recently and I don't have all characters to test things. From what I see all monsters are too strong and the intervals they hit for are far too random. Monsters seem to be balanced to poly mages, which makes any character without 300 STR a big problem. Can anything other than poly mages fight the top monsters in the game, can pure warriors even fight mid level monsters?

When I fight drakes, I can get hit for 50, 60, or 10. I can get hit for 200 HP in about 3 seconds, or I can go 15 seconds losing 100 hp. Some randomness is good, but it seems like everything is like 1-max completely random.

Monsters that poison are twice as good as their similar str counterparts, it's incredibly annoying to get poisoned on hit attacking poison elementals or w.e they are called. It would be fine if they were worth killing relative to easier elementals though.

The chances of lower monsters dropping ruin weapons appears to be about 10 times as likely as getting a force or better weapon. There is no point in making good weapons hard to find, warriors are already bad enough. On the note of rare drops, it's just boring only being able to get weapons and bad armor. It's useless for mages who are the only people hunting anyways. If you want to make PVM exciting completely overhaul the rare drop table. Get rid of the armor, and add some stuff that would make things exciting.

Some examples of potential rare drops (replacing typical weapon drops that would scale on a similar)- Bag of regs, shrunk mounts, large amount of gold (10,000 for ruin, 50,000 for force etc.) and you could even get crazy to have like a 1-500 chance of getting super rare items. I'm sure people could expand on this, but only having rare drops for warriors makes no sense to me.

I just think poly mages need to be nerfed, and therefore every monster in the game. I don't have a pure warrior, but from what I can tell healing with bandages fails about 20% of the time and the amount healed is less than a single hit from any real monster. Weapon damage needs to be increased across the board, watch two warriors fight right now and they are dealing absolutely no damage to each other. Archery does just as much damage on hit as any melee weapon, attacks faster, and at a range. Weapon damage just like everything else in the game is on a far too random interval, which on average greatly decreases the damage. 1-30 on hit is a hell of a lot worse than 15-30.

Does anyone hunt with anything other than poly mages?
I kinda have to disagree with everything.

First of all if you want to hunt, don't expect to kill a higher end monster with a Warrior. Warriors are not made for hunting. Neither PvPing apparently.

So yes, if you want to hunt, get yourself a poly mage.

Monsters are ok right now, don't need to be nerfed.

Drops are ok also, kinda. The only annoying thing is getting all those armors and ruin weps. Like if you're hunting in destard, lately I've seen people living hundreds of Clockwork Guards around just because they were afraid to get a ruin drop out of their hunt.

As for armor drops I'm pretty sure everyone agrees and has been saying this for a long, long time. REMOVE THEM.

As for rare drops it would be cool to implement it, but maybe have them on some bosses like Bloody Mary that is almost impossible to kill solo.

Poly mages don't need to be nerfed.

But this is not the point at all.

PvM is actually pretty ok as it is, and really doesn't need any change as it is not in the priority of making things work and going.

Priority should be given to:
1) Char Creation
2) PvP
3) Races - And along races we should start recruiting again in the server.

I mean the whole point no one is playing right now, besides PvP being broke, especially on the warrior counterpart, is that there's no one to play with. Why play on an empty server? Doesn't make sense.

lol I see now... we don't change monster spawns to suit pkers who get owned by them, sorry.

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:34 pm 
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Uh oh, still dead. Haven't seen a single script fixed since bob fixed the last one. Oh, but wait, a tailor shop has recently been re-opened, thank god.

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 8:53 pm 

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Mustangs are *magically* disappearing out of my bank account as well.

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:38 pm 
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Not dead - sure I haven't updated you all on absolutely everything that we've been working on behind the scenes. I'll have an update up within a week to fill you all in though.

How about instead of whining posts from you both, you actually sit down and do some work on what's wrong, ideas on how to fix it, and generally just something positive instead of the tag teaming complaints?

Bob and I have both outlined the process for helping. If you don't want to follow that and help then just take a backseat and accept that we'll do things in our own time.

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:05 am 

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Not whining. just stating a fact is all.

I really dont plan on playing until this bugged is fixed

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 12:16 am 
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I have done the process, and it's been almost a month and I haven't gotten a reply. I had told you and bob almost a year ago when the skype convo started that I was ready and willing to help. You and bob both know I'm ready to help, but yet nothing is done about it. You simply ignore the fact that I know how to script and I can help, for reasons I do not know. Maybe you're scared the scripts will be copied, maybe you want me to help but bob doesn't? Who knows what goes on with you two.

The fact is, I've told you over 20 times I'm here to help script, and NOTHING has been done for me to help.

I'm not talking about making a stupid story for an in-game book, or public relations, etc. I want to help fix the stuff that everyone is posting about in the bugs section that pertains to scripting. I shouldn't have to spend over an hour sitting here writing out a resume on why I think I should help. I shouldn't have to sit and type a 5 paragraph story on why kills do not decay properly and how I believe I can fix it. Now, things that need balanced, I can understand that. But not the simple things like kill decay.

Tell me I can help, give me a script, I fix it, I test it, I give it back to you, YOU test it, YOU make sure that I'm not adding a secret script for me to cheat, you put it in the game.

That's it, now you have someone who can help, because having help is good. Helpers help. Helpers don't want to "try" and cheat on a 20 year old game with 1 player online.

You guys are way too damn paranoid, you added staff that can't even teleport or jail players, all they can do is type and hit enter.

 Post subject: Re: Uh oh
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:26 pm 

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You guys are way too damn paranoid, you added staff that can't even teleport or jail players, all they can do is type and hit enter.
+1 :roll:



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