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 Post subject: Forums back up, maybe
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 8:43 pm 
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Ok, so apparently what i fixed only lasted around 2 days before it borked again due to that infection re-asserting itself.
I have nuked out the forums and put us on the newest one and broadband upgraded the php version, so we should be set.

However we're stuck with this ugly new theme because our old one doesn't work.

But the game's still up, so I guess that's nice.
I apologize for the extended forum downtime, i had wondered why it was quiet but the infection was smart enough not to break admin logins so my test posts were still working. Kudos to Kraken for letting me know.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2018 3:28 pm 
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Cheers Bob!


PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 10:23 pm 
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Don't worry guys I fixed the forums 7 months later! All hail lord bob.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 1:27 pm 
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Psh at least use an updated picture, my hair's like 2 feet by now.

Glad to see you're still around apoc, pity we can't focus that energy into actually being productive. :P

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:27 pm 
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Lol, heaven forbid you actually acknowledge or use any of the work I did for obsidian. And if you hadn't blocked me on basically everything I could have gotten a better picture, I'm sure you look like even more of a fruit cake with long hair.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 2:37 pm 
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First off, you know I don't block people, and i've proven it many times over, so you might try a better excuse. You still have my skype, and it still works.
Hell the fact that you're on here is obvious enough. :)

When we extended the branch for you to be helpful, you put in a lot of effort on things that weren't on the list, and refused to work on the stuff that was on the list, citing boredom and annoyance. You complained you didn't get everything on day 1 and the few works you did (which were cited in changelog) were pulling teeth and took more time than if we had to do them ourselves.

Which isn't exactly unusual, its a thankless job and there's a huge training time to learn new systems. Problem is you gotta work through the crap and learn the systems before you can start doing the fun work of upgrades and changes, or else you have unintended consequences.

it's the reason echo's wasted months of his own time trying to train up three seperate groups of new people, with a 80%+ attrition rate, which to his credit is below obsidian's historical average of 92%. It's the reason i've wasted months of my time back when i did it, and the reason there are many Counci and Seer graves in the admin area, because its not a job you can do if you don't love the ever loving crap out of it and can stand the monotony and annoyance.

I've said it before, and i'll say it again. There's work to be done and i've been more than willing to hand over the reigns to anyone who gets it done. The problem is the work to be done is not what people -want- to work on, so it never gets done.

You're not the first to fail the above test, and you're probably not going to be the last, and I don't hold it against you that you did. No sane person with other prioties in life should pass it.

I regret I don't have the time to truly sink in to revive obsidian, but I can at least sink in a couple hours a month to keep it running for the dozen or so people who still play, and for those who want to pop in every once in a while to walk down memory lane. Admittedly spring is my busy season and with the new job i hadn't really had the time to do much more than ensure the server itself stays up, so when i finally got things slowing down spending 8 hours fixing the site and getting forums back up was my priority.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 4:42 pm 
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You spout the same crap every time i talk about this. I helped with numerous things that were not added to the changelog. I completed them within days (after going through whoever's shitting scripting it was and fixing all the errors and dupe coding). I completed everything echo handed to me until he had nothing else. He then started asking me how to patch mul's and animations for some new armor and mobs he wanted to add (that sounds like something that needs to be done right?).

You had echo scripting for you and he barely knows what he's doing.

And I never complained I didn't "get everything" on day one. Why do you lie about all these tiny details? Why must you try to act like you're never wrong and everything you do is right? When people help, you shoot them down like what they worked on was worthless and they're just a dumb ass who could never possibly understand the hardships of running a uo server.

And no, you are in no way shape or form willing to "hand the reigns" over to anyone. That would give someone else the power and you can't have that. So you act like there are system's that have to be studied over many years just to be able to handle scripting.

Anyways, I've said all this numerous times and you continue to say the same shit as you always have.

If you didn't block me on facebook then what's your name buddy? Would love to add ya!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 7:51 am 

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Can't we all just get along? :twisted:

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 1:40 pm 
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Nice this update reset my password back to normal im able to log on now! For some reason it wouldent let me log in with it in previous forums

A non-bob gm who shall remain nameless did it!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 10:47 pm 
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Seriously buddy, what's your facebook? Would love to chat with ya on messenger!

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