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 Post subject: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:58 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 20, 2009 3:28 am
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Here are my opinions for pvp and what i see on the new system:

1. Poison potts: missing them is annoying actually ppl can miss them so easily.
--- poison potts should fizzle spells from the first target or just have a high chance.
--- what about increasing the time speed of the cure spell.. and prevent mages of healing while they are poisoned.. so mages will have to cure first.

2. PETS PETS.. thanks to Bob for making delays between each summon and making a new controling system.. but ppl still spam them specially tamers.. i think strong pets should have more slots.

ill post more when i remember.



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 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:07 pm 

Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 7:36 pm
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I like the new poison system, and I know a few of you are going to say its not like in t3a,but think of this: Hunters and gatherers lived fine by hunting and gathering. Then farmers came along and said you guys should farm and they answered NO way! its to much effort to get use to having to farm, it worked well why change it? The farmers then answered yes, you can live you're life like this, but you'll have to keep moving every time you run out of food or face a problem(bugs). The world must go on, wouldn't you rather know that tomorrow you will have no problems.You will have food.

I'm trying to say that the process of creating and adapting is difficult, but it is worth it. Yes, a few of you liked for what is was, but some of us like it for what it is becoming. Nothing can please everyone, but the idea is to have a perfectly balanced system where possibility exists and so this game isn't focused around one build of a character. I hate it when I see old pvpers, who come and say mages suck now, they're not like before. So what, Maher is still beating most players on this shard and so is Fury. Two mages. Funny eh. Anyways I like it and I really appreciate what Bob is doing. Make it fun for everyone, not for the few who gmed the predesigned skills.

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 8:49 pm 
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But if you read what maher is saying there is 1 strong build now and it is a tamer. A tamer with magery can spam all kinds of animals with no limit. So how is that better?

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 3:23 am 

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Here are my opinions for pvp and what i see on the new system:

1. Poison potts: missing them is annoying actually ppl can miss them so easily.
--- poison potts should fizzle spells from the first target or just have a high chance.
--- what about increasing the time speed of the cure spell.. and prevent mages of healing while they are poisoned.. so mages will have to cure first.

2. PETS PETS.. thanks to Bob for making delays between each summon and making a new controling system.. but ppl still spam them specially tamers.. i think strong pets should have more slots.

ill post more when i remember.
I would agree with maher about some issues with poison pots but:

Maybe you could just reduce the chance of missing having a low magery:

for egs

Poison pots are not really the thing if you have a mage, you would use the poison spell more rather than throwing pots so lets say if you want to balance the thing you could do like:
if you have 30% magery you get a 15% chance of missing target when poisoning and so on (other egs are like 100% magery = 60% chance of missing target with pot/0% magery 0% chance of missing) so that warriors will be able to poison more frequently with pots

the fizzle thing was cool in t3a but, a 100% fail when hit by a p pot just sucks. Balance the thing between melee and p pot fizzling so that u can have both chances to fail a spell but not that high.

and yea, the cannot heal with magery when poisoned thing like in the old system was cool.

about PETS:

Tamer spam is just not right. How about reducing the animals slot to 3, including your ride and summoned/unshrinked pets? So that if there is no delay lets say you are a tamer and you can spam 3 bears in a row, (but then it would be 2 if you don't want to walk and want to be on a ride) but then u'll have to wait till one of the 3 pets dies so that you can summon another?

lol I see now... we don't change monster spawns to suit pkers who get owned by them, sorry.

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:53 am 
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I made a tamer/mage and i hve to say i love going hunting with him and summoning alot o bears. But i realize that is way overpowered for pvp. I think its odd that anyone could drop as mnay bears as they wanted before and there wasnt a prob.and i never really saw bear

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 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:01 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:01 pm
Posts: 597
Well what i find is that it bears are more needed now as everyone heals so well, can't do enough damage without them but it is overpowered right now. I agree with Maher in having the old poison/magery system where you couldn't heal if poisoned and that stonger animals should take up more slots in addition to having number of slots reduced to 4 max. 25% animal lore = 1 slot.


 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:16 pm 

Joined: Sat Oct 28, 2006 8:33 pm
Posts: 1287
Bear wars = Uber lame.
And its not even the tamers, warriors and mages with like 40 animal lore that can have even just 2-3 bears just keep pumping them out. And yeah i use bears too but thats because if you dont you're pretty much f*****. In my opinion the PvP system was really coming together nicely but then this whole animal lore/taming system came in.

I dont wan't bears to be taken away, so maybe theres a way to nerf them? Maybe they could do a lot less dmg, but more consistantly, and a LOT less chance to fizzle (being cornered on a mage without being able to heal = fail)
Or maybe base their stats on the characters taming?
Just a few suggestions.
I think its odd that anyone could drop as mnay bears as they wanted before and there wasnt a prob.and i never really saw bear
I was thinking the same earlier lol

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:40 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:01 pm
Posts: 597
I think this is what needs to be done
- 25% animal lore would be 1 animal slot (or 33% animal lore = 1 slot)
- Silver snakes and animals of near or equal strength take 2 slots
- Mounts are excluded from animal slot
- Spell casting speeds should be as they were in T3A
- Have it so being poisoned forbids you from healing via magery until cured

By having spell speeds increased there will be more variety in spells aswell and i feel spellcasting was better then. If poisoning a mage was to disable magery healing it would make up for the increased casting speeds. Damage output would then be increased making it so less animals are necessary to do enough damage to win a fight and by lowering the cap we would avoid animal spamming.


 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:45 pm 

Joined: Tue Jan 30, 2007 4:01 pm
Posts: 597
Later i found a problem to this. Poison clouds would have to be reduced or put the poison system back to how it was. This is because if mages were to be trapped they would be f*****.


 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Sat Feb 20, 2010 7:38 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:09 pm
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i agree.
I will post my idea, but im not sure if it is neat or not.
i like the idea that to control an animal, u should have 20 animal lore or 25 taming, what if that only works for wood elves? i think wood elves are neat for tamers.. and most of tamers are wood elves.

then we make it like if ur not a wood elf, you'll need more animal lore and taming like 40/50 animal lore/taming.

what do you think?

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:09 pm 
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i've personally recommended after playtesting that mage / warrior characters have restrictions on the ability to summon


GM mage = 0 bears
80 magery = 1 bear
60 magery = 2 bears
40 magery = 3 bears
20 magery = 4 bears

just as an example

I can't see any reason why GM warriors or GM mages need summonable pets, at all. It simply unbalances PvP.

It's no different from turning round in WoW and saying that Ret Paladins and Mages can suddenly have a hunter pet, too.

It also makes bear spam the 'winmode' of Obsidian. It shouldn't be that PvP in the entire game is based on who has bears and who hasn't.

"Blessed are the noobs, for they shall inherit Obsidian" - Thassius

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 5:20 pm 

Joined: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:09 pm
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magery is fine now, bob enabled mages to control an animal cus they got a summoning spell.
and its like that now:
30 magery/necro = 1 animal
60 magery/necro = 1 animal
90 magery/necro = 1 animal
200 magery/necro = 1 animal

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:26 pm 
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magery is fine now, bob enabled mages to control an animal cus they got a summoning spell.
and its like that now:
30 magery/necro = 1 animal
60 magery/necro = 1 animal
90 magery/necro = 1 animal
200 magery/necro = 1 animal

But if you add animal lore or taming to that isn't it that you can have way more.

If it were up to me only tamer classes should be able to control more than 1 animal. The more taming and animal lore you have the more animals you can control. Any fighting skill or magery should be a penalty on the number of animals not a bonus. And summons should be down to 1 period. Lets get pvp back to timing and skill rather than who can control the most animals. Go on any run uo shard and you will know in about 10 minutes that battle tamers are GAY!!!!!!

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:23 am 

Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:23 am
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Perhaps a simple casting delay would suffice.

Maybe 30 seconds per summoned animal and 60 seconds for a shrunken animal...or 60 for both.

Also make it:

0 Animal Lore: 1 ride
25 Animal Lore: 1 pet
50 Animal Lore: 2 pets
70 Animal Lore: 3 pets
100 Animal Lore: Max pets

Could also re-activate enticement, I think it is. Whatever skill it is that can make an animal turn on someone.

You could also make certain animals always attack all red players. Examples: bears and serpents. This means that if a red summons a bear, it will attack them unless they are attacking another red...then chances are 50-50.
This would prevent people from using bears for PK all the time.

Another option is to drop fame of the player using bears for combat...when your pet does a certain amount of damage-perhaps 30% or more-then you lose a whole heck of alot of fame or karma. This would mean that they would lose fame and go red much faster.

So there area few options that could work....more deterants I suppose.

 Post subject: Re: PVP system!!
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 1:35 pm 

Joined: Fri Dec 15, 2006 11:23 am
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One thing I am not so happy about is the fact that if you choose a race you must also choose between bow and melee weps. You either use a bow and no other weps or you use other weps and no bow. Perhaps this could be changed and rebalanced in another way...maybe remove polearms from what a warrior can use and add the bow. For ranger, perhaps add one handed swords or fencing weps.
Without bow, you will see almost no warriors as a race character...

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